
Virginmade Lemonade (XXX)

You walk down the streets of what seems to be an American neighborhood oozing with Americana. A child at a lemonade stand waves to you. Walking up to his location he asks you, “Did you want some lemonade, miss/mister?” “Just some lemons.” “Oh follow me!” Following him, you go back to a dark corner of the house and the boy’s voice deepens. He sounds like a gangster from the Bronx or Brooklyn, parts of New York, “Jesus that facade is suffocatin’.” He puffs on a e-cigarette and says, “Degenerates only. Most of my wares are from DC comics and Bethesda video games. Might include other media as I so choose like the MCU or somethin’. Perverts. Other times I might write some stuff that’s original. Inspired by the times I chose purity over lemons. Enjoy, ya heathens-“ (Title inspired by the American brand MinuteMade Lemonade. Added some reference pics for people unfamiliar. Nothing saucy in that regard.) All are MxF

xWandererx · Others
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5 Chs

Irish & Dogs (Fallout) Cait x (M) Lone Survivor


Howler x Cait Short

A reworked scene of a fanfic

Notable Tags: Talk about drugs, gore, violence, angst

"Guys!" One shouted, "I think she's outta ammo!"

"Charge her!"

Cussing, I slung my M1 off my back and shot the remaining five as fast as I could. I only got three and missed the furthest two as they disappeared over the hill. Running up the hill, my boots heavy from exhaustion on the cement, I heard Cait yelling, "Come at me you cunts! C'mon! Let me show you why your parents never loved ya!"

Not bothering to reload, I tossed my M1 down and took the double barrel I had tucked in my pants in my hands. The officer turned back and before he could bring his gun around my shot removed his arm. I shot again, spilling him into the dirt, and realized I screwed up.

The other officer didn't notice. His back was turned when he grabbed Cait and twirled her around as a body shield. Gun to her temple he spat, "Put the gun down!"

"Your commander is dead." I held the gun in a manner more visible, "Took this off his corpse. How about you drop it and be the sole survivor of this wreck of a day?"

Cait's eyes flickered around desperately while the Gunner concentrated on me. She noticed the body and the bluff before he did.

"Oh my God, you BLOODY idiot!"

"Cait shut up!"

"I swear to God I'm going to kill you Howler!"

The gunner whacked the pommel into Cait's temple shouting, "Quiet!"

My mouth went dry, my vision went red and I went silent. Cait knew this silence well and groaned, "You're dead now," she added, "his gun ain't loaded but you're so dead."

The gunner's head snapped up and once he caught the bluff he extended his gun arm.

And it was at this moment that he was finished.

Cait reached up and flipped him over her shoulder. I lunged forward, tore the laser pistol from his arm and pulled up on his arm behind his back. Not stopping when he was screaming, not even when I felt his arm dislocate in my hands. I never stopped even when I shot the shoulder with the laser pistol, weakening the tendons, and through sheer rage I tore his arm off. Beating him, I didn't stop even when he stopped moving.

Pictures of the men I hated, me, my father, they floated through my mind.

I was blind to the fact that I had beat his head in so much both his eyes were gone. He was unrecognizable when I came to, my knuckles were bleeding too. When did I start punching him? Tossing the arm down, his head made a wet sound when I gave it a final kick.

Looking at the wet blood in my hands I tried to wipe them off on my filthy clothes. I walked down the street behind the Corvega I knew Cait was resting behind. The gas mask hung at her neck, and almost all skin visible to the eye was covered in mud made from dust and blood. Her tired green eyes bore into mine and her face was almost soft under the filth. The adrenaline rush had left her and her breathing was heavy. I tore my eyes away, a pang of guilt from what I just did passing through me.

That's all it does though. Pass. Then once the guilt passes it's gone. A little stays and adds to the pile but it's gone. I'll brag about it later to scare recruits or something. Cait knew though, I don't know how, but she knew that what I just did wasn't healthy. Maybe she had done the same thing to scare the Raiders at the Combat Zone. Put up an act, make a scare, and it ends problems before they start. What I just did though, was snap; some sort of psychological break. No one was watching, no one could know.

"Hey, you alright Tex?"

I was just staring into space, the thousand or two-thousand yard stare people called it. I just nodded my head. Unable to say anything unless… something broke.

She gripped my shoulder and said, "Hey, look at me."

I took a deep breath, took my mask off, tossed it in agitation and my blue eyes burned into her green ones. When she saw the darkness, life just drained from my eyes, she just mumbled a curse, scooted closer and just held me. That was when something else in me snapped and I just started crying.

"Now, c'mon Tex. Don't do that right now."

She didn't let go of me as we got up and went to the nearest building, a film house for kids visiting Nuka-World, while she half dragged-half guided me inside. The door creaked open, but I didn't care. My head was 7,300 miles away, about 12,000 kilometers away, I was watching a building burn in China. I don't know what exactly triggered this specific flashback but I know what broke it.

It wasn't until Cait somehow turned on the projector that I was broken from my spiraling head. Hilariously enough, lights only flickered from it and she cussed. The reel was whirring, I guess that woke me from the flashback; sound. I tried to wipe my face, but I was covered in blood and dust. After a huff, I got up and went to her, a smile was in my voice but not my face when i said,

"I ever say I love it when you cuss?"

"Hey you, you're finally awake. Thought I was gonna have to cuss a dragon outta the sky to get you outta that trip."

I took a deep breath, and reassured, "I'm fine."

"T'aint none of us fine Tex." She prodded something and it zapped her, she punched the projector. "Those Robo Raiders or whatever could be on our tail."

I laughed, "Sit down Cait." She gave me a incredulous look and smiled as she playfully antagonized,

"Weren't you just bawling like a baby two seconds ago?"

"That didn't happen."

"Oh you think you can fix this then, huh?"

Getting a little irked at her friendly banter, I wiped the dust off the projector's lenses and "fixed" it. My only reply was a smug smirk afterwards until I added,

"This would be when Ruven or his dad would say there is good in everyone once you clean them up a little."

The air took on a solemn note for a second when Cait added to the silence, looking at me from around the corner of the machine, "Sounds like slag to me."

"Sometimes it's true."

"Oh now you Confucius or something?"

"Da what?"

"Was somethin' Ruven said to a wise guy."

I laughed and coughed on some dust, my adrenaline finally fading from my body. I sat and waived Cait next to me. The show was still in the pre show credits, sponsors and advertisements. Uncle Sam recruitment crap. Something about an elixir and another about Vault-Tec. The last one interested me, or made my body tense uncomfortably instead of boring me to sleep.

Some Harvard or Institute professor from before the bombs fell was doing an ad for Psycho. He had on a snazzy suit, the colors and names on the reel bled together with age but he said,

"Are you stressed? Are you lacking creativity? What if I told you that this much-" he held up an old Psycho shot, they were much smaller back then, but equally potent, "of Pschysid," he cleared his throat, "also known as Psycho, has been documented to make 90% of convicts fully functioning members of society!"

Unbeknownst to me, my hand started gripping the armrest like my life depended on it. My blood threatened to boil but he continued,

"For a limited time! Get one batch of psycho free whenever you buy mentats from our drug stores or malt shops! And don't forget to turn on, tune in, drop out!" (A/N: Based off of Timothy Leary but for LSD.)

I couldn't even look at Cait as I murmured, "I'm sorry that came up."

When she didn't answer, I looked at her, expecting her to be fuming. No, I just noticed her hand on mine and she was pointing at the screen before unleashing a huge fit of laughter, exclaiming,

"Get a load of this bloke!"

At this moment I just didn't say anything and let her laugh. I watched as the colors and light washed over her smile. I chuckled to myself, I was getting mad for her when she wasn't even mine. She squeezed my hand once she calmed down asking,

"Did they really believe all that garbage back then?"

I let out a hollow huff through my nose, not proud of our history in the slightest, saying, "Yep. Yep they did." I added, the images on the screen and memories flashing before my eyes, "Some doctor came by our house and gave us one of those experiments. Big leather case full of the stuff. Was my first hit. My dad and I were both convicts." I was silent a second and finished, "The people we sold it to weren't always like us though." (The doctor is based on someone else I read about when trying to find information on psycho's real world sub: LSD.)

"So it didn't fix you then."

"Hell no, drugs never wipe the dust off a person."

"You're tellin' me."

We just kept watching the film until she stated, "You know, I never heard you talk about your father before."

I tensed, and she saw it, understood it or so it seemed. We didn't say anything after that, we just watched the reel repeat itself. I don't know how long we were there but we eventually got some beers and whiskeys from the concession area. We were laughing at the ads and getting drunk.

Then I got the bright idea to try and clean myself up a little bit. I splashed the alcohol on my face and wiped the blood and dust off but got some in a cut I didn't know I had. I cussed and Cait laughed at me before she tried to wipe my face with a rag she also doused in alcohol. My hand cupped her hand as I grimaced as the stinging started to subside.

My head was hazy, and alcohol always made me do things I normally wouldn't do. Without a thought, my free hand cupped the nape of her neck and I kissed her. I haven't kissed a girl since I was in grade school. My dad had scarred me so much that I never messed with girls in middle school, high school or hookers in the military. The Chinese broke that ice. No, maybe it was the wastes. Maybe it was a girl with green eyes and an irish accent.

Oh, and the alcohol. I normally don't do this.

To no one's surprise, we tasted of alcohol, but her lips, even after being chapped by the dust and winds, felt so soft. The taste actually made it better. I didn't care about the fact that I could taste my own breath on her. I just wanted to keep drinking. Not from the bottles around us but her. Nothing had graced my lips like this in my life that I can remember.

I didn't care that we were covered head to toe in blood and ashes.

And neither did she, I found out quickly.

She kissed me back, one hand holding mine and the other rubbing my leg.

"French me you dog." She mumbled just loud enough for me to hear.

Well, they call me the Howler for a reason. I slipped off my wolf cloak and drank of her lips, of her throat and still wanted more. Her eyes fluttered in ecstasy as she sucked my tongue and I couldn't help but moan. My breathes grew huskier with every second of her, an erotic, wordless, confession and testimony of consent. Her hand squeezed my groin and then she broke the kiss.

For a split second I thought I was getting rejected but her eyes were hungry and her grin mischievous. I watched her as she unlatched my belt and pulled down my mud and blood crusted combats. Her smile only grew as she looked at my bulge and commented, "Well, well," she poked the cloth brief barely covering me, driving me mad, "I'd say it's over four and a half. Maybe five."

My hands gripped the armrests of the theater seats like my life depended on it. She teased me, kissing my tip with my briefs still on. Even going so far as looking me in the eye and nibbling the cloth of my underwear. Loving the effect she had on me she pulled my pants lower; all the way to the ground.

I struggled to contain a scream as she teased, her tongue brushing my balls. My heart was pounding and I thought for sure the veins in my neck were popping out. When she played with my testies in her mouth I couldn't hold it back and screamed,

"Oh my God Cait!"

"Let it out tough guy," she purred, her accent like honey on my ears, "I'm just getting started."

Both her hands pulled down on my briefs and my length leapt out to meet her. She regarded it thoughtfully, running her thumb up it bit by bit. I tried to hold back a groan and managed, "What are you doing?"

"Measuring it."

"Oh my God seriously?!"

"Don't rush me or I'll bite it off." She threatened before she briefly brushed a hand up my shirt and cooed, "Relax. You're so tense when you don't let it out."

Her eyes looked up at mine before both her hands rested on my inner thighs. She kissed my tip and I couldn't help but shudder. Pecking it a few more times I couldn't help but groan from what she was doing to me. Next, she looked straight into my eyes while blowing out a breath. No, wait, she was blowing on me before taking a deep breath.

Before I could ask what she was doing she took up my shaft into her mouth. Next thing I knew I was deep in her throat and loving it. She swirled her tongue around me and wasn't sucking; taking her sweet time with me. I struggled to let out a groan. She made me so weak.

Pulling out she laughed at me, "You act like this is your first blow or something."

I wasn't going to confirm or deny anything but took a fistful of her hair in my hand. Surprise reached her eyes and mischief as she kissed the insides of my thighs. As if I challenged her she growled, "I like a feisty little virgin."

She exhaled this time before taking all of me in her mouth and sucking softly. Driving me mad, she sucked harder and harder somehow emulating a tightening clit or something. Groaning, or purring rather, she was hell bent on taking me down her throat. I could feel the vibrations in her throat and she knew it.

"Cait!" I barely whimpered.

Going faster her eyes fluttered as she groaned with my dick in her mouth. Finally I couldn't take it before exploding into her mouth. Contentment was in her eyes, knowing full well that I blew up in her mouth. She licked up whatever was left and cleared her throat before spitting it out.

I tried to stamp down my disappointment that she didn't swallow. However this was the wasteland. There's real dangers to swallowing your best friend's load in a drunken stupor.

Crap, was she even going to remember this tomorrow?

She took a light swig of some alcohol and spat. Trying to rinse her mouth of me. Sighing, content she said, "Put your pants on Tex, we gotta move."


Possibly next chap of the "series"

"Jesus," Cait said at morning coffee at camp, "my mouth tastes like mud covered dick!"

I couldn't help but clam up squeamishly. She didn't remember.