
Watched By A Night Eye (WBANE)

Rory had a feeling of his every move being watched. Turns out to be true that he was actually being watched by something epic. He found out from his watchman that he has the said epic powers called Night Eye so he was recruited to where he belong, leaving everything he has and forsaking everyone he knew and down to his new world...the underground He learnt more of his epic self after facing so much from all sides, being bullied, forsaken, dejected from all sides. He found out many secrets about the undergrounnd and all their scheme. He went back to the forsaken surface of Veroz to save it from the hands of the Underground. He wasn't alone as he formed alliance with his friends on the outer surface and with the mission....to destroy the underground and to save Veroz. A Story of Love, Dejection, Rivalry, Sadness, and Secrets....Read More. P.S...this book WBANE is entwined with my other books SUPERNATURALs and The Witches Of Avalon. Read along for better understanding.

Adams_SDA · Others
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27 Chs

A Silver Night Eye

Rory hits the floor after being kicked in the belly. He groaned in pain before looking up to Allyson. "Is this really necessary?"

"I told you Rory, you need practice before you could actually be a Golden Night Eye"

"Well I already am"

"You were awarded the eye and we don't know if it is yours actually but seems it's what we have now, you'll have to fit to it. C'mon get up"

Rory groaned until he got up. He took a stance now and looked straight to Rory. "Now give me a punch. Let's see what You've got and don't hold back Rory. Don't you dare"

Rory smirked and approached Allyson giving him a punch which only hit the air. Allyson already dodged it as he held a tiring disappointed face. "Is that all you've got?"

Rory made another punch which hit the air again. They were as weak as ever. "When I mean punches Rory, I mean this kind" Allyson without thinking inserted another punch to his belly which sent Rory crashing to the floor again. This time he spat out and groaned more than before. He couldn't stand for that moment.

"You're still a little fuzzy child" Allyson said squatting down where Rory miserably lie. "You need to be strong. C'mon, get up"

"You're mean" The word escaped from Rory mouth in whispers but Allyson heard it loud enough.

"Well I am not. C'mon get up."

Rory didn't want another punch so he stood up maintaining a pace now which was pretty distant enough. "I'll show you what Night Eye power is about. You'll see. Vee!" Allyson saying calling Vee out. "Activate it"

Vee pressed the little red button as shooters came out from the walls all pointing to the ground. Rory flinched not ready for anything that comes next. Though he loved the whole Night Eye thing but he didn't live the was it has to be this.

"My mission is to avoid this shooting balls at a very high speed. None of them touches me and I will deflate all the ball using my Night Eye. CRANK IT UP TO THR HIGHEST WOULD YOU VEE?"

"Don't dictate for me Ally"

"You might want to step back a little"

Finally! Rory hurriedly comply stepping back as far as he could get. He fixed his gaze on Allyson who just stood ready for thing like this. How could he do this with ease? Deflating shooting balls and none of it touches you? Who does that?

Allyson took a stance now bringing out a gadget. He pressed a little button and light saber sword came out of it. He cracked his neck and smiled. Suddenly, one of the shooter gave a fast approaching ball. Allyson closed his eyes for a minute and opened them to show his ever glowing Golden Iris. He swiftly rolled over in the air now splitting the ball into two halfs. He landed gracefully on the ground and stood again. "Bring it on" All Shooters now fired balls to Allyson. He stunted at each of them avoiding the balls and deflating it at immeasurable speed. All Rory could see were moving balls being slitted into halves and the person doing it was as fast even to the extent that his eyes can't capture his movements. Allyson moved on jumping, stunting, and rolling and each ball never touched him. It was a bloody massacre of ball. Rory seeing this made him remember the Night when he save him. He took almost five robots himself and from what he could predict, this was the way he did to those robots too.

"Pfft...show off" Vee said now stopping the machine shooters. "That would be all for you Allyson"

A screen mounted up in the room showed the results of Allyson Ball Massacre. It was incredible.




"Yes, a new record" Allyson said in accomplishment. He averted to Rory who was stiff all through. Allyson smiled devilshly saying"You're next"


"Chang, coming here to us, you had better have a good news"

"Most likely sir. This news might be a turnaround for us, a key that we have been looking for."

"What key?"

"Over the years now, we have been creating the unthinkable, a blood and not just ordinary blood but a blood of a true Silver Night Eye. We haven't even gotten to a 20% workoff but I tell you now, we have a true Silver Night Eye amidst us."

"You're saying—"

"I'm saying that there is a Silver Night Eye power here."

"Don't tell me—"

"It's for him. He is the one. Rory is a Silver Night Eye."

"That Kid! A Silver Night Eye? How possible?"

"That's what we haven't come up with. But I have a theory"

"Go on"

"Seems this Night Eye power is an hereditary type, it means that Rory is born of a Night Eye, probably a Silver Night Eye and taking our brains back in time, the last Silver Night Eye was—"

"Eric Deferio" Edgar said with a husky voice.

"Eric? But Eric and Rory? How are they related?"

"I don't know yet" Chang proceeded. "But if I am correct and with what we have, we might say that Eric—"

"Lied to us about his identity."Lyon finished Chang's statement. "That's the only way"

"Well, we are in good term. We have a Silver Night Eye, our plans can carry on. We can activate thr machine and start the process"

"We would have to draw him here first"

"And by doing that, we would have to accept him as our Leader here" Edgar said with his face cold on the outside but he was burning rage on the inside. He can't allow a peep squeak teenage rule all over this place, this Underground.

"That's not possible"

"Well he is the leader anyway. Judging from his rank, a Silver Night Eye is to be the leader of the other Night Eye and seems he's the only one at that faction, there's no doubt of it. Shit"

"What do I do now?" Chang asked

"Keeps this secret. You and the lab workers shouldn't let any of this come out. We will still keep close watch on him and we will make him bebon our side. When it's time, our plan would be executed." Edgar said with a ferocious devilish smile. "That's what we are gonna do"