

I just came back home, and a sudden idea struck me!!

I was just wondered what you readers were thinking about this novel, and then suddenly I thought about other novels which did a Q n A!

So yeh, here's the QnA section



Author enters the spotlight...

Author: "Ahhem... so I've been wondering; how do I look like I'm not lazy while I continue being lazy... And the solution is that thing called QnA which almost every Author doe-

"Cuuut!!" A harsh and mysterious voice rings across the dark room.

Author: "W-what?... What do you mean by ''Cut''? In fact, who the hell are you?!"

Director: "I'm the director created by your imagination. Anyways, take two you laZY FACK! Now do a proper QnA introduction!!"

Author: "<Gulp>... umm, alright man, no need to be harsh... <Ahem>... So, I have been wondering if any of my readers have parts of the story which they did not understand, or possible questions about this novel, my other novels, or about me in general. Then suddenly I had an idea about making a QnA! And I made one, yeh.

So feel free to ask me anything you want, and I'll answer to each of your questions down at the comments section!

Also, tomorrow = chapter confirmed!!


LordAinzSamacreators' thoughts