
How's The Arm?

Inside his room, a grounded Gabriel was currently playing around with a plastic ball while from his shoulder, a gooey face of a monster was twirling around inside the room with a stupid grin on his scary face.

<Squeek~> <Squeek~>

Gabriel squeezed the ball for a bit before he threw it at the wall, only for the ball to bounce back at Gabriel, whom successfully caught it in the air before he lazily threw the ball towards the wall once again.

While Gabriel was throwing the ball towards the wall and catching it after it bounced back, with a bored expression, Venom was in a world of his own as he twirled around the room while playing around with the black goop with a stupid grin on his face. Sometimes he would mumble intimidating speeches while making a horrifying face or start to sing multiple songs but end them halfway, while sometimes he would just roam around the room with a carefree expression.





This procedure went on for a good 30 minutes or so, until Gabriel finally snapped out of boredom.

"Ugh, I cannot take this any longer~!"

After a bit of bouncing and twirling, Gabriel finally concluded that he could not sit around and do nothing while time passed by.

Gabriel then caught the incoming plastic ball mid-air, before throwing it accurately at Venom's head, causing a <Boink!> to come out.

[Hmm?] Venom let out a curious grumble as he turned around to see a bored Gabriel looking back at him with lazy eyes.

Venom raised his brows as he came closer at Gabriel, before asking; [What's the matter, Gabriel?]

As reply, Gabriel gave a tired sigh before he spoke; "It's nothing... just.. that I'm getting bored to death in here... There's literally nothing fun to do!"

After hearing Gabriel's problem, Venom looks down for a second as he thinks, before he looks back up before asking with a smile; [Well, why don't you pass time by talking to me?]

"We literally speak all the time, how's that gonna help in relieving my boredom at all?!" Gabriel said as he leaned back on his bed.

Hearing Gabriel's grumbles, Venom turned his gaze downwards once again for a bit, until he exclaimed in realization before he twisted towards an mp3 which was lying around the table.

Black substance dripped out from Venom's gooey head and oozed onto the mp3 player, before Venom turned around and twisted back towards Gabriel, with an mp3 player in tow.

[Well, how about this~?] Venom asked with a "happy" smile as he dangled the mp3 player in front of Gabriel's face.

Gabriel deeply stared at the mp3 player with the concentrated eyes of a skilled detective, before he grabbed the mp3 player and said; "I'll take it, but still not in the mood to listen to music."

Hearing what Gabriel said, Venom's "happy" smile turned into an annoyed expression as he started to grumble while he coiled around Gabriel.

While coiling around, Venom asked; [Then.. how about we play 'No More Heroes'?] in a grumbling tone.

Gabriel looked back with an excited expression, before his excited smile turned into a frown as he spoke; "We can't play 'No More Heroes', It's a single player game!"

[No no, you see, I play first. Then, you play and try to beat my score...]

Gabriel stood still for a bit, before he frowned once again.

[What is it now?] Seeing Gabriel's expression, Venom asked.

"Did you forget that previous week, May took the Wii from us and told us that we were not allowed to play it for a month?" Gabriel answered in a grumbling tone as he struggled to untie the earbuds.

[Oh shit, you're right... wait, you forgot about it too!! ..Damn it, It's all because of your lazy and carefree attitude!] his eyes opened up as Venom exclaimed in realization, before he started to blame Gabriel for the incident.

Venom's grumblings and accusations only served to bore and annoy Gabriel even further as he lifted his hands up and said; "Alright alright, just can it pal!.. Yes I played "No More Heroes" while I ditched school. Am I proud of it? Yes. Do I feel regret? No, the game was damn amazing. So quit your whining and think of ways to get rid of this goddamn boredom!"

[Wha?! Why the damn hell am I supposed to relieve your boredom anyways, you shit?!?] Venom spoke as his face took a shocked expression, which quickly turned ugly before he slowly coiled towards Gabriel's angry face.

"...Who you callin' shit, YA TURD?!" Gabriel spoke in a hoarse tone as he pressed his head onto Venom's gooey face.

[OF COURSE, I'M CALLING YOU THE SHIT, YOU SHITHEAD!.. YOU DUMB FUCKING IDIOT!! IIIDIOT~ IIIIDIIIIOOOT~ BLEEERG~ IIIDIIOOOOT~] Venom started to shout out before he started insulting Gabriel while his long tongue coiled around, in an attempt to agitate Gabriel even further.

"SHUT THE FUCK UP, YA FUCKING BLOB!!!" Gabriel shouted in anger as his pupils shrank in rage, before he threw himself onto Venom's head and his tall, slim, and goopy neck!

[GUUuaAaERGH?!] Venom screamed in surprise as he and Gabriel fell down from their bed.


"WHO YOU CALLING IDIOT, YOU BLOBBY TURD?!" Gabriel roared in a hoarse tone as he harshly held Venom's head.

[B-blob?.. BLOB?! YOU SHITHEAD DARE TO CALL ME A FUCKING BLOB?!? I'LL FUCKING END YOU!!!] Venom screeched in rage as he suddenly coiled around Gabriel and <BHANG> headbutted him harshly.

"GUHHEARGH!" Gabriel's head arched back as he grumbled in pain.

"..you fUCKING GOOP FACED SHITFUCK!!" Gabriel started to utter something, which soon turned into loud and gibberish insults as he suddenly flung his head back down at Venom's goopy face, causing a second headbutt to be struck between the two.


[AAaArGH!.. T-that huRT YOU SHIT!!] Venom grumbled in pain as his head arched back before it slowly rose back to it's initial place.

The two stared at each other with angry expressions, before a sudden voice caused them to exclaim and turn around;


Hearing the voice, Gabriel and Venom quickly look at each other before they achieve a silent agreement.

"We- I'M ALRIGHT, POPS!" Gabriel shouted back at Ben.

Gabriel then relaxed his muscles and fell back on the ground with a tired expression.

[Your idiocy almost got us caught, Gabriel. Be grateful that they were watching TV, otherwise there would be no way that they wouldn't hear your petty screams.] Venom spoke in a low tone.

Hearing this, Gabriel quickly rose up from the ground and looked at Venom with offended eyes as he spoke; "Dude, you serious?! You're the one who started the fight, yet you pin it on me?!"

Venom: [...]

Venom and Gabriel stared at each other for a bit, until they both sighed in acceptance.

Gabriel slowly got up from the ground and walked towards his bed, while Venom watched Gabriel in a curious manner.

Gabriel then reached towards his bed and twisted his arm around a bit, until he finally found what he was searching for.

"Aha!" Gabriel exclaimed in delight as he pulled his arm back, with an mp3 player in his hand.

Watching his partner adjust the mp3 player, Venom could not help but curiously ask;

[What are you planning now?]

Gabriel looked back at Venom with an amused grin as he said;

"Something we should have done from the beginning. Sneak out!"

Hearing what Gabriel had in his mind, Venom was initially disappointed. But soon, a sense of excitement ran through him, as he started to grin uncontrollably.

[Mask?] Venom asked in a sinister tone.

Gabriel simply shook his head sideways before he spoke; "No need. Besides, if someone were to see us exit the house with our other face, they might turn into a real nuisance."

[I see... Then we better suit up.] Venom said as black tendrils rose out from multiple parts of Gabriel's body.

The tendrils coiled around as they bulged and contorted in different shapes, only to end up being transformed into an attire which was similar to the one which was worn by "Travis Touchdown", including the cool glasses (in order to somewhat hide face). The outfit has the same red leather coat, but instead of a t-shirt, Gabriel is wearing a black tank top, which reveals his shredded muscles. And instead of the weird belt, Gabriel is wearing a standard grayish black belt with a skull emblem at the front.

Gabriel suddenly notices the change of cloth, and starts to inspect his clothes in front of the mirror.

"Oh-o-ho man, now THIS is awesome!" Gabriel compliments the clothes as he checks himself out, before finally moving towards the window.

[Count it as an apology gift for our fight.] Venom grumbled in a hoarse tone.

"Oh pal, you are SO forgiven!" Gabriel said in a satisfied tone as he opened up his arms.

Gabriel then looked back towards the mirror and stared at himself, only for him to suddenly slick his spiky hair backwards.

[...Yuck, are you kidding me? Please change your hair back to normal.] Venom notices this and comments on Gabriel's ridiculous choice of style.

Gabriel only gave a playful smirk as he moved towards the window, before slooowly opening it...


Gabriel then stealthily snuck out of his room and slowly closed the window. He then took it slow and slid down from the roof, and onto the ground.


After a solid landing which caused his hair to turn back into it's old style, Gabriel brushed his clothes before he merrily continued to walk away from his house.

Gabriel had no worries about being found, as May and Ben were supposed to go out and meet up with one of their friends, while Peter would be cramped up inside his makeshift laboratory.

Worst case scenario, Peter would find out that he was missing, which was not that big of a deal, considering that Peter would probably not rat him out to May and Ben.

Having these thoughts in mind, Gabriel strolled around the streets of Queens with a happy smirk.











"Afd Fhaf ish whay we wow't bwcom o hro. (And that is why we won't become a hero.)" Gabriel spoke in gibberish as he happily ate his ice cream bar.

[Mhm, I think I understand... So what you're complaining about is that becoming a hero's way too bothersome and that it has no great upside when it's compared to what we normally do?] Venom asked.

"Ywp! If's lyfe wuru doung ut fruustwlu, unstod uf boung bwnd by wthcs n lws! (Yup! It's like were doing it freestyle, instead of being bound by ethics and laws!)" Gabriel proudly answered as he gulped down the rest of the ice cream bar right down his stomach, leaving a thin, wooden stick on his hand, which Gabriel casually flings away.

[<Yawn~> Anyways, It's nice to have these small discussions with you from time to time, but I think that your boredom actually got passed onto me, because I'm craving for some action right now.] Venom told Gabriel, in a tired and hoarse voice, which had a tinge of anticipation inside it.

"I know, I know. But relax, this is New York we're talking about, we're bound to find something interesting if we just goooo~ right THIS way~!" Gabriel spoke in a cooling manner, before he wiggled his finger around and suddenly pointed at an alleyway besides them. As Gabriel pointed towards the alleyway, one of his feet were high above the air, while the other was standing on the ground, he did a quick turn and started to walk towards the alleyway.

[Kehkeh, can't argue with that logic...] Venom spoke with a cackle, before going silent with anticipation once again.










After entering the alleyway, Gabriel started to walk around the backstreets, while occasionally entering and exiting other alleyways, gradually getting closer to places where less and less people are seen active...

Then suddenly, when Gabriel takes a turn to enter the next alleyway, a man is thrown towards the trash can which was next to him!


The man crashed into the trash can, which caused a huge cranging noise to come out! The man that was thrown towards the trash can was in a really bad shape, as his bloodied clothes were full of claw marks, while there was a handful of scars on the man's body.

Seeing the scene which was unfolding before him, Gabriel gave a satisfied Grin; "See, I told you that we'd find something interesting." before he told Venom that he was right.

Venom did not reply, as the two of them watched while the man which was thrown at the trash can quickly got up and harshly walked towards another man that seems to be standing at the end of the alleyway.

The man who got thrown at the trash can had black, spiky hair which was slicked back. The man was wearing a white undershirt (tank top) with dark blue jeans and brown boots, while the other man had short hair with yellowish brown color. The other man was wearing a black coat which had a bit of fur, with black pants and light black boots.

Both of the men had seemed to notice Gabriel, but after a single glance, the men did not even bother to look at him for a single more time. It seemed that either the men did not care about Gabriel being there, or they thought that he would quickly take his leave after seeing the marks of the fight between them.

While the man who got thrown towards the trash can was walking towards the other man who threw him, three metallic claws suddenly came out from his knuckles, causing the other man to smirk in satisfaction, while causing Gabriel's eyes to widen due to the sudden appearance of the metallic claws.

Due to Gabriel being surprised by the metallic claws, he did not seem to notice that the other man across the alleyway had opened his palms, and was in the middle of transforming his nails into claws.

<Pchu> <Pchu~>

Before the man with metallic claws could do anything else, the other man whom looked like "Victor Creed" quickly dashed forwards at an inhuman speed and impaled the man with the metallic claws with his normal claws!

"AAARGH!" The man with the metallic claws howled in pain, but before he could do anything else, the man who pierced his chest quickly threw him towards Gabriel!

[Watch out, It's coming right for us.] Venom warned in a carefree manner.

"Yup." Gabriel simply said, while he silently stood in his initial place with a carefree expression.

Before Venom could do or say anything else, the man with metallic claws harshly struck Gabriel, causing both of them to get ragdoll backwards until they crashed at the wall of a building!

The man with the metallic claws grumbled in pain and annoyance, before sparing a sad gaze at Gabriel, who had heavily injured his chest in a fatal way.

Due to his own blood, the man with the metallic claws could not notice Gabriel's unique scent, and the black goop that was oozing out of him instead of blood.

The man wanted to help Gabriel, but before he could do anything else, a blue smoke suddenly puffed next to the man, and inside the smoke, a blue man suddenly appeared next to the man!

Before the man with the metallic claws could say anything else, the blue man quickly held his arm and poofed out of the alleyway with a blue smoke!

[...You were right, this IS pretty interesting.] Venom said in an amused and surprised tone while he was spectating the sudden turns of events.

Gabriel only grumbled in approval and pain, before his whole body turned into black goop and started to contort, creating a shredded and muscular form.

["Aaah, this is much better~"] Gabriel grunted in pleasure as He used the black substance to slowly push him up to his feet.

The sudden appearance of the creature made out of black substance caused the man in black to growl in a threatening tone while he took a step back as he sharpened up his claws in a fighting stance

[Yeah, but why didn't we do THIS in the first place? We could have easily taken both of them!] Venom asked curiously and impatiently.

["Because, we don't need any unnecessary people knowing about our identity right now. We were far too late to transform, and I had a hunch that If we were to transform, we would still not be able to keep the both of them from escaping without drawing attention to ourselves. Plus, my theory turned out to be true when the blue man suddenly appeared and disappeared along with the bearded man."] Gabriel explained his thought to Venom by using the tone of a smartass, while the man with the claws was still being wary of the black creature in front of him. (P.S. Sabertooth was too far away from Gabriel to see his face + the glasses were helpful.)

[Whatever. The way I see it right now, is that all we need to do is focus on eating this guy!] Venom spoke in a hoarse tone, which was full of hunger and anticipation.

["That's right pal, and from the looks of it, he doesn't look like your ordinary boring homeless mojo."] Gabriel spoke in a sinister voice full of bloodlust, before he started to walk towards the man in front of him.

"GRRRRAAH, Damn it, I've had enough! Each and every one of you pesky meat bags keep interfering in our fight!!" The man growled in anger as he also started to run towards Venom.

The man leaped towards Venom and aimed at his neck for a deadly slice! The man's claws cleaved through Venom's neck, but only halfway, as his claws couldn't sink in any further due to their lost agility and the sticky goop that was sticking itself onto the claw itself.

Before the man could do anything else, Venom quickly grabbed him in the head, while his own throat was quickly healed due to the black substance's sticky and gooey nature.

Seeing Venom survive such an attack with little to no reaction, along with his visible "healing" abilities which were faster than Wolverine, the man exclaimed in shock before <SLAAAAM!> he was harshly slammed onto the hard ground!

The man roared in pain, but it did not last long as he quickly turned around to see the state of his arm, only to witness that most of it was already covered by some gooey substance, and the black goop was moving forwards at a visible rate!

"W-WHAT?!?" The man roared in shock as he tried to pull his arm out of the black substance that was pulling it into Venom's body.

["Kehkeh.. Meat bags? That's a nice one indeed..."]

While the man was struggling, he finally heard the ominous voice of the monstrosity which he was currently fighting.

"D-damn it! I... need to get out of here!" The man spoke in a tired tone as he weighed his options... until...



Until the man suddenly used his free claw to cut out his whole arm!

This act caused Venom's mouth and eyes to open in shock, while the man held his recovering wound as he began to quickly flee the scene!

"Mark my words, you monster! I'll pay you back for this humiliation one day!!" The man roared in anger as he quickly disappeared from the alleyway.

With a twisting tongue and an open mouth, Venom simply remained at his initial position as he stared towards the direction where the man had ran off.

["Pfft, for sure... smartass!" Gabriel spoke in a mocking tone as he transformed back at his normal form.

[Keheeheahah, this was pretty exciting indeed! Man~ you were right about sneaking out of the house, It's the best!] Venom spoke in an ecstatic tone as he enjoyed the feeling of rush and adventure he had just experienced.

"I know right? Did you see the part where the man suddenly busted out some metallic claws?! It was so sudden!"

[Oh please, the best part was the time where caught that bastard mid-air! You saw the look on his face when he realized that he was fucked, didn't you?!]

"Yeah, but the most weird part was that blue dude..."







Gabriel and Venom discussed and argued about the sudden events that had happened, until they finished their discussion when Venom pointed out;

[So, Gabriel... What do we do with this arm?]


LordAinzSamacreators' thoughts