
Vision Nexus in blue lock

A boy finds himself inexplicably transported to a new world where he discovers he possesses a mysterious system called the Nexus Vision. This system promises to evolve his abilities as he navigates this unfamiliar universe, setting him on a path filled with unexpected challenges and opportunities.

Fw_Vanity · Anime & Comics
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practice and first game

**Chapter Three: The Formation of a Team**

The next Week, the air buzzed with excitement and anticipation as I walked into the locker room. My body still ached from the previous week tryouts and workouts I've been doing throughout the week, but the adrenaline coursing through me dulled the pain. The other players were already there, chatting animatedly and lacing up their cleats. Ryusei was at the center of the group, his laughter echoing off the walls.

"Hey, Karou!" he called out, waving me over. "Ready for our first practice as an official team?"

I nodded, feeling a surge of determination. "Absolutely. Let's show them what we've got."

Coach Tanaka entered the room, his clipboard in hand. He blew his whistle, immediately commanding our attention. "Alright, everyone, listen up! I'm proud of the effort you all put in last week. Today, we start building our strategy and getting to know each other better as teammates."

He glanced around the room, making eye contact with each of us. "We have a lot of talent here, and I believe we can go far. Our game plan will revolve around two key players: Ryusei as our primary striker and Karou as our secondary striker. Both of you showed incredible skill and coordination yesterday, and I want to capitalize on that."

Ryusei and I exchanged a glance, a silent understanding passing between us. We both knew this was a huge responsibility, but we were ready to take it on.

"Now," Coach Tanaka continued, "let's meet the rest of our team." He gestured to Hikaru Akiyama, Daichi Sato, and Jun Takahashi, who were standing nearby. "Hikaru, you'll be our main defender. Your ability to read the game and anticipate the opponents' moves will be crucial. Karou, you'll be our primary striker alongside Ryusei. Your powerful shots will be a major asset. And Jun, you'll be our key midfielder, orchestrating our plays with your vision and passing skills."

Coach Tanaka then introduced a few more players: Kenji Nakamura, a solid defensive midfielder known for his tackling and interceptions; Haruto Yamamoto, a speedy winger with excellent dribbling skills; and Yuto Matsuda, a reliable goalkeeper with quick reflexes.

"We have a strong lineup," Coach Tanaka said, nodding in approval. "Now, let's hit the field and start practicing our formations and tactics."

As we jogged onto the field, the sun casting long shadows behind us, I felt a sense of unity and purpose. We began with passing drills, working on our coordination and communication. Hikaru and Daichi quickly established a solid defensive partnership, while Jun and Kenji showcased their chemistry in the midfield.

During the drills, Ryusei and I worked on our positioning and timing. Coach Tanaka had us practice various attacking scenarios, focusing on quick passes and one-two combinations. The more we practiced, the more our understanding of each other's movements grew.

After an hour of intense drills, Coach Tanaka called us into a huddle. "Great work so far, everyone. Now, let's talk strategy. Our main formation will be a 4-4-2, with Ryusei and Karou leading the attack. Our wingers, Haruto and Daichi, will provide width and pace, while Jun and Kenji control the midfield. Hikaru and the defense will need to stay compact and organized to support the attack and defend against counterattacks."

He then laid out a whiteboard with detailed diagrams, explaining different attacking and defensive patterns. We discussed various scenarios, from pressing high up the pitch to sitting deep and hitting on the counter. Coach Tanaka's thoroughness and tactical acumen were impressive, instilling confidence in all of us.

"Ryusei, Karou," Coach Tanaka said, looking directly at us, "your chemistry and skill are going to be our secret weapons. I want you two to develop a set of plays that you can execute instinctively. Work on your one-twos, overlaps, and off-the-ball movements. You two are the heart of our attack."

Ryusei grinned and gave me a nod. "We've got this, Coach. Right, Karou?"

"Right," I replied, feeling a rush of excitement. This was our chance to shine and lead the team to victory.

The rest of the practice was spent working on set pieces, with Ryusei and I practicing free kicks and corners. Ryusei's powerful headers and my precise shots created a formidable combination. We also practiced defensive drills, with Hikaru and the backline showing great resilience and coordination.

As the sun dipped below the horizon, signaling the end of practice, Coach Tanaka gathered us one last time. "You've all done exceptionally well today. Remember, this is just the beginning. We have a long journey ahead, but I believe in each and every one of you. Rest up, and come back tomorrow ready to give it your all."


That afternoon, Ryusei and I decided to take a break from soccer and unwind at the local arcade. It was a welcome change of pace, and the neon lights and cacophony of sounds were a stark contrast to the grassy field we were used to.

"Hey, Karou, think you can beat me at racing games?" Ryusei challenged, his eyes twinkling with mischief.

"You're on," I replied, feeling competitive.

We spent the next few hours racing through virtual tracks, shooting hoops, and even attempting a few rounds of dance games. Laughter and playful banter filled the air, and I found myself growing closer to Ryusei. Despite being cousins, we had never spent much time together outside of family gatherings, and this was a chance to truly bond.

"Not bad, Karou," Ryusei said, panting slightly after a particularly intense dance-off. "I didn't know you had those moves."

"Just wait until I show you my victory dance on the field," I joked, wiping the sweat from my brow.

By the time we left the arcade, the sun had set, and the city lights were twinkling against the dark sky. Walking home, we talked about our dreams and aspirations, our goals for the soccer season, and our determination to lead the team to victory. The bond we formed that day felt unbreakable, and I knew that whatever challenges lay ahead, we would face them together.


The next day, I arrived at the field early, eager to continue our progress. Ryusei was already there, juggling a ball with effortless skill. "Morning, Karou! Ready to put in some work?"

"Always," I replied, dropping my bag and joining him.

As the rest of the team arrived, Coach Tanaka gathered us in a circle. "Today, we're going to focus on team chemistry and building our attack. I want to see fluid movement, quick passing, and decisive action. Let's start with a warm-up and then move into some small-sided games."

We began with a series of drills designed to enhance our touch and control. Ryusei and I practiced our one-two passes, weaving through cones and firing shots at Yuto in goal. Hikaru and Daichi worked on their defensive positioning, while Haruto and Jun honed their crossing and passing.

During a break, Coach Tanaka pulled Ryusei and me aside. "I've been thinking about how to best utilize your abilities. Karou, you can read the game and make precise passes. Ryusei, your speed and agility make you a nightmare for defenders. I want you two to develop a play where Karou draws the defenders in with his dribbling, then releases a perfectly timed pass for Ryusei to exploit the space behind the defense."

Ryusei's eyes lit up. "A classic one-two punch! I love it. What do you think, Karou?"

I nodded, already visualizing the play. "It's a great idea. We can use my vision to draw them in and create openings."

We spent the next hour refining our play, working on timing and positioning. With each repetition, our understanding and execution improved. By the end of practice, we had a move that felt almost instinctual.

As the sun began to set, Coach Tanaka called us in for a final huddle. "Excellent work today, everyone. I'm seeing great progress. Remember, it's not just about individual talent but how we work together as a team. Keep pushing yourselves and supporting each other."


A few days later, our first game as a team arrived. The atmosphere was electric, and the parents and families were filled eager to see what we could do. We gathered in the locker room, nerves and excitement palpable in the air.

Coach Tanaka stood before us, his expression serious but encouraging. "Today is the day we've been preparing for. We've worked hard, and now it's time to put our strategy into action. Remember, our formation is 4-4-2, with Ryusei and Karou leading the attack. Stick to the game plan, communicate, and support each other. Let's show everyone what we're made of."

We took to the field, the grass cool and damp beneath our cleats. As the referee blew the whistle to start the match, I felt a rush of adrenaline. Our opponents were tough, but we were ready.

"Karou Nii and Ryusei Nii, you got this!" my little sister Aiko screamed out, waving enthusiastically at us with Mom by her side.

A warm smile spread across my face despite the anticipation of the game. I glanced over at Ryusei, who had also heard Aiko's cheer. His eyes met mine, and he gave me a confident nod, a grin spreading across his face.

"We've got this, Karou!" Ryusei shouted, his voice filled with determination.

we were prepared to take on Seiryu Academy, renowned for their disciplined defense and strategic prowess. Seiryu was known not only for their formidable backline but also for their ability to capitalize on counterattacks with lightning speed. Their coach;coach Saka was famous for instilling a strict tactical discipline in his players, making them a challenging adversary.

The game started with a flurry of action. Ryusei and I quickly fell into sync, executing the plays we had practiced. Using my Emperor Eyes, I read the movements of the defenders

The game started with a flurry of action. Ryusei and I quickly fell into sync, executing the plays we had practiced tirelessly. Using my Emperor Eyes, I scanned the field, analyzing the movements of Seiryu Academy's defenders. They were a disciplined bunch, clad in their navy blue uniforms with white trim.

As I received a pass just beyond midfield, I saw two defenders closing in on me with determined expressions. The first defender, tall and muscular with short-cropped hair, positioned himself to block my path forward. His focused gaze and steady stance indicated he was ready to challenge me for the ball.

Beside him, the second defender was shorter but agile, with a quickness in his movements that hinted at his ability to anticipate plays. His blonde hair caught the sunlight as he darted towards me, aiming to cut off my passing options and force a turnover.

Despite their coordinated efforts, I remained calm under pressure, using my enhanced vision to predict their next moves. Remembering a move I had practiced during the practices, I decided to execute a 'Luka Modric chop'. As I approached the defenders, I faked a pass with my dominant foot, causing them to shift their weight towards that direction. In one swift motion, I chopped the ball with the inside of my foot across my body, using the inside of my opposite foot to change direction sharply.

The sudden change in direction caught the defenders off guard. The first defender lunged forward, but I had already evaded his tackle attempt with my quick maneuver. The second defender, recovering quickly, made a desperate slide to intercept, but I had already moved the ball away from his reach.

As the defenders momentarily lost their balance after my quick maneuver, I spotted Ryusei making a dynamic run towards the penalty area. His movement was sharp and calculated, a testament to our synchronized play on the field. Instinctively, I assessed the situation and the positioning of the defenders, but instead of passing to Ryusei, a different thought crossed my mind.

Fuck that

a surge of determination welled up within me.Seizing the opportunity that presented itself. With a swift change in direction, I accelerated towards the goal, leaving the scrambling defenders behind me.

The Parents and families whoa's and clapping faded into the background as I focused intensely on the goal ahead. Every muscle in my body tensed with purpose as I dribbled closer, sensing the goalkeeper's movements out of the corner of my eye. With each stride, the distance between me and the goal closed rapidly.

In a moment of clarity and precision, I unleashed a powerful strike towards the far corner of the net. The ball left my foot like a thunderbolt, driven by determination and the desire to seize control of the game. Time seemed to slow down as I watched the ball's trajectory, willing it towards its target with every fiber of my being.

The goalkeeper reacted swiftly, diving to his right in a desperate attempt to make the save. But my shot was perfectly placed, just beyond his outstretched fingertips, finding the back of the net with unerring accuracy.

A rush of exhilaration surged through me as the crowd erupted into a cacophony of cheers and applause. My teammates rushed towards me, their faces a mixture of elation and pride. Ryusei, despite the unexpected turn of events, grinned widely, acknowledging the bold move I had made.

———————————————-End chapter———————————————

I'm thinking of incorporating some of the blue lock people into the story let me know who should I add.