
Wanting More (Naruto Fanfic)

Yoshiro - “Only with experiencing pain and anguish will ones true self come out.” Remembering little of his past life, The MC steps in the world of Naruto and adventures to put his name in the history of this anime world. Having to live alone and survive on his own. Hardening both mind and soul, Yoshiro has a decision. Live a peaceful life and harbour life or Live a chaotic life and eliminate life. Either choice has it up and downs but in the end, fate decides it for him. I do not own Naruto, I only own the OC.

TruckkunJr · Anime & Comics
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21 Chs

The Return

Lecturing again like his usual self, Iruka was giving out advice to the soon to be Genin's. It pained him to leave his first students that he grew a bond with, it was like seeing his kids leaving for the adult world. Truly painful to see and feel.

All the once small and weak children were like soon to be Shinobi's. Naomi was a twin tailed girl at average height with purples eyes, she was very smart for her age but had a very bad temper a lot like her mother. She looked like Naruto who was only just below average height with whiskers. Weirdly enough she sometimes look off into the distance.

Sayaka grew out her hair in a similar style as Naomi, both having twin tail. She had Black eyes, smart on the same level as Naomi but unlike the former's temper, she had a very cool and calm collected personality. There was obvious changes since the Massacre, only a slight coldness vibe surrounded her.

Hinata dressed in a lavender jacket, seated in-between the other two girls didn't change very much. Short purple hair, pearl white eyes and more open personality. Same as the other girls, she showed frequently sad smiles.

Speaking of these individuals. After finishing his Lecture, everyone in the class was talking. Naomi swung her arms around both girls getting different reactions.

"Stop with your depressing moods! Yoshiro-kun will come back, if he doesn't, then I'll beat him up until he does." Naomi smiled. Scoffing at her reply, Sayaka took her arm off of her.

"Yh, like you could beat up Onii-chan." Rolling her eyes at Naomi, the said girl fired back at her.

"I could differently win against him!" Connecting gazes, spark were clashing against each other. Seeing this, Hinata tried to calm them down.

"Yoshiro-kun will differently come back and when he does, you can find out if you can win against him. So stop fighting!" In a motherly lecture, Hinata growing up different then canon, had the same demeanour as her mother. Always taking on the role as the elder sister when in reality she was the youngest.

"Ah... I'm sorry Hinata." Having a blush on her face while rubbing her cheek, Naomi liked these kind of moments.

"Hn." Turning her head, Believing no one could see her face. Sayaka mouth went upwards into a very little smile. In her view, Naomi own smile turned into a teasing one.

"Hmmm. Is that a smile, Sayaka-chan? I thought the Ice princess couldn't smile." Teasing her so close that her face almost basically rubbing against Sayaka's. The Ice girl in question cheeks grew rosy from getting caught.

"What are you talking about! You didn't see anything!" Sayaka refute after calming her blush down.

"Heheheheh." Smiling and giggling at her friends antics. Both girls turned to the voice finding Hinata, looked at one another in rare truce and advanced in the coming war.

"Don't think that I forgot about what you said once in your sleep Hinata. "Oh~ Yoshiro-kun n-not their, it's embarrassing~" " Both girls had a sly smile when mentioning this causing the girl to blush bright red.

"Wh-What a-about you Naomi. Didn't you also have one of them wet dreams that Iruka-Sensi mention in class while dreaming about Yoshiro-kun." Throwing smoke at Naomi causing now all three girls to blush after mention the memory.

Now all three girls throwing shade at each other with different embarrassing moments to try and get the upper hand. In the end the war of Smoke ended in a draw, all girls were breathing hard from the amount of ammo they fired at each other. To say they had a lot of Embarrassing moment with Yoshiro being the main topic was an understatement.

"Truce." Naomi said tiredly.

" "...Truce" " The other two girls said as well in a tired voice.

Calming down, the three females went back to doing there separate stuff until Iruka gained their attention with a cough.

"*Cough* Okay everyone, I will be telling you what group you will be in..."

{A/N: Skipping until Team 7 because all the other teams are canon fodder.}

"Team 7 will be, Naruto Uzumaki, Naomi Uzumaki, Sayaka Uchiha..." Iruka was gonna mention the last person until a Loud mouth idiot interuppted.

"NOOO!" A Yellow haired youth shouted in Disbelief and Depression after hearing his team

Sakura could only sigh In Thankfulness for not being in the same team as Naruto. Can't really blame her to be honest.

Giving Naruto a death stare. The Yellow kid shutted up and let Iruka to continue. When he was reading the next name, Iruka eyes widen in shock and happiness. This was noticed by almost everyone except few.


A sound of the door to the classroom opened, everyone turned their heads like any normal school child wondered who would come in.

Sliding the door open was a tall youth, black hair, black eyes with black clothes on him. Many were wondering who the individual was, Sayaka, Hinata, Naomi, Naruto and some few took notice of his familar demeanour.

Only difference with this person was he seemed more distance and emotionless compared to the other black haired person in their minds. His face still having some similarities which was also notice, the girls if guessed correct wanted to jump at him.

Turning to close the door, the Uchiha Symbol on his back was on front view to all. Whispers were exchanged among everyone, Guessing the boy in front.

Immediately tears welled up in Sayaka's eyes, her mask that she kept up was ripped away at the view of the boy in front. The other two girls weren't doing too well as well. Tears leaking from their faces with pure happiness in their eyes and smiles.

The Black haired boy strolled up to Iruka without a care of the three girls crying. He only glanced at them with slim joy of seeing them doing fine. Crossing his arms, Yoshiro knew just from his eyes that most of them were trash.

"This is the final member of Team 7, Yoshiro Uchiha. Your Four man squad will be lead by Kakashi Hatake." Iruka said happily. Though confusion about having the first time in history a Four man Squad.

"Yoshiro if their isn't anything you need, you can go back to your normal seat." Without nodding, Yoshiro went back to his seat in the window. Glancing at the girls when going up, he continued upwards.

After the mentioning of Team 8 being the usual tracking team with Kurenai being the Jonin the only addition was another team of Four. Sakura being added to the team.

{A/N: You may be asking why I chose them teams was because team 7 was given to Kakashi by Hiruzen so he doesn't run away from his sensei's kids and both of Uchiha's because of their Sharingan's. Simple reason is because Kakashi needs to teach them how to use the Sharingan and to keep the Nine Tails at bay.

As for the Sakura being In Team 8, she can be used as a Genjustu disciple to Kurenai and learn it as well as possible in the future getting taught Medical Ninjustu by Tsunade.}

Hinata clearly dissatisfied with the Teams could only be jealous to the girls but decided in her mind to hangout with Yoshiro as soon as possible to catch up on their lost time.

Time flying, each Jonin took their separate teams. Gradually all of them going, the only people left in the room was Team 7. All spread in the room. Naruto in the middle with the girls who didn't pay attention to Naruto's antics of putting up a trap. Their eyes was only set on Yoshiro's disinterested face.


Opening the door, stepping in was a 181cm (5'11) Silver spiky hair with a mask covering most of his face. Only his right eye was visible because of the other one being blocked out by his mask and Headband. This was the famed Kakashi of the Sharingan or Kakashi the Copy Cat Ninja.

Coming from the top of the person was a whiteboard rubber that was about to hit his head. Yoshiro seeing clearly how easy Kakashi could dodge it, stopped the rubber from hitting him.

Looking at all of them. Kakashi held his normal eye smile. Giving Yoshiro a knowing look, Kakashi looked back at the door with a Kunai in the Rubber.

"My first opinion of you guys are, I hate you and interesting. I'll see you at the roof top." Body flickering away. Naomi grabbed a hold of Naruto and basically shaking around.

"Why do I have such a stupid brother! Ahhhhh!" Naomi complained without a care of him.

"Naomi!!! It was only a prank! Can you let go." Naruto begged to her and luckily was let go of. Looking towards Yoshiro, all she saw was him disappearing.

"He's soo cold now..." She said with sadness in her voice.

Body flickering to the top. Kakashi leaning against the rails, sighed from underneath his mask.

"Good try Yoshiro. If it was someone else, you would of differently been unnoticed."

Kakashi head titled right meeting a squat down Yoshiro on the same railing. Playing with his Kunai, Yoshiro returned his gaze.

"Kakashi Hatake, A man who is said to have a 1,000 Justu's. In the Third Great Shinobi War, you rose through the ranks at an astonishing fast rate. Graduating at the age of 5, Chunin at 6 and Jonin at 10." Yoshiro analyzed Kakashi's reaction with interest. He respect Kakashi out of anyone in the Shinobi world.

"*Sigh* You've did your research haven't you?" Kakashi looked back at him while praising the kid in his mind. Itsuka didn't over praise him one bit, you could even say she underestimate him.

"Of course I have did my research, Kakashi of the Sharingan. The Man that had lost everything to his name. Sensei, Best friend, Best friends Crush and Father. Even when losing everything, you are still here alive and breathing. Such a person that can cope with so much overbearing lose deserves respect."

Mentioning of the people he lose, Kakashi couldn't help but be overloaded with sadness. Not wanting to get distracted, Kakashi forced a eye smile.

"They're here. Don't mention non of this too any of them especially both of the Uzumaki siblings. Understood."

"I don't care about this thing that's going on with you and them." Yoshiro remarked to him and then sitted down.

Bursting through the door, the three sat down near Yoshiro. Sayaka coming very close to him on his right same with Naomi on his left with Naruto on her left.

"Okay, Introduction. I'll go first, than you will go after Whisker boy." Pointing at Naruto, Kakashi began introductions.

"My name is Kakashi Hatake. My dislikes are not important neither is my likes. The only hobby I have is reading and my goal is also not important." Saying this with eye smile throughout his introduction, everyone except Yoshiro who gave a slight smile. Had eyes twitching.

"Okay! It's my turn! My name is Naruto Uzumaki! I like Ramen, pranks and my family. I dislike people who act cool and the time you have to wait for ramen. My goal is to Become the Greatest Hokage to ever live! Datebayo!" Naruto thumped his chest in a overdramatic introduction.

"That's a big goal, but not impossible if you focus, it might come true. Who going next?" Getting a arm raised from Naomi. Naomi introduced herself next.

"My name is Naomi Uzumaki. I'm the younger sister of this idiot. I like Ramen, reading, my friends and my family. I dislike idiots, people who underestimate cause of looks and ages, bullies and pedophiles. My goal is to show that females can also be a strong Shinobi and to one day have a family of my own." Blushing at the end. Kakashi saw Kushina and Minato in both of the sibling in different ways.

"Good. Good. You raven haired girl." Kakashi pointed at Sayaka to go next.

"My name is Sayaka Uchiha. I like very few, family, Onii-chan and tomato's. Dislike mostly everything. My goal is to surpass someone and have also a family of my own." Sayaka gave a glance at Yoshiro to see if he paid attention. All she saw was disinterest and emotionless face, causing her heart to feel pained. But secretly Yoshiro heard all of it and was glad of the difference to canon.

"Now finally you, Emo boy." Yoshiro giving him the most angered eyes ever, Kakashi was unfazed.

"I'm Yoshiro Uchiha. Likes could only be counted on one hand. Dislikes in the hundreds and my goal is none of your business. I will only say that no matter what, I will achieve it even if it cost me my own life." Spoken serious with close eyes. Kakashi frowned underneath the mask and wondered what his goal was to be soo serious.

Sayaka and Naomi was also interested in his likes and Goal. Though the part with him dying didn't settle well with them. As for Naruto well he was fuming about him acting cool and taking his spotlight. Sun going down, Kakashi decided to end it for now.

"That's all the time we have for now. We will be doing the real test in Third Training ground. I recommend you to not eat so you do not puke it back up." Disappearing with these last words. The Four Genin's was left on their own.

Standing up about to Body flicker away. Sayaka ran up to him and wrapped her arms around his back.

"*Sob* It's been a while hasn't it, Onii-chan..." Feeling wet on the back of his, Yoshiro didn't care.

"It has...Sayaka." Sayaka hearing the emotionless voice of her Onii-chan, looked at him in the eyes to see dead eyes.

"...Your...Different, Onii-chan." Sayaka said with difficulty. Looking back in her eyes, Yoshiro felt warmth in them...Something he didn't deserve...

"I'm probably not the Onii-chan you once loved, Sayaka. That part of me had long since been burned away to make anew self.....The one you see now." Prying her arms away. Yoshiro turned away to leave, not before hearing Naomi's words.

"You are still the Yoshiro we love! Even if you have changed, you will always be the person we care and love for! No matter the amount of times you push us away, Sayaka, Hinata and I, will always try and open that cold heart of yours so you can make room for us. We aren't that easy to be push away!" Yelling her lungs out with tears. Sayaka nodded with her own tears.

"....You three are stupid..... In the long run, you will just get hurt because of my actions. I'm doing this for your own good. Not myself." Anger in his voice. Even trying to restrain the lone tear down his cheek. Yoshiro teleported away, leaving two crying mess behind.

{A/N: That's it for the Chapter. Yoshiro personality has changed more emotionally unattached. You can tell he is trying to break the bones between his love ones so nothing will happen to them because of his actions. Like other Uchiha's, Yoshiro even though having knowledge of the Uchiha clan's draw backs can't do nothing about the influence of Uchiha Clan Bloodline. The Curse of Hatred.

He is now more focused to make his goal a reality, not a dream. What do you will be Mikoto's and Kushina's reaction to Yoshiro's new Personality and attempt at breaking their bonds? What lengths will Yoshiro go to for his Goal?

Got nothing to say. All you have to do is wait and see for what will happen with Yoshiro and his Journey to the top. Hoped you loved the two chapters that I have out.}

Words: 2,500