
Villainess vengence

Taika was a little different from other transmigration, she didn't wanted vengeance neither or wealth, she wasn't  betrayed by her close ones neither did she get killed by anyone. In fact Taika had a normal peaceful life, a lovely parents and doting siblings and great friends who supported her when she was facing hardship or trouble. Like a bad dream her prefect life shattered one very night, her life took a double turn when she woke up only to find out she is dead and was bond to a transmigration cycle without her consent.   She became a life puppet to the system cycle, due to her pure character she had to take twisted classes in order to be a villainess. And it was killing her...no matter how hard she struggled... she could never escape this suffering or tortured it was a cycle which she had to pass through and eventually became them.bb Not my pics... But... Thumb up to the pro.

Lizbreaker1174 · Fantasy
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42 Chs

F world one: The seed

" *Sire* Our Men found this strange phenomenon box in the desert outskirts out the country walls."

The view showed so familiar, group of men adores in amor of golden which embroidered with black light think dress at the other openings.

They looked exactly like any imperial army, yet aren't, due to the snake images attach to their armor.  They all were all one kneel with a brocade box, long and narrow.

The box looked quite normal, expect from the scare gore image of a bleeding naked woman being held by rotten hands and a large crimson Lily flowers, surrounding the tense atmosphere, was embroidered on it surface.

" Drop and dismissed."

The cold grumpy and causal command, made the army to look among themselves as one of them gently placed the box on the fine refined table, before giving a deep bow and closing the door with a soft bang.

" What would boss used that item for, I really don't have a good feeling about it."

The youngest among the army couldn't help but commented,as his trips passed through the dark underground tunnels of the mansion.

" Knock! You don't have to say every thought that captive in that young mind of yours. The wall have ears, you know."


" Captain, you just a year older, yet talk like you are in your late nights.... Sometimes,I think my grandparents are way cool— Slience!"

The playful atmosphere among the little team of army's vanished, replaced with a dangerous but cautious one.

Everyone was ready for any attack in any direction as their footing was slience as the smoothie wind could be.

" You guys are too noisy, your noise was going to wake my little piny up."

There was a pin long slience after that.

Everyone stared at their General playing with a huge cubby green worm in his hands, The worm was indeed cute but the troops were quite annoyed.

Troops:...╬ ( You could have told us that, intead of using the Emergency code.)





Sliver blue lights, could be seen swaying at different direction.

The long legs of the general, could seen as spilted gore bodies of the others fell on the ground followed by the splashing blood, staining the scenery view.

" Hush! That wasn't so hard." The previous manly voice was replaced with a lovely feminine voice. The human skin fell on the bloody ground, followed by some other stuffs that only a man could know, also fell on the crimson river of blood.

In the drizzle light and shadow, a sexy familiar female figure could been seen.  Dark brown hair, lonely blank eyes, adverage but slim body in black leather revealing shorts and two twins sword on her sides.

Her long tongue licked the blood stain on her face revealing sharps and long teeth , that can't belong to a human.

" Piny, aren't you hungry. Mama, find you some dessert."

The long red fingers held the cute green worm, placing it on the bloody ground as it's crawl towards the gore bodies of army's. Devoring it.

The worm turned into a black egg and a sick satisfactory smile appear on the lady lips.

" You finally going to be a chaotic being, my dear Piny."

The deep red lips utter in evoking laughter, with her sword like heel heading to the direction from which they once walked pass.




" A cherry seed?!"

Adam couldn't help but whisper as he strange carefully at the seed with red stripes. His eyes stared deeply at the strange but normal looking seed.

" Outrageous! How dare they play with me!"

His hand bang his table in fumy and a clear feeling of humiliation.

" What the hell is this?!"

He was fumy to think his trained private army's, would dare to play a joke on him. Anyone would be fumy, if there underlings play a bad , and not so funny joke non them.

  This wasn't the seed, he seek.

Different vision of a huge large willow cherry tree, destroying and killing of the remaining humans, filled his greedy vision.

He wanted that kind of power, and had been on dangerous ssearch leading to the cold besieged of his men. He did weary as he thought that, he had all time of the world but no anymore.

He had to find the mythical seed before someone does.

  Adam quitely nodded his head on that thought.

Unable to deal with his violent angry and inpatient, he randomly throw the seed and stomp out of his office with a slam bang sound.

The room became oddly slient, whispers and eeir melody began to play in the background, the closed window were forced opened with rushing winds filled the room.

' Heart of Mali'

It's sounds like that of a hushing mellow voice, filled with pain, loneliness and deep despair, followed slipping sounds of papers.

The box was gone.



<<Host! You should used a better method, I don't think he would consider your way of offering and accept the deal of capturing your mother. It's sound dumb, just hearing those words for a child mouth.>>

Linda who sipping her tea suddenly stopped at her action, her smiling angelical expression changed from a slight moment.

( Are you calling me dumb?!)

The light forehead of the chidi assistant ooze fine cold sweat.

<< Host, is getting my point of view at the wrong direction; I was only doubting if Your real father would agree to such unfavorable term made by host?>>

Linda: ( Duh! He has to agree. One can see he is totally obsessed for mother, so he has agreed and follow my term... If he want mum in his arms.)

The chibi assistant couldn't help but rolled her huge pink eyes. Her host seem to have forget, that she also an obsessed and possessive freak too.

Linda was currently giggling to herself, making her cubby fat cheeks trembling sightly.

Her lovely grey eyes stared at outstretched of the starry skies, and her giggles was becoming even more louder.

" Am going this for you, so you better accept my efforts....Prince Zach."

That patient dog gets the fattest bone.

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