
Wanting More (Naruto Fanfic)

Yoshiro - “Only with experiencing pain and anguish will ones true self come out.” Remembering little of his past life, The MC steps in the world of Naruto and adventures to put his name in the history of this anime world. Having to live alone and survive on his own. Hardening both mind and soul, Yoshiro has a decision. Live a peaceful life and harbour life or Live a chaotic life and eliminate life. Either choice has it up and downs but in the end, fate decides it for him. I do not own Naruto, I only own the OC.

TruckkunJr · Anime & Comics
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21 Chs


[PoV: Sayaka Uchiha]

"Sayaka... Are you alright?"

"Yh, like Naomi said. Are you good Sayaka?"

Rubbing the tears away. I turned to the voices and saw a teary eyed Naomi and Naruto. Trying to not look weak and destroy my reputation as the Ice princess, I said.

"Yh, I'm fine... Just had something in my eyes."

Guessing from the reactions from both blondes. Naruto being the idiot that he is, accepted it straight away but Naomi on the other hand rolled her still teary eyes and put on a Sarcastic face.

"Yh... Something in your eyes." Saying sarcastically like her face. Deciding not to reply to the snarky remark, my mind went to some where else. Wouldn't Mother want to know of Onii-chan's return? And...Change.

Hurrying onto the ledge about to run away. Naomi asked out loud. "Where are you going so urgently?"

Quickly Turning to her, making an excuse from the spot. I said to her. "Got something very important to attend to. I'll see you later tomorrow."

Without letting her ask any more questions, I ran over the house's and buildings that was in the direction of the apartment.

'Why couldn't Kaa-san teach me the Body flicker. It would of been less consuming.' Feeling dejected and remembering how easy Onii-chan got to the roof. I immediately decided that I would ask her to teach me as soon as possible.

Speaking about Onii-chan, I couldn't forget the eyes of his when I hugged him. They were more complexed than most Justu's.

Fear. Disgust. Anger. And the glint that he tried to hide the most in his eyes.... Difficulty....

So many questions went through my brain. What was difficult by meeting me and why was their soo many negative emotions going on in his eyes. I'm glad weirdly enough he is showing more emotions, but soo much emotions and negative at that. It isn't good for him to bare that alone even if I want him to open up, he would never. He is simply to stubborn for his own good.

Coming out of my thoughts. I looked around, seeing myself outside the door to my family's apartment. I opened the door to only see Kaa-san at the door with her arms crossed, obviously angry from the scrunched up expression on her face. She also wore a black dress like usual.

"What time do you call this young lady?" Reprimanding me. I could only look down with an apologetic face.

"Sorry Kaa-san. It won't happen again." Sighing tiredly from my apology. She soon after had a smile on her face while looking understandingly.

"You will be the death of me young lady. But I can't blame you this time, I've already heard of your Sensei's habit of being late." Saying a quick thank you and an bow. Me and Kaa-san head to the Dinner table to only get a quick smell of food.

Seating down while eating and making small talk. I noticed mother's calm and happy expression. So I chose to ask her a question that has been on my mind for some time.

[PoV Change: Mikoto Uchiha]

"Kaa-san. Do you care for Onii-chan?"

Suddenly speaking, Sayaka took me by surprise especially what she asked me. We never spoke of Yoshiro-kun since Inoichi announced to us and Yoshiro-kun's other love ones about his therapy. It was a taboo to speak about him since when ever the topic came up, it only made us feel guilty and depressed.

"O-Of course! Yoshiro-kun is a son to me. Why would you ask that anyway?" Raising my voice to her, straightening up. My first words came out stuttering. All I can speak these words with conviction.

"So why do you always have a complicated look when we mention Yoshiro ever since Lord Third asked of you 5 years ago."

"....." Not able to say anything or express words. I couldn't just tell her that when they both come of age that I will have to give birth to Yoshiro-kun's child as well as become his wife.

I didn't even want to be reminded of the situation placed upon us. All I wanted was for us to be a family again, not lover's. But can you even call that lover's when their is no mutual love between each other. It will just be the same as me and Fugaku. A Marriage that has no Love or meaning.

I do not want to lose the relationship I have with him because of some stupid Restoration Act. I do not want neither to see a possible strain on mine and Sayaka's relationship because of it as well. Everything could fall apart so quickly, something I won't allow to happen.

"Honey. I will tell you when the time is right. Until than, live your life to the most you can." Smiling at her with a caring voice. Sayaka had a confused expression not getting where I was going with it.

Seeing her Confused expression change to a sudden nervous one. I myself, became to feel nervous from what was going to come. So clearing her voice, she sudden said.

"Kaa-san....Yoshiro-kun.... He is finally back."

[PoV: Normal Third Person]

Widening her eyes. Mikoto's mouth hung open not able to squeeze words out of her mouth. Sayaka just looked at her mother's expression with full understanding.

"H-He...He is finally back! Why didn't you tell me immediately!" Rushing out of her seat to Sayaka's side. Sayaka could only sheepishly rubbed her cheek with her index and say.

"Well. I couldn't just tell you out of nowhere." Blushing out of embarrassment. Mikoto tried to drag Sayaka out of her chair to find him. Stopping at the hallway, Mikoto said excitingly.

"Why are you standing there! Hurry up, he could be anywhere!" Getting her sandals on, expecting a reply. Mikoto looked at her with confusion making her notice, her daughters tearful eyes.

"Why are you crying honey?" Hugging her. Sayaka kept on crying in her embrace until her eyes stop producing tears.

Getting out of her mother's embrace. She wiped her tears and looked at Mikoto with an slight sadden face.

"Onii-chan has changed.... He isn't the same as before. He seems distant but still very close. I can see still tell he cares for us....too much..." Telling her mother everything and in the best way as possible. Sayaka paused a lot In her statement to keep not from crying.

"What do you mean, too much." Mikoto asked seriously. If her research said correctly, this could be a side effect from what she saw, causing a new change in personality and mentality.

This thing she saw was the unusual pattern that formed in his eyes, 5 years ago. Since that moment she had looked through the Secret documents that all Past Clan Heads use and write in. This document was created before the Clan Warring era, clearly evident on its old history.

When she read through the book her whole knowledge on the Uchiha Clan and what it was like before the forming of Villages. Evolved to another different level. Especially her knowledge on one of the founders of the Leaf Village. Madara Uchiha.

27th Clan head of The Uchiha Clan, Madara Uchiha. The Strongest known Uchiha, only rivaled by Hashirama of the Wood. He was the only person in the document to have been mentioned to have gained from his Sharingan a transcended power that could be described as that only gods could have, called the Mangekyou Sharingan and the next step, Eternal Mangekyou Sharingan.

Everything that went from the unusual pattern to when awakened, the large burst of Chakra fit the description of what happened at the Hospital.

Mikoto had also read of the change of behaviour that Madara that had described to displayed when he awakened it. Mikoto guessed that from the description only a deep trauma could cause this power to awaken.

If that is the case, she needs to pay close attention to Yoshiro because this new awakened power will possibly cause his downfall.

"Sayaka, Yoshiro-kun will be different but he still loves us. So please pay attention to him when I'm not around." Asking her daughter for something for the first time in her lifetime. Sayaka smiled at her and spoke with confidence.

"I will! Onii-chan is Onii-chan, even if he isn't the same. So don't worry Kaa-san, I'll take care of him." Hugging her mum. Sayaka ran off to her room without delay, trying to go asleep so tomorrow can arrive.

Shaking her head at Sayaka. This was the first time she had ever been excited since after the Uchiha Massacre. Smiling motherly at the door of Sayaka's, Mikoto headed to her's not before saying.

"I wonder what Kushina will do after hearing about his return."


What do you think about this chapter? Do you guys like the current development with Romance? I'm trying to get the romance going with the MC and his possible Harem member's not so forced.

The Harem maximum will only be 9, Currently it is :

Hinata Hyuga

Naomi Uzumaki

Sayaka Uchiha

Mikoto Uchiha

Kushina Uzumaki

Itsuka Uchiha

These will be the Possible ones, if you have some Harem member's put it in the Comment :

Konan, I just love everything about her, got done dirty needs another chance.

Tsunade Senju, got them pillows and only men of culture know.

Mei Terumi, Love the Red head, she's powerful and somehow is single.

Kurenai Yuhi, just wanna Cuck Asuma and she's Beautiful.

Tayuya, don't really see that many things about her even though I like her.

Anko Mitarashi, snake mistress 😉😉

Rin Nohara, Got loads of ideas with her and hate how theirs not that many Fanfics with her as a Love interest.

Lastly but not least, Kaguya Otsutsuki, doesn't need explaination. She's the Rabbit Queen so respect her Peasant!

That's it really. Hope you are currently enjoying the Fanfic and Before I go, I wanna say that if you don't like the way I'm going about the Fanfic then you have a open door to leave.

Haters gonna Hate, they can do what they wanna do. Please as well as people understand to not assume things because things will change.