

A shrewd college student couldn't stand the influence of his roommates when he went through financial plights and later joined hands with them to sell drugs on campus.

TheAfricanTale · Others
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7 Chs


"God bless you for covering my tuition and hostel fees. I have missed talking to you, dad. Promise I will continue reading my books to make you proud "

he muttered as he stared at his father's picture placed in his room.

His tuition fees were paid by his mother yet the truth about the source of money was hidden from the boy, Auntie Becky didn't want him to know the financial problems she was going through after withdrawing her last savings to pay his tuition fees.

She decided to visit her brother for financial assistance

"A lot was said because I wanted my nephew to feel proud of us " He uttered

"You should tell him the truth about your finances and his father Becky, I know it's hard but he will get over it " He continued,

" No I can't do that now, I don't want him to think about the impossibility, it would stop him from reading his books" she replied,

" Okay, then what are you going to do now tell me?" He asked

"I have the feeling that my husband is alive, he might lose contact with us, I will visit his family once again when Peter leaves for school to discuss this issue with them" she replied

" That's a good plan, but what if he's gone forever tell me the plan B for Peter's funds" He added

She glared at him and uttered

" This is the tenth time you've failed us, you should rather seek a plan B to help your nephew"

. The two ended their conversation and departed without a goodbye.