
Void WIzard in HP

Well, I'll be brief. A new writer, I write when I have inspiration or free time, English is not my native language. According to the plot , a non - standard or standard rebirth , the hero of the OP , but not immediately and well , read on if you want to find out . / A man who was robbed of emotions and the world who wanted him dead. But he adapted and decided to seek knowledge and magic, but his world was ordinary and very mortal. As a result , he died having lost all connection with the world . But because of his perseverance, he developed a unique soul and the Higher Beings responsible for sending the souls of mortals sent him to the world he wanted. There he is waiting for knowledge, opportunities and many incredibly strong creatures who will be happy to profit from his uniqueness.

mamun_220 · Book&Literature
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45 Chs

Chapter 31) The next day

When I woke up, I checked my bag and saw that I still had the bottle with blood, skin and meat and yesterday was not a dream. After washing, I went to the dining room. On the way I met Daphne and Malfoy. Daphne came up to me with a guilty look.

"Sorry brother, if I hadn't followed you yesterday, Snape wouldn't have caught you."

I patted her on the head and said, "Don't worry, it's not your fault, after all, I overlooked and had to take you with me right away."

I also cast a sharp glance at Malfoy. If he hadn't screamed like he was being raped yesterday, maybe Snape wouldn't have noticed. Sighing, I went on. You can't change anything anymore and you have to accept the consequences of your actions.

Having sat down each at the table, Director Dumbledore stood up and made a speech. As in the original, he told about yesterday's event, took away the glasses from the Golden Trinity and then added them. He also talks about nobility and friendship.

I waited for him to punish us, but he didn't say anything and I looked at Snape in surprise, he didn't even look at me, but just waved his hand and continued to have breakfast.

You could say he was in a bad mood and I can guess why.

After breakfast and morning lessons, I went to his laboratory.

"I see Manuel you decided to come after all." said Snape and arranged bottles with various reagents and potions.

"I..." Before I could say a word, he said.

"Pull out everything you managed to get from the troll, you wanted to study it all. Well, today we just have a lesson on various potions that can be made from a troll."

I nodded my head obediently and we began to cook and study the blood and meat. Snape told me how to properly process blood and what can be done with it. He also said that you can do a couple of rituals with her, but if I'm interested, I have to find the books myself. But he strictly told me not to dare to experiment myself.

So weeks and months passed. Winter holidays are coming soon, and also half-term tests. Everyone was running and preparing for them. I continued to study blood magic, rituals and potions.

Snape also told me more about dark magic and rituals. I also started noticing that I was having more and more negative thoughts, and after asking Snape, he said that dark magic had begun to influence me. He told me to meditate more and clear my thoughts. He also told me to entertain and entertain more during the winter holidays in order to maintain sanity.

I listened to his advice and began to develop resistance to dark magic. I also thought about the Patronus and that happy memories are needed for it.

I also remembered reading a story where it was said that with the help of a Patronus, a wizard collected happy memories of people and resisted the effects of dark magic. But after a little research, I realized that I wasn't getting anywhere. Therefore, I decided to stop this research for now.

So time passed and the tests passed. I met Daphne and offered her a plan for the winter holidays.

"Do you want to go to the non-magical world for the winter holidays."

"What can we do there?" Daphne asked.

"I asked around a little and there are a lot of interesting places there, I assure you we will like it." I answered .

"Great, then let me call Tracy and a couple of our mutual friends."said Daphne.

I agreed and started thinking about our friends. In principle, there are only a few of them, just a couple of people, well, I think there will be enough for the first exit into the non-magical world.

Still, it will be more fun with a small group of people. And so everyone got on the train and we went .

When we arrived, our parents met us. I came up first and nodding my head I said.

"Greetings to mother and father." My father nodded his head and looked at me with pride.

My mother came up and hugged us and kissed us on the cheeks.

"Well , enough of these boring rules of etiquette , it 's better to tell us how your six months went ." We went home together and on the way Daphne talked about what happened at Hogwarts.

My mother was worried, and my father looked unhappy at first and then looked at me and Daphne with pride and praised us for our bravery and skill in magic.

Returning home and leaving things. I told him about our plans for the holidays.

"Hmm, I don't see any point in going to the non-magical world, well, if you want to, then take Astoria with you. Also tell me how much money you need and how you will return, tell me what you spent. " said the father at the table.

Astoria looked happy and jumped up to Daphne .

"Have fun there and be careful, after all, you will enter the non-magical world for the first time. Also tell our house elf to prepare clothes for you and escort you to the meeting place." mom said.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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