
Void WIzard in HP

Well, I'll be brief. A new writer, I write when I have inspiration or free time, English is not my native language. According to the plot , a non - standard or standard rebirth , the hero of the OP , but not immediately and well , read on if you want to find out . / A man who was robbed of emotions and the world who wanted him dead. But he adapted and decided to seek knowledge and magic, but his world was ordinary and very mortal. As a result , he died having lost all connection with the world . But because of his perseverance, he developed a unique soul and the Higher Beings responsible for sending the souls of mortals sent him to the world he wanted. There he is waiting for knowledge, opportunities and many incredibly strong creatures who will be happy to profit from his uniqueness.

mamun_220 · Book&Literature
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45 Chs

Chapter 30)Attack

After getting ready and getting in order, I went to the dining room, if I'm not mistaken, today there will be an attack during lunch and the Halloween holiday.

Walking along the corridors that are decorated with pumpkins and skulls, I hear some students discussing today's holiday. Teachers also decorate their classrooms and ghosts frighten children.

"Today, everyone is more active than usual and even Slytherins." Daphne said coming up to me.

"Well, yes, today is a holiday and Muggle-borns will be especially impressionable with ghosts and various magical decorations," I replied.

"And that's why you made me study trolls and how to resist them for this holiday," Daphne said sullenly.

"Well, I hope that this knowledge will not be useful to us today."

The day passed quietly and finally lunch began.

"I hope everyone is happy today and I want to remind you that there will be a performance of ghosts later in the evening." said Director Dumbledore and congratulated all the first-year students.

With his words, the atmosphere lit up even more and everyone started talking loudly, celebrating and scaring each other.

While this is all happening, I drank pumpkin juice and looked at the Gryffindor table and at the table Ron was shouting loudly and stuffing everything that came to hand into his mouth and Harry next to him was also talking to other Gryffindors. After looking around the entire table, I didn't find Hermione and realized that everything would start soon.

So ten minutes passed and our Defense against the Dark Arts teacher ran into the dining room and started shouting.

"Trolls, trolls everywhere, they are destroying Hogwarts!!!!" after shouting, he fell to the floor and lost consciousness. All sounds disappeared and everyone was in shock. Then the director got up from his chair and said.

"All teachers go and deal with the trolls, the older Boys take the freshmen to the bedrooms and later join the teachers to catch the trolls. I will ask the freshmen not to panic and calmly go to their rooms."

The teachers quickly left the cafeteria, and the freshmen gathered in groups and went each to their own house. I caught a glimpse of Harry and Ron moving away from everyone and running to the toilets.

I smiled and was ready to start hunting trolls . After applying a couple of spells on myself such as "don't pay attention to me", "mute all sound" and "light bypass me", I went through the corridors and started looking for my prey.

Not noticing that Daphne and Malfoy also moved away from the crowd and followed me.

Walking through the corridors, I noticed how McGonagall uses the transformation and the troll falls and after another wave of the magic wand, stone chains are pulled out of the ground and the troll is bound. With the last wave of the magic wand, the chains become metallic and glow with magical radiance. The troll tries to escape, but the chains wouldn't budge.

The older boy came up and McGonagall said something to him, the boy nodded and the teacher left, and the boy remained to guard the troll.

I couldn't help but admire the teacher's skill and regret a little that I wouldn't be able to take samples of the troll.

After standing for a couple more seconds, I decided to move on.

After walking a couple more corridors, I noticed Snape. Compared to McGonagall, he released a couple of spells with a wave of his wand, which wounded the troll and while he was roaring. Snape released some kind of curse into his head and the troll's head withered and he died. An older boy also approached him and Snape ordered him to guard the corpse. After that, he turned into fog and flew away.

I didn't dare to linger because Snape could have noticed me and I quickly left.

After another 20 minutes, I wanted to go back, but luck smiled on me and I noticed a troll who was destroying the classroom.

After a quick look around, I realized that if I entered the classroom, I could be at great risk. So I stopped in the aisle and started conjuring. "Ice floor" the floor was quickly covered with ice and the troll fell, I did not dare to hesitate and began to levitate the troll's club and said "Stone coating". The club was covered with a stone and I let it go into the troll's head.

Squelch and the troll's head turned into a bloody paste.

I was a little disappointed in the lightness, but quickly shook my head, I went up to the troll and started taking samples.

By taking a couple of bottles of his blood. Then I cut his skin and a couple of pieces of meat. I wanted to cut out the muscles and tendons, but I heard a scream nearby, cursing, I quickly hid everything I had time to take and ran to the scream.

Coming up, I see Daphne holding Protego and next to her is Malfoy, who is trembling next to her. It can be seen that Daphne's shield won't last long and she can't cast another spell because of the constant troll attack.

Cursing again to myself, I did not dare to delay and uttered the spell "Fire Whip" a fiery trickle escaped from my magic wand, which quickly tied in the neck of the troll. He roared in pain and Daphne quickly used a spell to knock down the chandelier and it falls on the troll's head. The troll falls and loses consciousness. Before we had time to rejoice, a dark fog flew into the corridor and became Snape.

"I see that Draco Malfoy, Manuel Greengrass and Daphne Greengrass like to walk around and pretend to be troll hunters. I think you won't mind coming with me and talking to the director about your achievements," Snape looked at us with a serious look and sternly tapped his magic wand.

I quickly pulled myself together and told Snape.

"Professor Snape, you misunderstood, we were just going to our common room, but on the way we met a troll and we had to deal with him." I tried to look as innocent as possible.

"That's why you also decided to collect ingredients from him as well as from the troll in the classroom." said Snape and looks at me with a look as if I have sinned in all mortal sins.

I wanted to say something , but ...

"It doesn't matter, go to your rooms and Manuel, I'll talk to you again tomorrow." Snape waved his wand and accepted nothing but consent.

We quickly nodded and quickly went to our rooms.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

mamun_220creators' thoughts