
Versatile mage:Godly talent

What kind of excitement will a mage who relies on his innate talent to dominate the world of versatile mage ? Plant Talent: Life Absorption Can absorb the vitality of living things for his own use. As the level increases, the talent becomes stronger and stronger. Life absorption, life control, life forbidden realm, can the protagonist use this talent to break through the life limit that has troubled mankind for thousands of years? Space Talent: Spatial Affinity Greatly increases the protagonist's affinity for space and increases the protagonist's control over the space system Sound Talent: Cutting, sound waves into blades, unparalleled cutting Chaos Talent: Triple basic magic amplification, like obtaining three times the seal of praise Summoning Talent: Intermediate, Advance-level, super-level, and forbidden spells all have two contract positions; summoning magic has a great role in promoting the growth of summoned beasts Psychic Talent: Multitasking Can release multiple magics at the same time, and can practice multiple magic systems at the same time, even walking can be distracted to practice Curse Talent: Curse Furnace Turn all curses into furnace fire, and refine your own cursed substances Fire Talent: Suzaku Fire, Nirvana Rebirth, can offset the side effects of the Demon System Demon System:.......... translation of magical talent in versatile mage

Bodong_0300 · Anime & Comics
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28 Chs

Chapter 16: All good things must come to an end

  "Everyone, two months have passed, and the number of sea monsters in Pudong New Area has greatly decreased. It is time for this team to disband. I won't say much else. If you have any difficulties in the future, you can contact me. As long as I can help and I won't let you die, I will help."

  Captain Ma Lie was the first to stand up and say that the seven of them were not originally a team. They were just a team formed because of the hunting of sea monsters in Pudong New Area. Now that the days of hunting monsters are over, the team will naturally disband. This is an inevitable problem.

  "All good things must come to an end. I will not forget the friendship of my teammates for two months. The captain is right. If you have any difficulties in the future, just speak up. I will help if I can. Even if I can't help, I won't trip you up."

  Qin Chen also stood up. People are animals with flesh and blood and emotions. After two months of fighting side by side, they all gave their backs to their teammates and put their lives in the hands of their teammates. It is said that the friendship between soldiers is the strongest, but the friendship of their temporary team is also as strong as iron!

  "Goodbye, everyone!"

  Lan Lan looked at everyone with red eyes and left first. As a girl, she was more emotional than boys. She was afraid that if she stayed here, she would cry.


  Qin Chen was the second to leave. He was in a complicated mood at the moment. Even if he left today, they would still be friends in the future. But why did he feel so painful and reluctant?

  The team that had lived together day and night and shared life and death for two months on the coast was disbanded under the witness of the sunset!

  Back to the garden community, Qin Chen took out the key and opened the door familiarly. The two white landscapes immediately made him, who was still immersed in the mood of parting, sober up instantly. The graceful figure, white skin like snow, exquisite curves, and the angelic face were simply a man's paradise!





  The next moment, Mu Nujiao and Ai Tutu, who were standing there at a loss, screamed immediately, wrapped up in bath towels and ran back to the room. This was the second time they had lost their composure.

  "Yeah, it would be nice if I could have this kind of benefit every time I go home." Qin Chen gave a thumbs up to this kind of benefit!

  "Qin Chen, tell me, have you been back a long time ago? Did you come in at this time?"

  Ten minutes later, Ai Tutu and Mu Nujiao sat on the sofa and stared at Qin Chen, their eyes full of distrust. In the previous two months when Qin Chen was not at home, they began to let themselves go. Unexpectedly, just after taking a shower and enjoying the refreshing feeling, Qin Chen suddenly came back! !

  "By the way, why didn't I see you so open when I was at home."

  Qin Chen looked at Mu Nujiao with interest. If Ai Tutu was like this, it would be fine. I didn't expect that Mu Nujiao, who has always been dignified and decent, would also have this side. It's rare!

Mu Nujiao looked at Qin Chen's eyes and thought of the scene just now. Her face flushed and she wanted to find a place to hide.

  "Hmph, don't try to change the subject. Also, Sister Mu is mine, don't have any ideas, or I'll beat you up!"

  Ai Tutu saw that Qin Chen's eyes were always on Mu Nujiao, and she immediately stood up to block Mu Nujiao. What she didn't know was that her size was much bigger than Mu Nujiao, which made Qin Chen feast his eyes again.

  "Ahem, this is the rent for this year and next year." Without saying much, he directly transferred the money through his mobile phone to block Ai Tutu's mouth. In addition to food, it was pocket money.

  "Don't think I, Ai Tutu, am that kind of person..."

  Ai Tutu was immediately angry when she saw Qin Chen's operation. Is she the kind of person who gives up her dignity for money?

  However, before Ai Tutu finished speaking, she was attracted by the prompt on her mobile phone. Qin Chen needs to pay 500,000 yuan in rent every year, which is 1 million yuan in two years, but her text message prompt is 3 million yuan. This is 2 million yuan more for nothing. After giving it to Mu Nujiao, she still has 1 million yuan left, which can buy her a lot of snacks!   

  "Qin Chen, you've made a fortune?"

  Ai Tutu was no longer angry when he saw the money. He even took the initiative to hold Qin Chen's arm and looked at him with shining eyes.

  "Ahem, didn't I say before that I would go out to make money to support my family? I made a little money."

  Qin Chen felt the softness on his arm and said very comfortably.


  Seeing Ai Tutu's sudden change of expression and Qin Chen's expression, Mu Nujiao quickly pulled Ai Tutu back to sit on the sofa. Otherwise, she didn't know how much she would be taken advantage of by Qin Chen.

  "Where do you go to make money? How much can you make in two months?"

  Mu Nujiao asked curiously. Her current income is all from the family, and she has no extra income at all. Qin Chen can easily take out six million in two months, so the money he earns must be no less than ten million. This is Mu Nujiao's own guess.

  "You have heard about the monsters on the coast of Pudong New Area, right? I went there to hunt monsters to make money in the past two months. I am not talented, and I only made 20 million in two months. Alas, my strength is too poor and my ability to make money is insufficient!" Qin Chen said while waving his hands while lying on the sofa.

  "Hunting monsters?"

  "Although the coastal area of the PD area is called the Hunter area, it depends on who goes there. If there are no intermediate mages, the mortality rate is as high as 70%!"

  "You actually went to do such a dangerous thing?"

  "What is your current level?"

  Mu Nujiao and Ai Tutu were stunned by Qin Chen's words. He is still just a high school student, but he dared to fight monsters. Compared with them who are still meditating in school, there is a big gap!

  "I just completed the Novice level and am ready to attack the intermediate level mage."

  Qin Chen did not hide his thoughts on his cultivation. To be precise, he completed the Novice level of the three systems.

  "No way, you are going to attack the intermediate level mage so soon. If you succeed, won't you become an intermediate level mage? How did you cultivate? Why are we classmates, and your cultivation speed is so fast? It's simply unreasonable!"

  Ai Tutu was like a curious baby, staring at Qin Chen with a pair of eyes, wanting to dig out all the secrets of him.

  It was not only Ai Tutu, but also Mu Nujiao. She had not even reached the third level of the Novice stage, but Qin Chen was already preparing to attack the intermediate level mage. The gap was huge.

  "I won't lose to you!"

  Qin Chen's training speed aroused Mu Nujiao's pride. She had a warlike gene, and seeing that Qin Chen was so outstanding, she naturally didn't want to admit defeat.