
Villainess vengence

Taika was a little different from other transmigration, she didn't wanted vengeance neither or wealth, she wasn't  betrayed by her close ones neither did she get killed by anyone. In fact Taika had a normal peaceful life, a lovely parents and doting siblings and great friends who supported her when she was facing hardship or trouble. Like a bad dream her prefect life shattered one very night, her life took a double turn when she woke up only to find out she is dead and was bond to a transmigration cycle without her consent.   She became a life puppet to the system cycle, due to her pure character she had to take twisted classes in order to be a villainess. And it was killing her...no matter how hard she struggled... she could never escape this suffering or tortured it was a cycle which she had to pass through and eventually became them.bb Not my pics... But... Thumb up to the pro.

Lizbreaker1174 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
42 Chs

F world one: Emperor

The crown prince has been beaming, have never seen him with such bright expression... It's blinding."

" Looked like the sun had raisin for west, today... I really wonder, what happened to him."

A grumpy manly voice of a rough looking guard replied his other, who nodded in return.

" I think his in love.... * Hahahahaha* our little prince is in love."

Both guards stared at the old servent, who nosily butted his mouth into their business.

" Really?"

" Of course,of course, what do you single boys know about love? I once held such looks before~~~~~~"

Guards:....╬ " Yeah! Right!"

The guards held a dark grey look on their faces, staring at flowering old servent whining happily.




" Father, you called for my presence?"

The large room covered in soft and expensive floor clothing. The was painted in dark red and held large wall frames, the window were shut and covered in thick curtain.

The set of candle light flickers. The view closer to the large bed at the middle.

" Father?"

Zach stared at the shadow of the King - Emperor of the Great Zelda kingdom.

Since his stay at this palace. 7 years ago, he had never seen the face of his father, his crown prince title coronation. His father never showed his face to him, his own children or people.

Sometimes, Zach can't but wonder, how did he even impregnate his wives if he never showed his face.

Despite this, the Emperor   is feared by all and nobody their try to overthrown him. People who tried, were mysteriously earse from earth.

Rumors had said that: The current emperor was also adopted, responsible of the disappears of his adopted father( Pervious Emperor), who was reported missing after few years of his arrival.

" You looked troubled son, it's any of your brother pulling any trick?"

Zach deep waving force of thoughts pauses. The voice, low, cold yet elegant.

His glowing golden eyes squirt at the shadow. The bed was huge and large but was covered with, long light thick curtains. Making it impossible to see the appearance of his dad.

His lips pause into fine line. Yet, didn't respond.

A tried and weak sigh came from the other side, alerting Zach.

" Are you okay father? Should I call the palace physicians?!"

His hands ready to take of the curtain but pause, his worried eyes were seen and fist cleach blue.

" Nothing is wrong with me, and you shouldn't bother...."

There was a tense slience in the room, but the other ( Emperor) wasn't done speaking.

" As a crown prince and future heir of the throne! You shouldn't be bothered by trivial things as this."

" Yes , father."

His voice sounded low, but one could sense a ting bit of sadness in it.

" Your birthday is coming up, and am pretty sure, that you had already decided or have decided, who is going to be the queen."

Due to thickness of skin, his ears turned a bit red. His eyes widen, visions of a green haired lady filled his visions. Zach felt flutter thinking about her and didn't notice how odd, the emperor sounded at that moment.

" Yes, father."

" That's great, I can't wait to meet that's person, so perfect for that's day."

" Yes, father."

" You're dismissed, am tried an need my rest."

" Yes, father."

The soft sound of door shut, echo in the pin drop room of slience.

The shadow stared at the spot, Zach once stood. A creepy giggles filled the room, and the shadow outstretched it's hand.

A pair of pale beautiful hand, with slim elongate fingers, that can't belong to a man was seen.

" So perfect, that day would be indeed perfect."

The voice didn't sound elegant non- human-like. It's sounded as thousands whispers, repeating a say.

" I can't wait, for that moment! Ahahaha!"

A rustle sounded, the candle lights sleep off to the wind, leaving the room in darkness.




" Please...save us....!"

" We-we don't... want to— but can't stop ourselves... It's Gyaaaaaaah!"

" Saaaaaave us!"





The bule light ray speard roaming. Followed by the slashing sounds of a furious sword.

The place was quite dusky and smoky. The dust reduce quite greatly, revealing a weak tried Nana with huge sword in her hands.

Her thin lips gasps of air. Yet still continue to skills fully swing her sword yet randomly.

" I-i-i-i didn't kill you, motherfuckers...!"

Her eyes narrowed dangerously, due she still not getting used to all this source of dangerous dreams. That's really affect her in reality.

Her lips pause tightly. Narrow eyes reflect the familiar opponent.

It's was the girls from earlier, the girls that's were burtedly mundered during their escape.

And, now an opponent to fight with. If she don't get rid of them, then she will dead in this void.

( Ding! 55 ghosts soliders remaining, master had to get rid of them in order to return.)


The side were dark view of Nana face was showed. Her sword lifted high and body position, ready to attack.

" I said, I didn't kill any of you.... Mother – Flop! Tund!"

The sword fell into the thick dark blood liquid, so did Nana.

Her eyes widen at the familiar crimson gluing substance, that's held her tight to the ground.

What the hell is going on?!

She struggles!

Nana was getting furious at the cheat of this starnge place. How did they expect her to defeat the unjust ghost, helding her like this.

Those thought of hers were cut short, at the sight of the fleeing ghost.

" Aaaahhhhhhhh! I don't wanna!"

" Let's me goooo..! "

" I don't want to dieeeeeee...!!!"

It's was quite funny, hearing those words from the mouth of ghosts. Nana feel chilled within.

" What thee hell, is that thing?!"

No body to answer her. The striking waves of tormented pain burt within.

( Ding! Master have gain access to her first skill. ' Lake of hail rain')

  A large room filled with exclusive yet extravagant things, a huge bed was seen at the side of the room, and there layed a sleeping girl.

Her eyes lids painted in slight red made some movement. Eyelashes quiver revealing a sinister red stroke green eyes.

Her dark red lips held a grinning smile.




" Yawn....! It's so boring."

" Yeah, indeed!"

A large tall door embroidered with golden leopard print, two guards could be seen standing at each end of the door, with long tall spears in their hands.

" It's being hours, am getting hungry already!"

" Shut up, you aren't the only one hungry."

" The crown prince, asked us to watch the door before his return but it has been ages,  and no sign of him returning."

" Shut up and stop complaining. Anyone would be dying to asked to guard the highness's room, and you are complaining!"

" Am hungry!"

" Shut up!"

The guards were busy growling at each other and didn't notice the strange movement with the door.

" Am hungry!"

" Shut up, you foodie!"

" Am going to die from hunger!"

" Then just die!"

" Who want to die?!"

" Who thee– your highness!"

" Greetings thee highness!"

The childish behavior of the guards came to and end, with their kneel on the floor and head touching the ground.

" We deeply apologize, your highness! For our childish behavior!"

Zach coldly stared disappointly at the two senior guards_" Go meet the dean and ask for your punishment."

" Yes-your-your majestic, I meant your highness!"

He completely ignore them and walked towards the door with a tray in his hand.

His nervous sweaty hand outstretched toward the door knob.

Would she be awake?

Or still unconscious?

Prince Zach gentle shook his head, making himself look short and adorable.

Think positive, think positive.

He gently push the door opened and....
