
Virginmade Lemonade (XXX)

You walk down the streets of what seems to be an American neighborhood oozing with Americana. A child at a lemonade stand waves to you. Walking up to his location he asks you, “Did you want some lemonade, miss/mister?” “Just some lemons.” “Oh follow me!” Following him, you go back to a dark corner of the house and the boy’s voice deepens. He sounds like a gangster from the Bronx or Brooklyn, parts of New York, “Jesus that facade is suffocatin’.” He puffs on a e-cigarette and says, “Degenerates only. Most of my wares are from DC comics and Bethesda video games. Might include other media as I so choose like the MCU or somethin’. Perverts. Other times I might write some stuff that’s original. Inspired by the times I chose purity over lemons. Enjoy, ya heathens-“ (Title inspired by the American brand MinuteMade Lemonade. Added some reference pics for people unfamiliar. Nothing saucy in that regard.) All are MxF

xWandererx · Others
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5 Chs

Dragonfall 1 (M) Dragonborn x Camilia Valerius

Notable tags: A little fluff, medieval fantasy, PG-13ish?

Taken from my fanfic: Dragonfall

Heading to the tavern, I was greeted by the glower of none other than Sven. He must know I told Faendal about his scheme. Trying to casually keep my distance, I ordered soup and mead before pulling out the ancient spell tome. The cover was worn off but once I opened it the title page read: "A Conjurer's Book of Circles" by Nephiem Vaporbrine. It appears that this book isn't going to teach me one spell. No, after quickly looking through the pages I was going to learn three and more about the school of conjuration regarding summoned weapons.

The author claims he could confound his opponents with different combat styles, swinging a bound hammer at one moment, spin, and bash them with a bound shield the next. He also told tales of reading about mages that could be in robes one second and then and entire bound armor the next. It was a very interesting book and it took me almost the rest of the day to properly digest. Now I know how to make a bound sword, shield and bow and the basics of making my own bound weapons.

I'll still need to practice the spells but I was pretty confident if I needed them on the fly I could do them first try. Next I took out my Transmute book and reread it. Conjuration was easier for me to understand whereas Alteration was not. I even took out the last few iron ores in my bag and transferred them into silver. I really wanted to try and turn them to gold but silver was okay for now. I may turn them into a better dagger. I mulled over buying more ore from the smith but it was getting late and the rocks gets dirt in my bag. That and I could accidentally turn them back to iron or accidentally destroy them for all I knew.

Shaking my head I swirled my soup in my hand, heating it with magic. As I went to double check the part where it was talking about gold someone joined me at my table. I tore my eyes out of my book and met none other than a smiling Camilia.

"What are you reading?" She seemed much more chipper than she was this morning.

"A spell book concerning rocks."

"Eww, really?" She asked.

"Nords look down on magic, I know."

"I don't, but rocks?"

"Certainly not as interesting as shooting fire from your hands for the first time but it has its own unique beauty."

"Can you show me?"

She leaned over the table as if to get a better look but I knew better. More of her neckline was exposed and I smelt the distinct aroma of The Essence of the Rift. I had seen the perfume in the marketplace many times. My family had their own alchemist make our perfume however, all the high families did. She'd probably be surprised if she knew I knew what BRAND of perfume she was wearing but I pretended not to notice for now.

"Sure," I said, unable to keep the smile off my face.

I slipped one hand under the table while distracting her with the other. Mesmerized by the green hues coming from my hand I pulled a trick from cheap street magicians and jesters in Daggerfall. Once the spell failed, intentionally, I exclaimed, "Darn it!"

"Aww." Camilia pouted.

"I just need some help, give me your hand."

"What?" She said with a start.

"Trust me."

I placed her hand on the silver ore, pretended to concentrate and brought my hand out from under the table and properly cast the spell. She was awestruck watching the rock change from under her hand and forgot that I had been holding her hand in both of mine for a short moment. It was a heartwarming experience for me, with all the stresses of a war torn land here lately.

"From silver, to gold, just need to purify it at a smelter." I said.

"That's amazing!"

"See? Rocks aren't always so boring. They can be beautiful even with the rough edges." Then I withdrew my hands and asked, "Now I'm sure you didn't come to me to learn magic. What brings you here?" I glanced behind her where Sven was earlier, "I think Sven is pretending to have to go repair his lute so you didn't come to talk to him."

"He doesn't deserve me faking kindness right now. Maybe in a week or two but definitely not now." She smiled, "I came for a drink."

"Just a drink?"

"And more gifts for my champion."

"There's no need-"

"I insist."

She then presented a small box with a lid on it. Peeling off the lid I couldn't help but smile.

"I found them at the back of the shop, I hope you like them."

Inside was an amulet of Julianos and a bottle of oil. I uncorked the bottle, and my natural instincts made me waft the scent to my nose with my hand. I've known people who have been poisoned with gifts before so it's been second nature to me to smell perfumes like an alchemist mixing poison. Smelling the scent reminded me of the odor I used in my chamber back on the ship here to Skyrim; Mara's Bosom Aromatic Oil.

"So," I addressed, "Essence of the Rift and Mara's Bosom Aromatic Oil?"

"Goodness!" She blushed, "You are perceptive!"

"I get that a lot." I replied.

"I'm actually really happy you noticed."

"Most men usually don't." I put my gold ore in my bag and asked, "Are you going to do one of those late night strolls tonight?"

"No," she propped her elbow on the table and rested her head on her hand, "got two men who'd probably harass me."

"Isn't your brother expecting you?"

"He's getting that gold he promised you."

"So," I propped my arm on the table similar to her, "what are you going to do?"

She couldn't look me in the eye for a second but once she did, she replied, "You knew all along didn't you?"

I shrugged, "I get that a lot as well."

"You got a room?"

I just smiled and she read my face.

"If you say 'I get that a lot too', I'm going to smack you."

"I do."

She smiled and took my hand before leading me up the steps. My bags on my back I stepped through the doorframe and let the bag drop from my shoulder as she closed the door behind me. Once I turned around, Camilia was blushing but had a provocative and almost predatory look on her face as she held the door shut.

"I can't believe this is happening."

"Never do this before?" I asked, slipping the belt off of my tunic and breeches.

"Oh I'm experienced."

I slipped my tunic off and her breathing hitched, even though she's seen it before. She added,

"Whenever you meet someone new you never know if they'll accept you."

I walked towards her, joking, "That's what roofix (roofies) potions are for."

She rolled her eyes and laughed, "By the gods, you are so scandalous."

I planted my hand on the door, "And you are a saint?"

She looped her hands around my neck, and whispered, "No."

Her lips were soft, while mine were a little rough and chapped. Other opposites abounded, her palms roamed over the patches of hair on my chest while mine felt the smooth of her neck and plunged into her neckline. She was unscarred, but I was. She was a little nervous, while I wasn't. She was a seemingly good girl and I was a bad boy.

Well, she wasn't a saint. Maybe we had a little more in common. My hands cupped her chest, under her dress but her bodice underneath was in the way. She knew what I wanted, and when her hand cupped my foreskin I knew what she wanted.

"So," she whispered, "you're a chest guy?"

"I'm an everything kind of guy."

She giggled before reaching back, undoing her hair. While she fiddled with the drawstrings on the back of her dress I kissed her cheek, neck and tender chest. Giving me a guiding shove I stepped back to the hay and fur bed as she took off her dress overhead.

Smiling at me with nothing but a white one piece bodice, she sat next to me on the bed and kiss me deeper. Passion ebbed from her and I lost myself, moaning I Dunmer (French) kissed her and caught her off guard. She kinda yelped and I parted, reduced to a huffing mess, "Do you not like that?"

"It's… exotic," she said with a smile, "caught me off guard is all."

"I realize it's not for everyone," I guided her onto her back with a finger to her forehead, "but you got me going."

"And I as well."

I Dunmer kissed her even more passionately this time and she moaned into my mouth as my tongue explored hers. On top of her, our genitalia grinded against one another through my breeches and her bodice. Eventually she groaned my name, strings of saliva between our breaths, "Tallliiiooon~"

My hands then slipped to the strings of her bodice and she begged huskily, "Now, now!"

One the bodice and breeches came off the back and forth reminded me of the sea. Not the one with bodies of sailors and vampires I left behind. But a blue sea, with sands and soft waves of home.