
Victor Crane (DC/MARVEL)

Cheating is not cheating if it's you doing it (⁠⌐⁠■⁠-⁠■⁠)b Hate me, love me, do whatever you want, but don't you dare demand me a harem Also there is no schedule, this is not my passion, its barely a hobby

1934_5 · Anime & Comics
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12 Chs


Still having my ass kicked by Bloodborne, but my anger made me have a genius idea so here it is


The Iceberg Lounge: the epitome of Gotham's high society and low morals, all wrapped in one chilly package. And tonight, it's the stage for my latest bit of fun. No master plan, no grand scheme, just pure, unadulterated chaos. Because why not?

"Why are we doing this again?" Evelyn asked, adjusting her dress. She looked stunning, of course—black sequins that caught the light just right.

"Because, my dear, sometimes you have to remind the world that you're here. Plus, it's karaoke night." I grinned, my clones already taking their positions around the club. Solomon Grundy was standing by, looking almost presentable in a suit that barely fit his massive frame. He held a microphone in his hand, looking at it curiously.

"And what better way to make a statement than with a classic tune?" I continued, adjusting my own attire. A sharp tuxedo, because even mad scientists need to look the part.

The Iceberg Lounge was packed tonight. Gotham's elite mingled with the underworld, oblivious to the fun I had in store. I could see the Penguin holding court at the back, flanked by his usual goons. Perfect.

We took the stage as the first notes of "Just the Two of Us" began to play. I grabbed the mic, winking at Evelyn. Solomon Grundy stood next to me, looking every bit the hulking behemoth he was, but with a hint of curiosity in his eyes.

I started the song, my voice surprisingly smooth and controlled. Who knew a mad scientist could sing? Evelyn joined in, her voice blending with mine, adding a touch of elegance to the performance. And then Grundy...well, Grundy added his own unique flair.

"Just the two of us, we can make it if we try," I crooned, pointing at Grundy who stared back blankly before rumbling out the next line.

"Just the two of us... you and I," Grundy sang, his voice deep and gravelly, but somehow in tune.

The crowd was initially shocked, then amused. Laughter and applause filled the room. Even the Penguin seemed momentarily disarmed. But this was Gotham, and peace never lasts long.

Right on cue, the sound of a struggle broke out. Batman had crashed the party, as expected. He moved through the Penguin's goons with his usual efficiency, a dark whirlwind of justice. The chaos was beautifully synchronized with our performance.

I kept singing, barely glancing at the mayhem unfolding. "We look for love, no time for tears," I sang, as Batman sent one thug flying over a table. "Wasted water's all that is, and it don't make no flowers grow."

Evelyn chimed in, her eyes never leaving mine. "Good things might come to those who wait, not for those who wait too late."

Grundy, bless his heart, gave a surprisingly heartfelt rendition of, "We gotta go for all we know."

Batman had almost cleared the room. The Penguin was shouting orders, his umbrella firing off shots in a desperate attempt to regain control. But I was in my element, the center of this beautiful storm.

"Just the two of us, building castles in the sky," I sang, stepping closer to Evelyn.

"Just the two of us, you and I," she replied, her smile both mischievous and genuine.

As the song came to its climax, Batman finally reached the stage. He stood there, cape billowing, looking at me with those cold, judgmental eyes. I ended the song with a flourish, bowing deeply.

"Ladies and gentlemen, thank you for being a wonderful audience!" I said, grinning at Batman. "And now, I believe our guest of honor has arrived."

We ran away from the stage, leaving Batman to deal with the aftermath and my clones. Evelyn and Grundy followed, Grundy looking quite pleased with himself.

"Did you have fun?" I asked Evelyn as we made our way out of the Iceberg Lounge.

"More than I expected," she admitted, a genuine smile on her face. "But what was the point?"

"Sometimes, my dear Evelyn, the point is just to enjoy the show. And we certainly gave them a night to remember."

As we slipped into the shadows of Gotham's underbelly, I couldn't help but feel a rush of satisfaction. No grand plan, no elaborate scheme—just pure, unfiltered fun. Because in a city like Gotham, sometimes you have to make your own entertainment.