
The Medieval Village Life

Aren suddenly woke up, breathless with heart beating rapidly, and Sweating allover. He was Quite Confused and didn't seem to comprehend what was going on. After What Seemed like an Eternity He Finally Calmed Down enough to Discover himself in his room again Safe and Sound.

"Thank God that was a Nightmare, Thank God." He mumbled to himself, 'Everything was so Realistic. The Pain, Starvation, and Death. I don't want to Experience Deaths Touch Again even in a Nightmare.'

He dragged himself to the shower to calm himself. After a Thoughtful Shower He went down for Breakfast.

"Good Morning Dad, Mom" He said taking sit.

"Morning, Son" replied the Duo

"You look Quite Peaky Dear are you Feeling well." His mother asked in concern as she checked his Temperature.

"I'm Fine, Just had one Hell of a Frightening Dream."

"Want to talk about it." Dad

"It's just a Nightmare I will forget all about when I reach school."

"Suit yourself." Dad

"Try not to exert yourself to much." Mom

"I will Try."

After Breakfast He went about his Day forgetting last night's event. Half the Day was Spend in School studying, hanging out with friends and Homework. He Played Games and watched TV after Dinner before going to Bed ignorant of what's to come. The Typical Life of a Teenager.

He was annoyed by the light that's shining on his face leaving him no choice but to wake up. His Drowsiness Vanished into thin Air as he found himself in a room with three beds and devoid of decorations.

To remove the confusion from the sudden change in environments, He Observed his own condition which happened to be quite different.

"Eh? Did my body become smaller?" He recalled last night's Nightmare.

"Am I Dreaming Again? Can Dream be Really be so vivid."

With nothing better to do He began to explore the house. Meeting the household occupants, he learned of his dream bodies name was Alex.

He completed any and all tasks assigned to him by the household occupants then moved to explore the outside world of his Dream. The Air was so Fresh and Pure as if he had arrived at the countryside. No, The Air here was even Fresher. He saw numerous people as he moved around the village. The Village had people of various occupations, but most were farmers as expected from a medieval Era. There was lake and a Forest just outside the village.

Born and raised in the city, He often wonder how different life would be had He been raised in the countryside. Some people would argue that the hyperactive lifestyle that a big city has to offer has more benefits. However, others would contend that the calm and peaceful environment of the countryside is much more rewarding. Several people move from the city to a farm to get away from the hustle bustle of the city.

He truly enjoyed the beauty of nature and life of medieval time but as Dawn approached He became hysteric with no end to the Dream in sight. He was eventually found by the Parents of this body and taken home. His denial of the situation didn't help him one bit as he became ill for a week and was cared for by the household occupants.

As He came to terms with the fact that he had somehow died in his sleep and had transmigrated to this world. Left with no choice he accepted his new identity in this world moved to gathered information about this world.

First, He is Alex, the fourth son of the carpenter, a nine-year-old.

Second, He had Three Brothers Harold, James, and Mikael.

Third, He was truly stranded in the Medieval Era.

Despite being born in a new world, he was miserable. From the Modern Era to the Medieval Era having lost all his privileges as a teenager who wouldn't be.

As Days, Months and Years passed Aren adapted to his new life as a village boy while learning carpenter and swordsmanship from his father and brothers. With nothing better to go he put a lot of effort in his carpenter skills. He eventually Surpassed his Father in the Art as his Furniture was quite famous in the Village.

His Brothers were nice as have always looked out for him. They just didn't see eye to eye in some matters such as when it came to him learning swordsmanship. If you look it from his point of view you will understand that there is no way a teenager of the modern Era will invest so much of his time in something other than Games especially in something so outdated as sword fighting. The Minorities doesn't count they are just nuts.

"Come on Little Brother it isn't so hard to learn those stances you just have to keep swinging it till you get it right." Harold

"I rather put my time in leaning something more useful."

"Swordsmanship is vital you know it can save your life someday. The world isn't a pleasant place especially for us peasants. we are not nobleman who have knights to guard them, so you need to be Skilled enough to deal with any situation that may arise. We are Lucky that father was taught by a Knight how to fight otherwise we would be like the rest swinging the sword around till it hit someone." Harold lectured

"I know what you mean but it doesn't mean I have to like it."

"Regardless, you have to train it doesn't matter if you like it or not. I have other tasks that I need to complete so you keep working on those stances. I will be back when I am done." Said Harold as he left.

"Finally, I thought he will never leave." Said Aren as he dropped the sword and Stretched his arms. Completely Ignoring his Training, he decided to take nap by the tree. A Month passed with no improvement in his sword skills Harold sighed in disappointment and no longer pursued the matter.

One Day a Baron by the name of Alfred came to the village and ordered all able man to take up arms. Before he could understand anything, he was already robed in armor and a sword in hand marching in the Barons Army with his Father and Brothers.

The Barons Army on the move included women, children, both male and female slaves, prisoners and traders. Knights rode horses into battle. Oxen, horses and mules pulled wagons and carts for supplies. The knights and noblemen slept in tents. However, many soldiers and camp followers had only meager shelter, if any at all. So, they had to make due by sleeping on the ground.

Slaves and prisoners dug the latrines. If there were no slaves or prisoners, the soldiers did not bother to dig latrines.

They had wheat, rye, oats and barley for breads and beer production; beans and peas for soups; apples and berries for fruits; asparagus, beets, carrots, celery, cabbage and radishes for vegetables. Farming in the Middle Ages also included grapes for wines and honey for mead beverages; hazelnuts and walnuts from the woods; poultry that included chickens, ducks and geese; a variety of fish; and meat from cows, pigs and sheep.

The Meat, Fruits and Good vegetables were reserved for the nobles while they were given bread and cabbage to eat.

Water was usually found in nearby streams or local wells. Servants were sent to haul water once the camp was set up. Because of the unsanitary water conditions, soldiers and servants alike drank mead, beer, ale and wine.

Women, slaves and professional cooks prepared the meals. These professional cooks were often soldiers from the lower ranks. Women, children and slaves gathered wood for fires. The children would build the fires while the camp was being set up.

As Supplies began to dwindle soldiers used force to take food, water, fodder and whatever else they wanted from the peasants. Armies foraged, at the farthest, 60 miles from their lines of march. Within each unit, a mounted group of soldiers would ride forth to steal all the food they could find and defeat any opposition to their quest.

As a result, The Barons Army would create a path of wasteland of 10 or more miles in its wake. Because of the time invested in foraging, the army's progress to 5 to 10 miles a day.

He had matched movies of various types of warfare but there is a world of a difference when experiencing it for yourself first hand. He imagined himself staying at the Far End of the Army doing enough just to survive but his Father and brothers pulled him to the front. Regardless of how much he was Berated for his cowardice he tried to find ways to Flee. Alas, all his efforts were useless as his brothers kept a sharp eye on him.

"Don't worry Little Brother with us Here who will Dare hurt you just stay near us during the Battle." Harold

"We know your not made for the battlefield Little Bro but its about time for you to man up. The reason we dragged here because of the insurance that will be taking part in a small skirmish at the border not an all-out battle." Mikael

"If you had practiced your swordsmanship you won't be so anxious." James

He completely ignored them and kept murmuring to himself.

The Dawn of Next Day the Enemy Army finally came into sight. The Baron Alfred gave the order to charge to Charge. The Knights and the Soldiers picked up speed as the two Armies clash. He tried is best to stay far away from the enemy and by his brother's side.

There was no mercy it was either kill or be killed. Left with no choice but to eventually participate he tried his best to protect himself from Harm and attack when he could. He just could not gather the will to take someone's life. He watched people on both sides die but the moment Limbs and Heads began to fly He turned around and ran for his life.

He could hear his Brothers calling him to come back but he turned a deaf ear to it all. He didn't manage to go far was stopped eventually on the threat of death by the Knight. Left with no choice he charged at the enemy with his sword raised high above his head. Without any swordsman ship all he could do was to swing his sword around. He was eventually disarmed by his Head cut off. The last thing before his head hit the ground was his brothers charging towards the soldier that cut his head off.

He felt no pain as Death began to claim him. The last thought before he succumbed to his demise was that, 'He didn't want to Die.'