
Where the Hell am I?

Aren sat up straight scared and terrified as he woke up. His Heart was beating rapidly as he breathed while the mind tried to comprehend what transpired.

He touched his neck which was still intact and connected to his body. Sighing in Relief however still muddle-headed of being alive. Looking around he found the room to be quite familiar. Clarity returned to the mind as he found this place to be his old room.

He jumped off the bed nearly tumbling down the stairways as he ran to the kitchen at full speed. His eyes fell upon his mom cooking breakfast. He embraced from behind as his very life depended on it and started crying his eyes out.

Startled at the emotional state of her son she returned the embrace and began to gently calm him down. This Emotional scene was witnessed by Dan his father as he entered the kitchen. Walking over to them he called to his son. What he wasn't expecting was for him to let go of his mother and hug him.

Baffled he returned the hug and looked to his wife for a hint. Elina shook her head. Left with no choice the Pair spend half an hour in comforting him from his emotional state. Breakfast Basically forgotten the family of Three sat on the couch with there son in the middle provided with spiritual support by his parents.

Aren's mind regained clarity after his emotional breakdown.

"Come on. Take a deep breath, calm yourself, we aren't going anywhere." Dan

"Did something happen that upset you. Did you have a fight with a Friend?" Elina

"No, I just don't know where to start. I have so much to tell you." Aren

"Then Start from the beginning." Elina

Aren recounted the past seven years of his life that he lived in the other world. Even through what he was saying was quite bizarre they didn't interrupt him and listened patiently. By the time he finished two and a half hours had passed.

"I know what I'm saying is outlandish, but you have to believe me." He pleaded.

"I believe you." Elina comforted him and signaled her husband.

"Of course, we believe you son. Which parents don't believe in their own children." Dan said

"let's continue this discussion after breakfast so take a Shower while I prepare some food." Elina told Him

The couple discussed His strange behavior and his outlandish claim, but one thing was certain his emotional breakdown was real. So, could he make such an outlandish story with such detail and description in that state.

After an awkward Breakfast the family continued its earlier conversation. He started providing more details about Dream life during the conversation he mentioned his first nightmare which was quite vivid as well. The conclusion they reached was that these dreams had started yesterday. The thought of him transmigrating or reincarnating was ruled out as there was child was very much alive thank you very much. Thus, These Dreams only end when the person Perishes. Therefore, are they really dream because dreams are born from the subconsciousness therefore are forgotten when the individual awakens. So, Is it a real or an illusion.

Regardless how much they discussed about this matter nothing useful came out of it. What's done is already done it can't be changed so they Prohibit him from speaking about it outside the family. The current situation is outside their control there is nothing they can do about it Furthermore, there family was now closer then ever before.

He called his friends to hangout as it has been seven years for him at least since he saw them. They began chatting about random things from studies to celebrities as well his absence today. They played Various Games online in multiplayer.

The went to the cinema to watch a movie to pass the time while taunting each other at not having a girlfriend go with.

He was pleased to back to a normal teenager. Playing video games, going to the movies, talking about girls. Oh! How he missed these moments. Even through has returned to his old life it doesn't change the fact that he had changed a lot on some level which was notice by his friends but didn't mention it. They were aware that he needs to keep his mind off something that seems to bother him.

Even though He had lived seven years in the other world his social skills have obviously degraded as he was mostly working on his carpenter skills never interacting with others unless necessary. The time he spends with his other family and experiences that he gained will always remain.

He was quite tired when he returned home. His parents comforted him even during dinner while joking calling him living an Adult due to living an extra seven years.

He decided to retire for the night as he was both physically and emotionally exhausted.

The morning sun rises from the horizon as its light gently fell upon Aren's face. The Fresh morning Air and hardness of the ground clearly told him its time to wake up. The sight that greeted him left him so mesmerized that he completely forgot himself. Never in his live did he imagine seeing such a sight.

The Tall mountains covered in snow and surrounded by mist that from which water flows down the river dividing the forest in two. The Various types of birds that fly over the forest, mountains and rivers paints the perfect scenery of heaven on earth. Truly the exquisiteness of nature at its finest.

Such a beautiful sight cleared his mind of any and all certainty that he might have felt about this new Dream. When life gives you lemons you make lemonades. What there to thing about it has already transpired so lets just go with the flow. Having Completely accepted his situation He scouted the area for any inhabitants, so he may acquire some information about the New world.

His current supplies include a pouch filled with copper and some silver coins along with a sword. His current body was well toned like that of a professional athlete. His search proved to be in vain with no individuals, settlement or villages in sight. Left with no other options he decided to cross the forest as he might find food and water easily there along the way. Along the way he came along various birds that can easily be worth a fortune as if can be found on earth.

As He walked along the forest he came across a small waterfall surrounded by Wild Flowering Plants containing various flowers which were truly a stunning sight.

Before he could truly appreciate the beautiful of nature his senses screamed of Danger. His body as if in possessed had already acted by hiding himself behind the rocks of the waterfall. Before he could comprehend what happened a monster appeared from behind the woods of where He was standing. It looked around as if searching for someone.

He was Paralyzed in place and dared not breath to avoid being found. The Monster which seemed to be an Orc eventually left after bashing his large wooden club on the ground in Anger as if it had lost something precious.

He eventually sighed in Relive when the monster didn't come back. The immediate action of his body is what saved his life today. Even though he was shocked and terrified of the monster his Body had adopted an attack stance with his hands on the swords hilt therefore ready to attack at the slightest of provocation. These actions seemed to be ingrained deep into his bones as if a part of his instincts.

The world is a vast place you can never know when danger will knock at your door. The Appearance of the monster clearly indicated that this beautiful scenery is nothing but an illusion that disguises the Denizens of the Forest. One thing was Certain this forest was jam-packed with Danger.

Even Though He was alone, frightened and uncertain of his fate the only Query that came to mind was, 'Where the Hell am I?'