
Vision Nexus in blue lock

A boy finds himself inexplicably transported to a new world where he discovers he possesses a mysterious system called the Nexus Vision. This system promises to evolve his abilities as he navigates this unfamiliar universe, setting him on a path filled with unexpected challenges and opportunities.

Fw_Vanity · Anime & Comics
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5 Chs

Game day

The praises of the parents was still echoing in my ears as we jogged back to our positions. Ryusei gave me a playful nudge. "Nice shot, Karou. But don't think you're the only one who can score today."

I grinned. "I'm counting on it."

Seiryu Academy kicked off, determined to regain control of the game. Their movements were swift and precise, and it was clear they were a well-coached team. They began with a high press, pushing forward aggressively and closing down our players quickly to disrupt our passing lanes. Their midfielders moved in unison, creating a web of pressure that forced us to play more defensively.

Their captain, a tall and imposing figure, orchestrated their attacks with precision. He directed the ball to their wingers, who darted down the flanks with blistering speed. Hikaru and Daichi, our central defenders, were immediately put to the test. Hikaru, known for his game-reading ability, positioned himself perfectly to cut off through balls, while Daichi used his physicality to challenge their forwards and win aerial duels.

Seiryu Academy's strategy became clear—they were aiming to overload our defense by sending multiple players into the box. Their left winger, a nimble and agile player, received a well-timed pass and dribbled past our right back, Haruto, with a quick feint. He then delivered a low cross into the penalty area, aiming for their striker.

Hikaru, anticipating the cross, stepped in front of their striker and cleared the ball with a powerful header. The ball flew out to the edge of the box, where Seiryu's midfielder was waiting. He took a touch and unleashed a powerful shot, but Daichi, reacting quickly, threw himself in front of the ball, blocking the shot with his body. The impact sent him sprawling to the ground, but he quickly got back up, ready for the next wave of attack.

Our midfielders, Jun and Kenji, dropped back to help the defense, closing down spaces and intercepting passes. Kenji, known for his tackling prowess, executed a perfectly timed slide tackle on their attacking midfielder, winning the ball cleanly and immediately looking to start a counterattack. He passed the ball to Jun, who scanned the field for options.

Jun spotted Ryusei making a run down the left flank and delivered a precise long pass. Ryusei controlled the ball effortlessly with his chest and took off, but Seiryu's right back was quick to close him down. With a sharp turn, Ryusei evaded the defender, only to be confronted by another. Realizing the danger of losing possession, he played the ball back to Haruto, who was supporting him from behind. Haruto then switched the play with a cross-field pass to me, giving us a momentary respite.

Despite our best efforts to push forward, Seiryu's relentless pressure soon forced us back into our own half. Their right winger, an exceptionally fast player, exploited the space behind our left back. He sprinted down the sideline and delivered a curling cross into the box. This time, their striker managed to get a touch, directing the ball towards the goal. Yuto, our goalkeeper, reacted with lightning speed, diving to his left and parrying the ball away with a strong hand.

The ball rebounded to the edge of the penalty area where Seiryu's attacking midfielder pounced on it. He feigned a shot, causing our defenders to commit, and then deftly chipped the ball over their heads to a teammate making a late run into the box. Hikaru, demonstrating his leadership and composure, quickly closed down the attacker and made a crucial interception, clearing the ball once more.

As the first half progressed, Seiryu Academy's pressure intensified. They pushed more players forward, forcing us to defend in numbers. Our backline held strong, but the constant waves of attacks took their toll. We found ourselves pinned back, with little room to breathe.

It was during one of these defensive moments that Ryusei saw his chance. Seiryu's midfielder, in an attempt to keep the pressure on, tried to switch play to the other wing. The pass, intended to stretch our defense, lacked the necessary precision. Ryusei, always alert, anticipated the pass and positioned himself perfectly to intercept it.

With a burst of speed, he closed the distance and intercepted the ball cleanly, leaving the Seiryu midfielder in his wake. The crowd gasped in surprise and then erupted into cheers as Ryusei sprinted down the field. Our bench sprang to their feet, sensing a potential counterattack.

With his incredible speed and agility, Ryusei outpaced two defenders who tried to close him down. He approached the penalty area with a fierce determination in his eyes. I trailed behind, ready to support him if needed, but I knew this was his moment.

Ryusei feinted to the right, causing the goalkeeper to shift his weight in that direction. Then, with a deft touch, he pulled the ball back to his left foot and unleashed a powerful shot towards the far post. The goalkeeper, caught off balance, could only watch as the ball sailed past him and into the net.

The stadium erupted into a frenzy of cheers and applause. Ryusei's goal was a testament to his skill and determination. He ran towards me, his face beaming with pride. "Told you I could score too," he said, giving me a high five.

"That was amazing, Ryusei," I replied, feeling a surge of pride for my cousin. "We're on fire today."

The rest of the team gathered around, celebrating our newfound two-goal lead. Coach Tanaka's voice cut through the excitement. "Great job, everyone! Keep up the pressure and don't let up. We're in control, but we need to stay focused."

The game resumed, and we maintained our momentum. Ryusei and I continued to work in tandem, creating opportunities and keeping Seiryu Academy's defense on their toes. Haruto's speed and dribbling skills on the wing provided us with additional attacking options, while Jun and Kenji controlled the midfield with precision.

As the second half wore on, Seiryu Academy became increasingly desperate to score. They pushed more players forward, leaving gaps in their defense that we were eager to exploit. Coach Tanaka adjusted our tactics, urging us to focus on quick counterattacks.

With about ten minutes left on the clock, another opportunity presented itself. Seiryu Academy's midfielder attempted a risky pass that was intercepted by Kenji. He immediately launched a long ball towards Ryusei, who was already on the move.

Ryusei controlled the pass effortlessly and sprinted towards the goal. Two defenders converged on him, but with a clever step-over and a burst of speed, he split them apart. The goalkeeper advanced, trying to narrow the angle, but Ryusei remained calm. He chipped the ball delicately over the keeper's outstretched arms, and it sailed into the net.


The final whistle blew, and we had secured a 3-0 victory over Seiryu Academy. The team erupted in cheers, hugging and high-fiving each other in celebration. Coach Tanaka beamed with pride as he gathered us for a final huddle.

"Excellent work, everyone," he said, his voice filled with emotion. "You executed the game plan perfectly and showed incredible teamwork and determination. I'm proud of each and every one of you. This is just the beginning, and I know we have what it takes to go far this season."

As we left the field, our families and friends rushed to congratulate us. My little sister Aiko, with Mom by her side, ran up to me, her face glowing with excitement. "Karou Nii, you were amazing!" she exclaimed, throwing her arms around me.

"Thanks, Aiko," I said, ruffling her hair. "Your cheering really helped."

Mom smiled warmly, her eyes brimming with pride. "You played wonderfully, Karou. And Ryusei, that goal of yours was spectacular."

Ryusei, standing nearby, grinned. "Thanks, Auntie. We couldn't have done it without everyone's support."

The team decided to continue the celebration at a nearby restaurant, a favorite spot among the players and their families. It was a cozy place with wooden booths and large windows that overlooked the bustling street outside. The aroma of freshly cooked food wafted through the air, making our mouths water as we walked in.

We filled up a long table, and the atmosphere was electric with joy and camaraderie. The restaurant owner, Mr. Sakamoto,a fat man with slicked-back gray hair in a ponytail, a small broom mustache, and eyes usually hidden by the glare of his round glasses welcomed us warmly with a thumbs up.

Taking our seats. The chatter and laughter filled the room as we shared stories from the game, each of us reliving the key moments. Hikaru and Daichi recounted their defensive battles, while Jun and Kenji discussed their midfield strategies. Ryusei and I exchanged knowing smiles, proud of how our partnership had shone on the field.

As the food arrived—plates piled high with steaming bowls of ramen, crispy tempura, and juicy karaage—we dug in with gusto. Between bites, our parents showered us with praise.

"Ryusei, that interception and goal were incredible," Jun's mother said, "You really showed your skill out there."

"And Karou," Daichi Dad added, patting my back, "your leadership and vision were outstanding. You two make a great team."

The compliments made us both blush, but it felt good to know our hard work was recognized. "Thanks, everyone," I said, lifting my glass of soda. "To the team, and to many more victories together!"

"To the team!" everyone echoed, clinking glasses.

As the evening progressed, the atmosphere grew even more lively. Haruto challenged Ryusei to a rematch of the racing game from the arcade, using chopsticks as makeshift controllers. Jun entertained us with impressions of Coach Tanaka, complete with his whistle-blowing and intense expressions, drawing roars of laughter from the table.

Mr. Sakamoto joined in the fun, bringing out a small karaoke machine. setting it up in the corner.Dangling the microphone motioning us to use it.

Without hesitation, Ryusei grabbed the microphone. "Alright, who wants to sing with me?" he asked, scanning the table.

Aiko jumped up, her hand in the air. "Me, me!"

"Come on up, Aiko," Ryusei said, lifting her onto the small stage. They chose a popular song, and soon their voices filled the restaurant, drawing smiles and applause from everyone present.

As I watched them sing, a warm feeling of contentment washed over me. The game, the celebration, the camaraderie—it all felt perfect. This was more than just a victory; it was the beginning of something special, a bond that would carry us through the challenges ahead.

Eventually, the night began to wind down. We paid our respects to Mr. Sakamoto and thanked him for his hospitality. As we made our way outside, the cool evening air refreshing against our flushed cheeks, we exchanged final words of encouragement and promises to continue our hard work.

"Great game today, everyone," Coach Tanaka said, his voice full of pride. "Rest up and be ready for practice. We've set the bar high, and I know we can keep it there."

With that, we headed our separate ways, hearts full and spirits high. As Ryusei and I walked home, we talked about our dreams for the season and the determination to lead our team to greater heights. The bond we had forged felt unbreakable, and I knew that together, we could achieve anything.


The next day at school felt different from the moment Ryusei and I stepped through the gates. There was an unusual energy in the air, whispers trailing behind us as we walked to our lockers. I exchanged a puzzled glance with Ryusei, unsure of what was happening.

"Hey, Karou, Ryusei! Great game yesterday!" one of our classmates called out, giving us a thumbs-up.

"Thanks," I replied with a smile, though I couldn't shake the feeling that something was off. Ryusei seemed equally perplexed as more students approached us with congratulations and praise.

"Karou, that goal you scored was insane! How did you manage to dribble past those defenders?" another student asked eagerly.

I scratched my head, genuinely confused now. "Um, I guess it just worked out. We were all playing well."

Ryusei chuckled beside me, sensing my confusion. "Yeah, Karou's moves were on point. Hey, did something happen?"

Before I could respond, a group of students gathered around us, one of them holding up a phone. "Have you guys seen this? It's a highlight video of your goals from yesterday!"

I stared at the screen in disbelief as the video played. Slow-motion replays of our goals, dramatic music in the background—it was as if we were watching a professional sports broadcast. Ryusei leaned closer, his eyes widening with surprise and a hint of pride.

"Whoa, when did someone record this?" I asked, feeling a mixture of embarrassment and amazement.

"You don't know, but it's all over social media," one of the students replied excitedly. "You guys are famous now!"

Famous? The word echoed in my mind as I tried to process everything. Ryusei and I exchanged stunned looks, realizing that our game had made a bigger splash than we could have imagined. It was surreal to think that our goals had been captured and shared with so many people.

As the day went on, more students approached us, sharing their excitement and admiration. Teachers congratulated us during class breaks, and even some staff members stopped us in the hallways to commend our performance. It was overwhelming yet exhilarating.

After school, Ryusei and I finally had a chance to talk about the unexpected turn of events. "I had no idea someone recorded the game," I admitted, shaking my head with a smile. "It's crazy how quickly things spread."

"Yeah, but it's pretty cool," Ryusei replied, still processing it all. "Guess we're local celebrities now."

I chuckled, feeling a sense of pride mixed with humility. "I suppose so."

- - -End chapter