

A shrewd college student couldn't stand the influence of his roommates when he went through financial plights and later joined hands with them to sell drugs on campus.

TheAfricanTale · Others
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7 Chs


At the University he met Cole, Dave, and Albert as his roommates. The three boys appeared to have something in common that the boy found creepy.

"Are you guys from the city? " he asked

"Heay orb " said Dave,

" ew, emoc morf eht ytic" Albert added,

Peter was stricken dumb with the type of

the dialect they used.

"I can't hear a word, " he said,

"Ouy deen ot eb tarms ," said Cole.

They laughed when they realized he couldn't understand their secret dialect.

" This is the best way to communicate in a place like this, it keeps our conversation secured ". Cole uttered,

They spoke their secret dialect so fast that a stranger couldn't hear a word. Their secret dialect consists of English words misspelled

The three wore designer clothes and sneakers for their first lectures whilst Peter put on his normal church clothes, he loved those apparel and the sneakers were so nice that one could hardly set his eyes off them.

"The University has demons" He muttered.

After spending 5 days with them in the hostel he started to communicate in the secret dialect the boys used, it was the only way he could talk with them.

He became anxious about the use of secret dialect in a big school like this.

Weeks passed and his commodities got finished,

"This is my first time in a place far from home, my first time depending on the foods I choose to eat it's not easy mum," the boy told his mum via WhatsApp call.

" Man must learn how to live and survive on his own, you are a man now my son keep it in mind that no one stays forever" She uttered.

He told her about his friends and how uncomfortable it was for him to focus on his studies. Auntie Becky promised to get him a new hostel room.

A month passed and things remained the same,

"Sometimes you need to go through the worse to get to the best".

He motivated himself with his mother's quotes. His friends showed concern and started to worry about the boy because his condition worsened when his mother failed to send him money for food and books.

He started growing lean.

" What is it therbro ?" Albert asked,

"Man dey lose weight and looks

depressed" Dave

" Weight lost kum Depressed equal to early grave yaro" Cole (yaro means chap)

" therbro let's go get pizza " Cole uttered in a funny way to make him giggle.

They sent him to the pizza joint on campus to have dinner.