
Versatile mage:Godly talent

What kind of excitement will a mage who relies on his innate talent to dominate the world of versatile mage ? Plant Talent: Life Absorption Can absorb the vitality of living things for his own use. As the level increases, the talent becomes stronger and stronger. Life absorption, life control, life forbidden realm, can the protagonist use this talent to break through the life limit that has troubled mankind for thousands of years? Space Talent: Spatial Affinity Greatly increases the protagonist's affinity for space and increases the protagonist's control over the space system Sound Talent: Cutting, sound waves into blades, unparalleled cutting Chaos Talent: Triple basic magic amplification, like obtaining three times the seal of praise Summoning Talent: Intermediate, Advance-level, super-level, and forbidden spells all have two contract positions; summoning magic has a great role in promoting the growth of summoned beasts Psychic Talent: Multitasking Can release multiple magics at the same time, and can practice multiple magic systems at the same time, even walking can be distracted to practice Curse Talent: Curse Furnace Turn all curses into furnace fire, and refine your own cursed substances Fire Talent: Suzaku Fire, Nirvana Rebirth, can offset the side effects of the Demon System Demon System:.......... translation of magical talent in versatile mage

Bodong_0300 · Anime & Comics
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28 Chs

Chapter 17:Intermediate Mage

  "Please don't be obsessed with me, I'm just a legend."

  "I'm going to retreat to become an intermediate mage now. Please ask the two beauties to help prepare the food. When I come out of retreat, I will be an intermediate mage."

  Qin Chen stood up with a smile, and before Mu Nujiao and Ai Tutu could react, he touched their little faces, then quickly went back to the room and closed the door!

  "Ah!!! Damn hooligan"


  After reacting, Mu Nujiao and Ai Tutu were like kittens whose tails were stepped on. They instantly stood up. Now they really felt that sharing a house with Qin Chen was too inconsiderate. Thinking about how much they had been taken advantage of over the past few days.

  The room was very soundproof. Even the loud scream of Ai Tutu still could not affect Qin Chen's ears. He sat on the bed and closed his eyes, quietly adjusting his mentality and observing the three clusters of stardust in his spiritual world. There were seven shining stars in each stardust. These stars were all strengthened by Qin Chen with minion-level spirits, so that they looked more shining and full than the previous stars.

  "Breakthrough starts with the fire system."

  The fire system was the first system he awakened and the first to reach the initial level. He took out the nebula dust he had just bought and held it in his hand, ready to give himself a boost at any time.

  Nebula dust is an energy boost to help the Novice mage break through the intermediate mage. The market price is 10 million per piece, which is one tenth of the price of the Galaxy Vein. Compared with the Galaxy Vein, the price of nebula dust is low and the quantity is large. In the Magic City, as long as you have money, you can buy it. So after the team was disbanded, Qin Chen immediately bought himself three nebula dusts.

  When the stardust grows to its limit, it is necessary to break through the limitations of the existing stardust and advance to a higher level of nebula. The method of breaking through is simple and difficult. That is to use the seven stars in the stardust to hit the stardust barrier and break the stardust barrier. The stardust will naturally be promoted to a nebula, and the Novice mage will be promoted to a Intermediate mage. However, for ordinary mages, the stars are too weak and the barrier is too strong to break through. Moreover, each time you hit the barrier, you will consume a certain amount of magic energy. After hitting it several times, the magic energy is insufficient and you need to meditate again to restore the magic energy. Maybe you can't break the barrier after hitting it dozens or hundreds of times, then you will be stuck in the current realm and unable to break through. This is the difficulty!

  "Hit it!"

  Qin Chen controlled the seven strengthened stars to hit the stardust barrier with all his strength. With a bang, the seven stars hit the barrier at the same time. The strong impact made the stardust tremble, but the stardust barrier only vibrated violently, and there was no crack.

  "I don't believe it. I can't break you. Strengthen it for me!"

  At this time, Qin Chen took out two warrior-level spirits synthesized from the Chaos Beads and strengthened two of the fire stars. After the strengthening was completed, he controlled the seven stars to focus on the two strongest stars and the other five stars as auxiliary, and hit the Stardust Barrier again.


  This time, he finally hit the Stardust Barrier with a little crack, but before he could be happy, he saw that the crack was slowly healing!

  "Keep hitting it!"

  However, he was disappointed. Even if he used up all his magic power, he couldn't completely break the Stardust Barrier. He only broke less than one-fifth of it before his magic power was exhausted.

  "It seems that if you want to break through the intermediate level quickly and independently, strengthening all the stars to the fifth level is the best choice. However, I don't have so many warrior-level spirits, nor do I have so much time to spend slowly. Time is money, so I'd better choose nebula dust."

  In Qin Chen's opinion, the best way now is to use nebula dust. If he relies on time to grind, he can upgrade all three systems to the intermediate level within half a year. But if he can use tens of millions of dollars to buy this half year, why not buy it? Anyway, he is not without money now!

  Time is life, this sentence is not wrong at all. The life span of human beings is only a hundred years, and the magic career is only about fifty years. As long as there are ambitious rich people, they will not be stingy with this little money, and they are willing to use money to buy time!

  Time passed bit by bit. Qin Chen stayed in the room for half a month and never stepped out of the door. Even the food was delivered to him by Mu Nujiao at the door. He opened the door and took it in. If there were no toilet and bathroom in the house, he would not be able to stay.

  "Sister Mu, you said that Qin Chen has been in seclusion for half a month and has not come out yet. I don't know how he can stay at home for so long. Could this be the legendary otaku skill?"

  Ai Tutu was wearing shorts and a refreshing loose shirt. He was holding cereal in his hands and was watching TV, eating cereal and chatting with Mu Nujiao at the same time.   

  "Half a month, he should be able to break through soon." Mu Nujiao brewed a cup of tea, took a sip and said.

  "Ah? Sister Mu, do you really believe that he will break through successfully?" Ai Tutu said with his mouth wide open.

  "Didn't he say that he would break through successfully?" Mu Nujiao asked back.

  "You believe him when he said he could break through successfully. I think Sister Mu, you are obsessed with Qin Chen." Ai Tutu said carelessly.


  At this moment, the sound of the door opening sounded, and Qin Chen walked out of the room. He looked refreshed and cheerful, full of energy, and his face was flushed with ruddy light. He teased:

  "Nujiao still understands my heart and lives up to my preference for you."

  "I say Ai Tutu, you have no confidence in me, isn't he just a Intermediate mage? It's not a piece of cake for me."

  "You broke through the Intermediate?"

  Mu Nujiao was surprised to see Qin Chen coming out with a smile on his face, and even ignored Qin Chen's teasing of her.

  "A genuine Intermediate mage, how about it, Nu jiao, to celebrate my breakthrough to a Intermediate mage, how about we go out for a candlelight dinner alone?"

  Qin Chen walked up to Mu Nujiao and smoothed up the messy hair in front of her, and invited her with a smile.

  "Qin Chen, how can you attack my sister Mu? Even if you want to attack, you have to attack me, don't think of harming my sister Mu."

  Seeing Qin Chen's ambiguous action, Ai Tutu next to him suddenly became uneasy, and rushed forward to push Qin Chen away to block Mu Nujiao, but what she didn't know was that the beautiful scenery in front appeared again.


  Mu Nujiao reached out and buttoned Ai Tutu's collar in front to prevent Qin Chen from peeping. She was speechless about Ai Tutu's thick nerves, and she didn't know whether this made her happy or helpless.

  "Ah! Pervert!"

  Seeing Mu Nujiao's action, Ai Tutu finally reacted, and opened his mouth to label Qin Chen as a pervert.

It is also a rare happy thing to have two beauties sharing the joy of the breakthrough with him after his cultivation has just broken through.