
Wanting More (Naruto Fanfic)

Yoshiro - “Only with experiencing pain and anguish will ones true self come out.” Remembering little of his past life, The MC steps in the world of Naruto and adventures to put his name in the history of this anime world. Having to live alone and survive on his own. Hardening both mind and soul, Yoshiro has a decision. Live a peaceful life and harbour life or Live a chaotic life and eliminate life. Either choice has it up and downs but in the end, fate decides it for him. I do not own Naruto, I only own the OC.

TruckkunJr · Anime & Comics
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21 Chs

The Test to become Team 7

"Mother, why are you fidgeting so much? I know you haven't seen him for a long time but at least calm down your nerves." The Younger blonde twin said next to her.

"How can I stop my nerves! I haven't seen him for soo long Dattebane!" A bright red haired woman paced up and down, until she spotted Kakashi walking out of the trees.

"There you are, you ungrateful brat! You dare have the guts to make us wait, what would Rin and Obito think if they saw you now." Stomping to the tall man in a flack, she pulled his ear gaining a pain groan.

"Owwww! You didn't have to do that Kushina-san. I'm already sorry, so can you let go of my tab please." Pleading to her, Kushina let go of his tab while telling him off like a mother.

The three children looked at this scene with jaws dropped to the ground especially the blonde twin. How did Kaa-san know Kakashi-sensei? This was the question in their heads.

"Guess you didn't know Kakashi-sensei was apart of Minato-san's Jonin Team?" A familiar voice came from behind them causing both girls to scream "Kyaaaa!" and Naruto to jump.

"Yoshiro-kun don't do that again!" Naomi shouted at the tall black haired youth with a pout.

"Onii-chan! You finally appeared!" Dismissing what he did, Sayaka went to his side and hugged his arm. Gaining the attention of the adults Infront. The black and red haired women went directly to him inspecting the boy that was almost as tall as them. Shock and happiness on their faces.

"You've grown up Yoshiro-kun, your almost as tall as us now... Come, give Kaa-san a hug." Mikoto smiled while opening her arms awaiting a hug. But to her disappointment, Yoshiro just looked at her.

"I'm fine Mikoto-san. Hugs don't really suit my taste now a days." Saying this with a slight smile while shaking his head. Yoshiro turned to the red headed women that was looking to Mikoto with a sadden face.

"Kushina." Hearing her name, Kushina turned to Yoshiro quickly with a smile full of excitement.

"You haven't changed at all." Pouting at his words just making her more cute and adorable in his mind.

"*Cough* You know their is a test, right?" Kakashi awkward voice interuppted the conversation between the group.

"Oh... Yh, I forgot about that." Kushina scratched her cheek with a blush on her face being embarrassed from herself being stupid. Mikoto chuckling at her friends antics, knowing she could only watch from a far, kissed Sayaka's forehead and said to Yoshiro.

"I will head back home. It was good to see you again Yoshiro-kun, the doors always open for you so please come around anytime. Myself and Sayaka would love that." Waving away. Mikoto Body flickered away.

Seeing her best friend go away while taking her idea away from her, Kushina Hmphed and hugged her children. Than turned to Yoshiro before body flickering away.

"Like Mikoto said. Please come around anytime Yoshiro-kun, so we can catch up on the time we lost."

Now on their own with Kakashi. Naruto feeling left out on the conversation was slightly angered, shouted impassionaly to Kakashi.

"So are we going to do this or not?"

Shaking his head with a sigh. Already seeing in the future the pain that could come with having another Kushina but with yellow hair. Taking out two bells, Kakashi said seriously.

"There are two bells here. Your task is to take these bells away from me by noon. And failing the exercise means failing the mission." Kakashi said with a pause making everyone stiff up.

Ready... Go!" Kakashi shouted. Everyone jumped away to hide except Naruto, who just stood like Canon.

Yoshiro body flickering to a near by tree branch. Sitting on the branch overlooking everything and everyone, he hided away his chakra signal. Sayaka weirdly enough in the bushes same as Naomi looking at Naruto monologue about becoming the greatest Hokage.

Naruto dashed to him trying send a very strong blow for his age to Kakashi's face. Blocking it with ease. Kakashi doing the same thing as in the Canon, appeared crouched down from behind with his hands together. Putting them in-between Naruto cheeks making him fly in the air to the water.

Yoshiro couldn't help but feel discomfort feeling on his bottom from just seeing the scene. He could kill someone, but sticking something up a man's backside, that was just pure evil.

Catching Naomi's worried expression. Yoshiro could tell she was gonna do something rash. And as expected, when she saw Naruto's Shadow clone army try and fight Kakashi directly. She came from behind and tried to get the bells until Kakashi saw her and kicked her away.

Somehow blocking it, Naomi pushed away couple meters from her original spot. She dashed again to Kakashi with Naruto clones. Teaming up, Kakashi finally looking away from his books. He dodged and even using the clones arms and legs against one another.

Naomi having multiple chances to get the bells, only to get it all shut down by Kakashi. Could only briefly touch the bells similar to Sasuke from Canon.

Naruto and Naomi side by side tried to fight Kakashi from either side and like before blocks or Dodges was all they could get. Deciding to change something up, Naomi leaped back getting distance and used "Wind style: Gale Palm"

Kakashi not seeing this because the constant attack from Naruto until he jumped back. Kakashi in the Corning of his eyes seeing Naomi's justu barely dodged the attack.

Pressuring only for a short time. Kakashi getting bored and seeing enough knocked both siblings out with a slight smile. They were clearly High Genin or Low Chunin level. He could see they had high Chakra capacity than any kid their age. Obviously being an Uzumaki came with that good benefit.

Picking them up and tying them up on the wooden posts. Kakashi some decent distance away from the siblings. Was attack unexpectedly from a fire ball coming to him. Going through hand signs and slamming his hands down.

Kakashi shouted "Earth style: Mud Wall!" A big earth wall from the ground stopped the fire ball. Only half of the wall was intact showing how strong the power was.

Kakashi trying to sense where it came from couldn't find anything until his instincts kicked in and felt danger come from his back.

Blocking whatever his instincts were screaming at, his arm grabbed a leg. Not having enough time to see the face, another leg tried to hit his face only to get blocked.

Noticing the Attacker was touching the bells from the sound it colliding. Kakashi let go of their legs and sent a midsection kick but luck not his side. Slim forearms blocked his foot from connecting to their body in mid air.

Some distance from each other. Kakashi looked at the person's face to only see Sayaka's face with her eyes glowing red. Her One Tomoe Sharingan caught Kakashi off guard.

"It seems the Uchiha Clan doesn't lack Genius's. As expected from such a Clan. It's shame really that they were all murdered by their own." Kakashi praising Sayaka and also trying to get a reaction out of here.

Sayaka boiled up with rage, going to run in anger. Noticed what Kakashi was doing and reprimanded herself. Breathing in and out she dashed to him with 2 shadow clones.

Yoshiro seeing the whole scene, admired Sayaka's plan as well as her control of her feelings. He felt proud that his little sister was stronger than he last saw her.

He might of been proud of her getting stronger but he didn't want her to walk down a path similar to her Canon counterpart. Yoshiro had already accepted his dark path that would be full of murder, death and loneliness. But he didn't want Sayaka to experience it, he was like any other big brother protecting his younger sibling.

Looking at the fight. The match came to an end after 30 minutes of Sayaka using different kind of fire style Justu's and Taijustu to at least get some upper hand on Kakashi.

In the end, Kakashi knocking her out like the twins. He wiped the sweat from his forehead and looked at his Jonin jacket with some burn marks and cuts. Kakashi felt like the label of Genius suited quite well with Sayaka even though she wasn't on the level as Itsuka. She was abnormal like her older sisiter same could be said with the twins chakra.

10 Minutes past in the Training ground. Kakashi in this time couldn't find Yoshiro's chakra signature. Until after the ten minutes did he actually found him and where he was sent Shiver's down Kakashi's spin.

Yoshiro was underneath him in the ground. Trying to jump away in a hurry, Kakashi not having any time saw Yoshiro's figure come from the ground with Kunai in hand.

Taking out a Kunai of his own. Kakashi Kunai collided with his, staying like both trying to overpower one another. Kakashi said with surprise.

"You have skill. Someone your age shouldn't have but you need more than that to take these bells from me." Kakashi punched with his other hand to try and hit his oppnents face only to get blocked by also Yoshiro's other hand.

"Why are you talking? This is suppose to be a battle not a talk between buddies." Yoshiro only said before pushing Kakashi away when he about to reply.

Sending his left foot to his side and getting blocked by Kakashi, Yoshiro didn't stop their and jumped with his other leg to Kakashi's face. Connecting causing him to groan. Lowering on the floor, Yoshiro tried a left leg sweep.

Kakashi jumping over it. Sent a kick to Yoshiro's open face, blasting him a distance away with a mark on his cheek.

"I know I won't be able to win you in a Taijustu battle. So how about Ninjustu." Yoshiro only said before going through in a frightening speed of Hand signs.

Ram - Horse - Serpent - Dragon - Rat - Ox - Tiger

"Fire Style: Karyuu Endan! ( Dragon flame Bomb)" Yoshiro breathed in, chest looking massive because of how much chakra was in his lungs and breathed out a massive stream of fire.

"Water Style: Water Dragon Justu" Kakashi using the water from the river, went through hands sign in an even faster pace than Yoshiro and appearing behind him was a 15 feet water dragon heading towards Yoshiro's Justu.

Both Justu's battling for dominance. You would expect water to win immediately but even though at the same rank, Yoshiro affinity for fire was stronger than Kakashi's water. Simply, Fire was Yoshiro's natural affinity unlike Kakashi's water.

Coming out of the battle being a stale mate. The area was surrounded with smoke, Using it for his advantage. Yoshiro activating his Sharingan, found Kakashi still in his spot while looking around not activating his Sharingan. So Yoshiro went through another Justu.

"Fire style: Phoenix Flower Justu" Whispering for concentration, Yoshiro breathed in, molding his chakra. Breathed out separately, Medium sized Fire balls. All Six fire balls heading to Kakashi, not having no other choice. The Man pulled his headband up showing his own Three Tomoe Sharingan.

Dodging all the Fire balls with difficulty. At this point Kakashi had barely any Chakra after using the Sharingan. So he could rely on his Taijustu, as such when using his Sharingan. Kakashi saw Yoshiro's position and ran at him as well as Yoshiro running in return.

Punching, kicking, jumping and blocking one after another. Both individuals had bruises on their faces and some cuts from moments of using Kunai's. About to punch Kakashi in the stomach and Kakashi to his face. They stopped milliseconds away from their wanted targets.

*ding* *ding* *ding*

{A/N: Don't know how to describe the sound of a Alarm time.}

Dropping down out of exhaustion. Yoshiro went Unconscious, seeing this Kakashi patched him up and tied him up to the post like the rest.

Bandaging himself, Kakashi looked at the team with complicated eyes. They all was promising but they didn't have team work, thinking about it more closely. Kakashi could see that Yoshiro whenever he looked in his eyes had a knowing look. Deciding to give them another chance, Kakashi finally recognised another Two chakra signature's.

"*Sigh* Kushina-san, Mikoto-san. Are you going to come out?" Saying this with an exhausted sigh. He was tried after the hard fight with Yoshiro, he could of won the fight if it was to the death or if he didn't have to fight the other three.

Walking out of the woods. Kushina put on a teasing smile while Mikoto looked at all the kids with a happy expression more so Sayaka and Yoshiro.

"I can't believe Kakashi of the Sharingan would almost lose to some kids." Kakashi put on a smile while looking at the kids but couldn't help but turn to Kushina and say.

"They are strong. Unnaturally. All of them could be Chunin Especially Sayaka and Yoshiro. Though it wouldn't surprise me if Yoshiro is Jonin level. He even possess Three Tomoes in his Sharingan. Such a Prodigy." Speaking with respect and tiredness. Mikoto and Kushina could only nod to it full heartedly.

They had saw the whole thing, when Both siblings teamed up, Sayaka fighting on her own and Yoshiro fighting on the same level as Kakashi, A Jonin that is stronger than any regular Jonin.

"But they do not have teamwork. Without teamwork, how will they function while fighting together." Nodding again to Kakashi's statement, the two girls knew that without teamwork, all the team would do is clash at one another and not band together only to make missions an issue.

"I'll give them one more chance. If they can't succeed that, than they will go back to the Academy to try next year."

Waiting for the kids to awaken. Mikoto and Kushina already went home after talking to Kakashi. All of them woke up to meet Kakashi standing Infront of them. Face strict while staring at them.

"I will give you one last chance." As he said that all of them focused waiting for his next words. Yoshiro knew what was coming so he was waiting for Kakashi to carry on.

"But starting at noon, the bell test gets even harsher. If you them eat, you will be Instantly sent back to the Academy. Out here, I am the rules." Body flickering away. Yoshiro and Sayaka had a bento in their hands, Naomi and Naruto was in the middle.

Waiting some minutes. Yoshiro knowing already meaning behind the test, handed his bento Infront of Naruto.

"Here. I'm not hungry." Yoshiro only said.

"Really!" Naruto said excitingly while trying to free his hands.

"Could you feed..." Looking at Naruto with an cold face, even though he didn't want to do it. To become a Shinobi and protect his love ones, Yoshiro had to swallow this bitter feeling.

"Sayaka. Feed Naomi as well." Yoshiro said with some anger seeing Naruto smile with enjoyment while eating from his hands.

Both Uchiha's feeding, both Uzumaki's. When they was about to finish the food, Kakashi appeared in smoke. Screaming out in surprise, Yoshiro saw Kakashi's smile underneath his mask.

"...You pass."



Both twins said in surprise. They didn't understand why Kakashi accepted them when he suggested the opposite thing.

"In the ninja world, those who break the rules are called trash, but those who don't treasure their companions are worst than trash!" Kakashi said giving them an thumbs up. Taking off all the ropes except Naruto's, who hasn't noticed just yet. Kakashi carried on.

"The Test is now over. Squad 7 starts our first mission tomorrow!"

"Yes! Yes! I'm a Ninja! Believe it!" Naruto shouted in excitement while crying tears.

"Let's go home." Kakashi said. Following him, Sayaka had a smile on her face while latching onto Yoshiro same as Naomi who was almost as excited as Naruto.

"Guys! You guys forgot to untie meeee!" Naruto said angrily trying to gain the attention of his team walking away.