
Watched By A Night Eye (WBANE)

Rory had a feeling of his every move being watched. Turns out to be true that he was actually being watched by something epic. He found out from his watchman that he has the said epic powers called Night Eye so he was recruited to where he belong, leaving everything he has and forsaking everyone he knew and down to his new world...the underground He learnt more of his epic self after facing so much from all sides, being bullied, forsaken, dejected from all sides. He found out many secrets about the undergrounnd and all their scheme. He went back to the forsaken surface of Veroz to save it from the hands of the Underground. He wasn't alone as he formed alliance with his friends on the outer surface and with the mission....to destroy the underground and to save Veroz. A Story of Love, Dejection, Rivalry, Sadness, and Secrets....Read More. P.S...this book WBANE is entwined with my other books SUPERNATURALs and The Witches Of Avalon. Read along for better understanding.

Adams_SDA · Others
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4 days ago

Helen and Ben were still cuddling under the fluffy blanket. They were watching a movie marathon and when they finished, she went up to check on Rory.

"Rory, are you in there?" She called out but got no response. She knocked once again and she got no response. She assumed he was asleep so she left his doors for a while. She went downstairs to the kitchen to tidy it up. She picked up the rest eggs in the crates and place them in the cabinet and right there, her husband came to meet her. He wrapped his hands and dragged her to himself. She chuckled to his actions and he began kissing her neck.


"I can't resist baby, I want you" he said hungrily.

"Okay just know that we have a child in this house"

"Rory? Come on babe. Because of a tiny boy I can't have you?"

"He isn't tiny. Just see the best in him. "

"Urghh. Fine. At least wait till I clear up this mess you made"

"Rory will come clear it. Let's have this day to ourselves."

"He's asleep and I don't want to disturb him. He had a long day."

"C'mon, you wanna punish me today being our anniversary"

"Don't go on crying. Let me just lock the back door and I'll join you"

"I'll go prepare the bed. Meet you in 5"

Ben dashed off to prepare the bed for an exquisite moment of coitus. Helen just smiled but it was a faint one. "It still doesn't change our childlessness" She thought inwardly. She proceeded placing the rest groceries to their various compartments. After being done with the packaging wiping and cleaning, she went to the sink scrolling on the tap to wash her hands taking a shot glance outside to see something lying on the floor.

She opened the door leading to the garage and stepping to the lying object.

"I did ask Rory to throw this out didn't I?" She asked but got no response.

"Jeez" She exhaled sharply taking the trash, putting it in it's right place. She dusted off her hands and approached back inside. She headed to her room, amazed beautifully at what she saw. There were red rose petals lying everywhere with a deem candles to show the lightings.

"Does this night never ends?"

"I wish it wouldn't. I'm ready for you" Ben said now putting off the robe off his body to reveal his mascular muscles with a well appropriate six packs which were really hard and already, his erections were already at the peak.

"So you were fantasizing already?"

"Yeah, now to show you what I've been fantasizing all day long." He dragged her like an hungry lion ready to devour it's prey. He didn't give her a resting minutes. He kissed her, taking all her breaths and judging what she wore by ripping it all apart. He was full of so much adrenaline. Soon enough, they were on the bed making so much love and moans of what they've never had before. This night was exceptional for them.

The next morning was dawned. Helen got up as usual to prepare for her job. Despite having so much of an adventure last night, she was still agile for a usual morning at work. She prepared her dress after taking her bath. Ben woke up in this process giving a begging look.

"Don't give me that look Ben. Not today." She replied to his looks

"Just one more"

"I have to work Ben."

"Can't you just take a day off, or even a week off?"

"I'm not my own boss." She went by his side now. "Don't worry, I promise to make time for another night just like yesterday and guess what?"

"Don't make me think"

She went remarkably close to his ears and said in whispers. "You'll be the one getting punished" For all she knew, Ben loved dirty and flirting talks. She gave him a short kiss and approached out of the room. It was strange not to see Rory down there by this hour.

"Rory come out or you'll be late for school" She said slightly being loud after three knocks on his doors. She checked her watch again and gave the door three knocks again. "Rory come on. You'll be late"

Still no response.

"I'm coming in Rory"

She opened the door to see no one inside. She was quite surprised as she checked his bathroom. He wasn't there. She went back downstairs checking the kitchen and living room. He was no where to be found. The doors weren't yet open so where would he be.

"Ben, have you seen Rory?"

"Today? No I haven't."

"That's strange. He's not up in his room and I can't find him. And I haven't seen him since yesterday when I asked him to take out the trash."

"Maybe he went to Neil's house"

"Wasn't he just coming back from there last night?"

"Maybe he wants to give us space to enjoy our day. That one smart idea for him to do."

"That's right. Okay I gotta get going."

"See you tonight. Love you"

"Love you too"

(Adams_SDA: Please review and comment on this piece of work. I really wanna hear your thoughts and views on this book. 🤲😘💕)