
Villainess vengence

Taika was a little different from other transmigration, she didn't wanted vengeance neither or wealth, she wasn't  betrayed by her close ones neither did she get killed by anyone. In fact Taika had a normal peaceful life, a lovely parents and doting siblings and great friends who supported her when she was facing hardship or trouble. Like a bad dream her prefect life shattered one very night, her life took a double turn when she woke up only to find out she is dead and was bond to a transmigration cycle without her consent.   She became a life puppet to the system cycle, due to her pure character she had to take twisted classes in order to be a villainess. And it was killing her...no matter how hard she struggled... she could never escape this suffering or tortured it was a cycle which she had to pass through and eventually became them.bb Not my pics... But... Thumb up to the pro.

Lizbreaker1174 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
42 Chs

F world one:(Semi M) She is mine wife!

{ Skip if uncomfortable}

Her side radiate presence as she stared at the window, a beautiful smile set on her face, making her unresistable .


The tray of food slip from my hands, alerting the other and make me wanting to slap my forehead.

" Crown prince?!– You're awake!"

There's was a pause a still slience between the two.

Zach cold eyes melted in warmth. He didn't know the girl on his bed, yet felt this familiar rush of familiarity.

Her indifferent green eyes made his words hanging.

" Your highness? "

Her voice was still and calm, not belonging to a child who should be experience her first seen of blood.

Her green was messy and stranded, her skin yellow and bone looking, her cheeks bone clearly visible, lip black/dry/ eyes shallow/dim/ yet cold and calm.

" Your highness?!"

" Huh?"

" Your attire, food."

His eyes trance the direction of her finger, only realizing his causal prince attire was ruined by slash of hot soup.

Which, he didn't notice.

His hand gently ruffles his hair, face red and eyes staring downwards.

" Ah! ahem! Want some soup?."




" So delicious your highness! I can eat thing cooking still dawn!"

Yeah! Right!

His eyes stared awkwardly at the long line of huge dished and then the little girl, who still eating with no intention of stoping.



Nana quickly covered her mouth.

" Sorry your highness, I got carried away. hehehe."

" Is nothing. And beside, am named Zach by the way."

" Huh?"

" Nothing! You still seem hungry, am going to asked maid to bring more dish for you."

Nana: * nodding head really hard.*

System assistant: ( Host?! the villainess had never answered in such manner. She always had her head down and looked sad and gloomy as the weather; So what do you think you doing?! The world cousiounesss may detect you, and game end!"

Nana almost choked on her food at the sudden voice of the system. She almost forgotten about it's existence and was blending quite great with the world.

( Chill down, the ML of the world offered me food and you want me to refuse?! You know, I haven't had a had a taste of water since I got here! So let me eat some food, am still a human and not a machine."

Huge empty dishes and still eating= Some food.

System assistant: ( Don't forget about the mission, your time is ticking and not wanting for you.)

( Yes! Got a plan for that.)

Her eyes glinted red.

" Your highness– Zach!"

" Prince, I meant ' Zach' . I really thanks you for saving me back then."

Zach stared at the girl kneeling in front of him. Her shiny eyes were back to it's shallow, dull and cold from, making his heart skip a beat.

A strong urgent rush within, his eyes shone golden.

His hand held her up, and the other hugged her small waist close to himself. covering her small skinny body.

" Your highness!"

His grip held her little body, his lips gently placed on hers, invading her little mouth.

Nana eyes widen as she struggled. This wasn't part of her plan, this was harassment!

His tongue roamed roughly in her mouth, his hand caressing places it's shouldn't be.

( System assistant, help!)

Her brain fuzzy and blank, as if there was a string broke.

How did it come to this?!

The lips and tongues are entangled, breathing hot and damp yet anxious, full of unknown desires.

The kisses ended. She felt weak and hot.

Her first kiss?! was gone, just like that.

" Try breathing, don't hold your breath."

Nana felt quite angry. Her eyes stared angrily and yet with munderous intent at the glowing eyes of the other.

How dare, he take advantage of a child... such beast!

" You...!"

Her sentence cut short, mouth sized.

The kiss were quite slow but rough, his tongue withdraw, bringing out a trance of sliver liquid.

" I can't hold it, any longer."

Nana still fuzzy, stared alerting at the standing long thick stick poking her.

Wait! he didn't mean that, right?!

" Young highness! – Zach! call me Zach."

His hot breath touch her ears tips, making it's redder than before.

" Zach, we can't...."

Her words, cut short as she was throw on the bed.

Her huge eyes stared in horror.

This -!

His hands torn his shirt, and held her legs as she tried to run.

" Am going to make you feel good, we both love it."

His mouth slammed her neck and huge warm hands beneath her dress.

" Y-your Highness~"

A low moan escape from her mouth, making the movement more exotic.

" Your high-high-highness~~"

Her low moan made the throat move slightly.

Can't take it anymore, he was almost like and uncaged beast .

His hand rip the shirt of hers, revealing a skinny boned body filled with scars and long deep injuries.

The pair of eyes ones held desire, was dark and filled with rage.

He gently wiped the tear off her face.

" Who did this?!"

Those question made Nana pause, destroying most of the atmosphere.

" Did what?"

Her questions were unanswered as the door slammed wide jopened.

" Prince Zach, am–crunch..!"

" What-what-what Is going on, here?!"
