
Vision Nexus in blue lock

A boy finds himself inexplicably transported to a new world where he discovers he possesses a mysterious system called the Nexus Vision. This system promises to evolve his abilities as he navigates this unfamiliar universe, setting him on a path filled with unexpected challenges and opportunities.

Fw_Vanity · Anime & Comics
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5 Chs

Pain and scrimmages


Pain is all I could feel after the soccer match hunched over the toilet bowl I begin to As I hunch over the toilet bowl, waves of pain course through my body, each throb intensifying the agony in my head. The vision of the soccer match, once vivid and exhilarating, now feels like a distant memory as I struggle to keep my stomach from heaving.

"I thought I couldn't get harmed with the Nexus Vision," I mutter between labored breaths, the taste of bile lingering in my mouth.

The nexus vision is swift, though no less merciless in its truth. "Although I did say that, you could still experience drawbacks from using the abilities."

I groan in frustration, the pain in my head amplifying with each passing second. "How do I get through the drawbacks?" I manage to choke out, my voice strained with discomfort.

"Your body may be in shape, but you need to train it to acclimate to the abilities," comes the reply, though its reassurance does little to alleviate my suffering. "And not to mention, you foolishly left the Emperor Eyes on all day."

A bitter chuckle escapes my lips, though it quickly devolves into a grimace as another wave of pain washes over me. "It was just cool to see the world like that," I confess, my words punctuated by a sharp throb in my temples. "I didn't think it would hurt this bad."

————————————————Next day————————————————

As I sit in the classroom, flipping through the textbook, I can't shake off the feeling of restlessness. The material feels stale, like reheated leftovers from last night's dinner. I glance around the room, wondering if anyone else shares my sentiment. It's a routine I'm all too familiar with, and frankly, I'm itching for something more exciting to engage my mind.

The bell finally rings, signaling the end of another mundane school day. I gather my things, feeling a sense of relief wash over me as I prepare to escape the confines of the classroom. Just as I'm about to slip out the door, Ryusei's voice catches my attention, breaking through the monotony of the hallway chatter.

"Hey, Karou! Wait up!" Ryusei's voice echoes down the corridor as he hurries to catch up with me.

I turn to see him bounding towards me, a mischievous glint in his eyes. His excitement is palpable, infectious even, as he thrusts a poster into my hands. "Check this out, Karou!" he exclaims, his words laced with anticipation.

Curiosity piqued, I take the poster and study it carefully, the prospect of soccer tryouts adding a spark of excitement to an otherwise dull day. "Football tryouts at six, huh?" I mutter, contemplating the opportunity.

Time slows down

Quest:Make it on the team and win at least regionals for one ability


Instantly I press accept,I need all the more ability's for Blue lock.

Ryusei nods enthusiastically, his grin widening. "Yeah, it's gonna be awesome! We can totally dominate the field together!"

I can't help but feel a surge of excitement coursing through me at the prospect of teaming up with Ryusei on the soccer field. "Sounds like a plan," I reply, returning his grin with one of my own.

With a nod and a smile, I agree to join him after school, already envisioning the challenges and triumphs that lie ahead. "I'll meet you at the locker room," I say, the anticipation building with each passing moment.

Ding ding

The final bell rang, signaling the end of the school day. Karou and Ryusei hurried to the locker rooms to change into their soccer gear. As they laced up their cleats, a few other students entered, also getting ready for the tryouts.

Karou recognized a couple of them from his classes: Hikaru Akiyama, the tall, lanky boy with glasses, and Daichi Sato, the burly striker with a powerful shot.

"Hey, you guys here for the tryouts too?" Karou asked, striking up a conversation.

Hikaru adjusted his glasses and nodded. "Yeah, I've been looking forward to this. I play defense."

Daichi grinned. "I can't wait to show off my shots. This is going to be fun."

As Karou and Ryusei walked towards the field after school, Ryusei was practically bouncing with excitement, his usual energy turned up a notch.

"Karou, this is going to be epic!" Ryusei exclaimed, waving the poster he had shown Karou earlier. "I've been waiting for this all week. We're going to show everyone what we're made of."

The students gathered on the soccer field, buzzing with excitement. Coach Tanaka stood in the center, a clipboard in hand. He blew his whistle to get everyone's attention.

"Alright, everyone! Welcome to the tryouts for our new soccer team. We'll start with some basic drills to assess your skills. Let's see what you've got!"

The tryouts began with passing drills. Karou, using his Emperor eyes, easily predicted the movements of his partners, making accurate and timely passes. Ryusei impressed everyone with his speed and agility, weaving through cones with ease.

After the drills, Coach Tanaka gathered everyone around. "Now, we're going to form teams of four for a series of scrimmage matches. This will help us see how you work together as a team."

Karou and Ryusei exchanged glances, hoping to be on the same team, but the coach had other plans. Karou was placed with Hikaru Akiyama, Daichi Sato, and another student named Jun Takahashi, a midfielder known for his excellent vision and passing skills. Ryusei was paired with three other students Karou hadn't met yet.

"Team one and team two, you start first," Coach Tanaka stated, pointing to the teams that included Karou and Ryusei.

At kickoff jun pass the ball to me activating my emperor eyes I scan everyone on the field

"Hah focus on what's in front of you!" Ryusei jumps at me attempting to get the ball

When I'm shielding the ball and Ryusei moves in to take it, I use the Zidane Roulette to maintain possession and evade him. I position my body between Ryusei and the ball, using my arms to create space and protect it. As he approaches, I deftly place my foot on top of the ball and drag it back while turning my body away from Ryusei. With a quick pivot on my standing leg, I complete a 180-degree turn, keeping the ball close.

Continuing the spin, I swiftly place my other foot on the ball and use its sole to push it forward or to the side, completing the 360-degree turn. This sudden change in direction and speed catches Ryusei off guard, allowing me to accelerate away from him while maintaining control of the ball.

Spotting Jun making a run down the field, I flicked the ball to him with perfect timing, setting up a promising attack for our team. As Jun received the pass, I continued my run down the field

With a quick decision, Jun delivers a perfectly weighted pass, curling it around the defenders and into the path of Daichi's run. The ball travels smoothly through the air, guided by Jun's precise technique.

Daichi, anticipating the pass, adjusts his position and times his run to meet the ball at the perfect moment. As it reaches him, he controls it with his chest, cushioning the ball and setting himself up for a powerful shot on goal.

As Daichi charges towards the goal, a defender from Ryusei's team steps up to intercept his run. The defender from Ryusei's team has a short, dark hair that is neatly trimmed for football . His piercing eyes, a deep shade of brown, reflect his intensity and focus as he confronts Daichi.He positions himself squarely in Daichi's path, ready to challenge him for possession of the ball.

Daichi, undeterred by the defender's presence, remains focused on his objective: scoring a goal for his team. With his powerful physique and unwavering determination, he prepares to outmaneuver the defender and create an opportunity to shoot.

I, observe the situation unfold from a distance, noticing the urgency of the moment. I realize the need to support Daichi and ensure that our team maintains control of the ball in this critical juncture of the match.

With a burst of speed, I accelerated towards the goal, positioning myself strategically to provide an option for Daichi.

"Daichi!"I call out to Daichi, alerting him to my position on the field and signaling my readiness to receive a pass.

Meanwhile, Daichi, using his strength and skill, attempts to outmuscle the defender and maintain possession of the ball. He uses clever feints and subtle shifts in direction to evade the defender's tackles and create space for himself to shoot.

As the defender recovers , Daichi makes a decisive move, flicking the ball past him with a swift dribble. With the defender momentarily caught off balance, Daichi sees an opening to unleash a powerful shot on goal.

Daichi readies himself for a shot on goal, I see Ryusei rushing towards him with that fierce determination in his eyes. Just as Daichi prepares to strike, Ryusei shouts, "You think you can get past me that easily? Think again!"

The intensity of Ryusei's voice carries both a warning and a taunt, causing Daichi to hesitate slightly. I see my opening. "Daichi, over here!" I call out, hoping to draw his attention away from Ryusei.

Daichi quickly glances my way, assessing his options. With Ryusei closing in, he makes a split-second decision and passes the ball to me.

I receive the ball cleanly, feeling the adrenaline surge through me. With Ryusei momentarily out of position, I push forward towards the goal. As the ball approaches, I take a controlled first touch that directs the ball away from the defender in front of me.

Using the inside of my foot, I nudge the ball to one side while simultaneously turning my body in that direction. This quick movement catches the defender off guard, allowing me to create space and continue with my next move.Dodging the defender, I line up my shot, my heart pounding in my chest.

The goalkeeper rushes out, trying to narrow the angle, but I keep my composure. I strike the ball with precision, watching as it soars into the top corner of the net. The satisfying thud of the ball hitting the back of the net confirms it—I've scored.

As I score the goal, Daichi and the rest of team enthusiasm is infectious, as he and the team rushes towards me with arms wide open, pulling me into a tight hug. "Karou, that was incredible! What a shot!" Daichi's genuine excitement fills the air, and I can't help but smile at his enthusiasm.

But amidst the celebration, I hear Ryusei's voice ringing out with a mix of admiration and challenge. "Hey, not bad, Karou!" Ryusei's playful tone carries across the field, his joker-like grin adding to the camaraderie of the moment. "But don't get too comfortable. We're just getting started!"

As Ryusei's team kicks off, they immediately seize control of the ball with precision passing and quick movement. Their midfielder, a tall and lanky figure with a shock of unruly blond hair and piercing blue eyes, dribbles forward with confidence. He draws our defenders towards him, creating space for his teammates to exploit.

On the left flank, their winger bursts forward with incredible speed, his curly hair bouncing with each stride. His vibrant orange eyes scan the field as he makes a darting run towards the byline, pulling our defenders out of position.

Meanwhile, in the center of the field, their striker,Ryusei positions himself expertly in the penalty area. His strength and agility make him a formidable presence in front of goal.

As the ball is played into the final third, their midfielder spots an opening and delivers a perfectly weighted cross towards the far post. The ball arcs towards the grinning Ryusei, The ball arcs towards Ryusei, who times his run with precision, evading our defenders with ease.

With impeccable timing, Ryusei leaps into the air, meeting the cross with a powerful header. His blond hair with pink tips shines under the sunlight as he rises above our defenders, his intense pink eyes fixed on the ball with unwavering focus.

As Ryusei makes his powerful leap into the air, his focus unwavering on the incoming cross, I feel a surge of determination welling up within me. With a burst of energy, I push off the ground, striving to match Ryusei's impressive height and athleticism.

But as I soar upward, I quickly realize the vast difference between us. Despite my efforts, I fall short, unable to reach the same heights as Ryusei. My heart sinks momentarily as I watch him rise above me, his form impeccable as he meets the ball with a powerful header.

Our goalkeeper reacts instinctively, diving towards the ball in a desperate attempt to make the save. But the striker's header is too powerful and too accurate to be denied. The ball sails past our goalkeeper's outstretched hands, finding the top corner of the net with pinpoint precision.

As Ryusei's header finds the back of the net with stunning accuracy, the entire field erupts into a frenzy of cheers and applause. His teammates rush towards him, celebrating the goal with high-fives and shouts of admiration.

Meanwhile, I can't help but feel a twinge of disappointment at my inability to match Ryusei's athleticism in the air. As the cheers die down and Coach Tanaka blows the whistle to signal the end of the game early.

Coach Tanaka's voice cuts through the commotion, drawing everyone's attention as he addresses the players. "Are you sure you're in 7th grade?" he asks incredulously, his words echoing across the field. "Some college teams I've coached don't even play this well!"

His words hang in the air, a testament to the skill and talent displayed by both teams during the tryouts. Despite the outcome of the match, there's a sense of pride in knowing that we've showcased our abilities and left a lasting impression on Coach Tanaka.

As the realization sinks in, I exchange a glance with Ryusei, a silent acknowledgment of the journey we've embarked on together. Despite the challenges ahead, I know that with determination and hard work, we'll continue to push ourselves to new heights and make our mark on the Blue lock world.

———————————————Chapter ends———————————————

I don't know how I feel about Ryusei I don't think I'm doing his character justice let me know how I can protray his character better.Another thing I want to mention is how does soccer work on the junior high and high school level work?In what order does it go in I tried researching it and it's still a little confusing.