
Warrior Cats 2 - Sally's story

TW: Blood, cats fighting, trauma, violence, a bit of verbal abuse but no swearing, strong self doubt, cats in tight spaces which might trigger claustrophobia I guess? This is a pre-qual fanfiction of Warrior Cats: Dawn of the clans/Warrior cats: Long shadows. I do not own the Warriors series, Erin Hunter does. Small desc: Observe Sally as she grows up, moves out of town with her brother, and grows feelings for a lost tomcat. Yes, I know most of the book doesn't make sense, but I kind of intended that. If you have not read my previous book, Warrior Cats 2 - Oreo's story, that is okay because it is the same story, only through Sally's eyes. If you would like to see the story through Oreo's eyes first, I would suggest reading that first, you can find it on my profile! Please leave a paragraph comment if I misspelled something, or if I left something out so I can fix it. :) I post to this whenever I can, if I change the schedule again, please yeet me across the room For a long time, this series will not seem like a Dawn of the Clans pre-qual, but I need to get there with time. The 8th or 9th book is when it will start to make sense. The cats of this book will be the ancestors of the ancient tribe.

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Prologue - Lost memories

The calico walked up the cliff, panting as she carried her kitten in her mouth. It was extremely windy, and the cliff was steep. The calico reached the top of the cliff and set the kitten down gently. The kitten squirmed, its eyes barely open because it was so young as it searched for its mother. The calico sighed, looking at the kitten one last time before she turned away, getting up to pad off.

"I have to do this, okay? You'll find another she-cat to take care of you." The calico bounded down the cliff, kicking up rocks behind her. She paused at the bottom, looking up one last time. With a heavy heart, she continued on her way, leaving the kitten to fend for itself. The kitten let out a small mew, crawling around slowly, searching for her mother's milky scent. However, it had already faded, drifting away with the wind.

The kitten meowed again, more loudly this time. But the calico was already gone, off into the night. The kitten curled up into a ball and closed its eyes, the only sound the whistling of the wind. The small kitten mewed again, more loudly as the wind began to blow her towards the cliff. The kitten felt the fear in her heart and cried out for help. But the wind carried her further away until she was at the edge of the cliff.

With one last desperate meow, the kitten plummeted to the ground below. Her tiny and not so well groomed fur ruffled as she fell down in the gusting wind. As she plummeted to the ground, a huge, orange and pink portal opened up, swallowing her before she could fall any more.

She found herself in a totally different world, a huge black monster fighting off a black and white striped cat in a huge forest, as a black and white spotted kitten a little older than her cowered in the corner of the scene. Another portal opened, and with some blue sparkly magic, she and the spotted kitten were sent flying into it. After their warping ended, they were in a large modern city, and a horse carriage was approaching them.

After what seemed going a thousand more places after that, they were in the alleyway. The memories Sally first started to remember.


"Hey!" Oreo screamed.

"What's the problem?" I hissed, turning around to face my brother. "My piece of bread is missing! Who stole it?!" He growled angrily. "Look, I have no idea what bread is, but it definitely isn't worth screaming over! Stop yelling!" "Well, now you're yelling too, stupid! And I was the one who found it!" "And it took you like, what? Two seconds? You can find another one!" I hissed, my fur puffing out. "But it was mine! You ate it, didn't you?!"

"Why would I eat your trash!? I'd rather eat my own fur!" "Break it up, guys!" Jen hissed, pulling us apart. "But she ate my bread!" "Did not!" "Oreo, you can find another piece of bread. It's not difficult. The trash bins are right there," she meowed calmly, pointing out the trash bins with her nose. "And don't call your sister stupid! Next time you do that, you're sleeping in the trash bin." "But-" "I don't want to hear it. Go. Now."

Oreo walked off grumpily. Jen turned her head towards me.

"Ok, before you say anything-" I started. "I think I know what to name you," she interrupted. Oh no, is she gonna name me Annoying? I can't have a name like that! What if she thought I really stole his piece of bread and she named me Theif? "I should call you Sally." "Sally? What does that mean?" "It means a sassy princess." "You mean... you think I'm a princess?" My eyes sparkled. "I accept it! I'm a princess!" I exclaimed in a cheerful voice, jumping up and down.

"Now, Sally, you can get another piece of bread for your brother." My ears drooped. "Awwh! But I didn't take it!" "Doesn't matter, we need food tonight. We are inviting other cats to the alleyway for a meal. We won't make ourselves look like improper hosts, now go." "Fine…"

Okay, now lemme explain the first part because you all are probably so confused :')

So in the universe Sally was born in, her mother was an 8 month old, very young adult cat. Her mother was in a very strict school, (don't ask, it's a dif dimension) and she got pregnant by one of the other cats there, Blake. She would get into a lot of trouble if all the others found out, (it's like a bording school so they basically live there) and during the night, she had her kittens, one a tortoiseshell female, (Sally) and a mottled tabby tomkitten. She was able to hide them for a while, but after she was almost caught with them, she decided it would be best just to leave them off somewhere, where another cat would find them and take care of them. So she snuck out at night and dropped the mottled kitten off in a nearby swamp, and Sally off where the cliffs are. (That's not really smart..? But originally, she just dropped them both off the cliff so she wouldn't have to live with the guilt of abandoning them but I thought that was too dark so... I found a way to get Sally to fall into the portal anyway :))

And she was never caught... Blake still doesn't know. :0

"Who stole my piece of bread??!?!?!"

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