
Versatile mage:Godly talent

What kind of excitement will a mage who relies on his innate talent to dominate the world of versatile mage ? Plant Talent: Life Absorption Can absorb the vitality of living things for his own use. As the level increases, the talent becomes stronger and stronger. Life absorption, life control, life forbidden realm, can the protagonist use this talent to break through the life limit that has troubled mankind for thousands of years? Space Talent: Spatial Affinity Greatly increases the protagonist's affinity for space and increases the protagonist's control over the space system Sound Talent: Cutting, sound waves into blades, unparalleled cutting Chaos Talent: Triple basic magic amplification, like obtaining three times the seal of praise Summoning Talent: Intermediate, Advance-level, super-level, and forbidden spells all have two contract positions; summoning magic has a great role in promoting the growth of summoned beasts Psychic Talent: Multitasking Can release multiple magics at the same time, and can practice multiple magic systems at the same time, even walking can be distracted to practice Curse Talent: Curse Furnace Turn all curses into furnace fire, and refine your own cursed substances Fire Talent: Suzaku Fire, Nirvana Rebirth, can offset the side effects of the Demon System Demon System:.......... translation of magical talent in versatile mage

Bodong_0300 · Anime & Comics
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28 Chs

Chapter 18:Awaken Sound and Summoning magic system

  After celebrating with the two beauties he lived with, he returned home. Now he had broken through to the intermediate level and could awaken for the second time. However, he didn't want to spend money on awakening, so he thought about his mother's awakening stone. He remembered that the awakening stone had been placed at home and had never been moved. It would be a waste if it was not used.

  "What a nice smell, mom, I'm back!"

  As soon as he opened the door, he smelled the familiar smell of food. Since he went to high school, he rarely went home. On the contrary, Qin Shuang and Li Yue went home frequently during this period to enjoy the time when Qin Chen was not there.

  "Chen'er is back, go wash your hands and prepare for dinner."

  Li Yue's gentle voice came from the kitchen. You could hear her voice before you saw her. The voice was like a clear spring, making people feel peaceful and warm.

  "Chen'er, why did you go home instead of school? Did you get into trouble again and come home to take refuge?"

  Listening to the tone of his father, it seemed that he had a lot of complaints about his return home.

  "Dad, what are you talking about? When have I ever caused you any trouble? Besides, can't I go home if nothing happens? I missed the food that mom cooked, so I came back."

  Qin Chen was puzzled by his father's tone. How could it feel that after just over a year, his father seemed to dislike him?

  What Qin Chen didn't know was that Qin Shuang really disliked his son coming back at this time. He had already thought of what tricks to use tonight, but now that his son was back, all his plans were ruined.

  "Mom, I'm a Intermediate mage now. I want to use your awakening stone."

  After having a good meal, Qin Chen also proposed to use the awakening stone. The most important thing was to show off in front of his parents that he, as a son, was very good!

  "I didn't expect Chen'er to be a cultivation genius. Okay, this awakening stone will be kept at home in the future. You can use it at will. Even if you awaken at the super level, you can use this awakening stone."

  Li Yue stretched out her hand and the awakening stone was dragged by a vine and sent to Qin Chen.

  Seeing this, Qin Chen placed his hand on the awakening stone familiarly, immersed in his own spiritual world, feeling the fluctuations in his spiritual world bit by bit, and suddenly, next to the plant system nebula, a small group of moonlight-colored stardust appeared, and then, next to the moonlight-colored stardust, a white stardust also appeared!

  "I awakened two dimensional systems, the summoning system and the sound system!"

  The moment he saw the two stardusts, he knew what system he awakened, and he didn't expect that he could awaken two systems at once.

  "Okay, okay, Chen'er, I didn't expect your talent to be so strong. You actually awakened two magic systems when you were in the intermediate level. With the previous three, you now have a total of five magic systems. Even a forbidden spell mage only has five magic systems. You are only in the intermediate level now, and you already have five magic systems. Your future is limitless!"

  The moment Qin Chen awakened, the disgust in Qin Shuang's heart disappeared, and was replaced by pride. He was proud of having such a son!

  "Hehe, that's right. Don't you see whose son I am? Dad, now I have become a Intermediate mage. Do you want to express your gratitude?"

  Qin Chen said with a smile, as if to say, as a father, you should give something to reward your outstanding son.   

  "You kid, your annual living expenses will increase from 10 million to 50 million from now on."

  Qin Shuang was happy, and with a wave of her hand, she increased her pocket money by five times!

  "Since your father has given you benefits, I, as your mother, will also express my gratitude. Since you have awakened the summoning system, I will give you a contract beast."

  As she said that, Li Yue waved her hand again, and a one-meter-high stone tied with vines was sent to Qin Chen.

  "Mom, is this the contract beast you gave me?"

  Qin Chen looked at the big stone in front of him. It was obviously a stone, without any life characteristics. It didn't look like a contract beast at all.

  "Chen'er, don't look at it like this. I didn't know it was a life at first, but after my research and its origin, I accidentally discovered that it is very likely to be the offspring of a powerful being, with a very high bloodline level." Li Yue explained with a smile.

  "Then what exactly is it?" Qin Chen asked curiously.

  "In my research, I found that it is very likely to be the descendant of the Rock Emperor. At that time, a senior led his team to the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau in our country and killed the Supreme Monarch-level Rock Emperor. They found this stone in the Rock Emperor's lair. They didn't know what it was, so they brought it back. After several changes of hands, it came into my hands."

  "The Rock Emperor clan is extremely rare, but each one will be an extremely powerful rock demon if it grows up. The most powerful Rock Emperor found so far is an emperor-level Rock Emperor. So whenever a Rock Emperor is found in our country, the country will choose to strangle it before it grows up!"

  "No one has ever known how the Rock Emperor was bred, and no one has ever seen a Rock Emperor below the monarch level, so I guess that the rock in your hand is the Rock Emperor cub!"

  Li Yue's eyes revealed a wise look when she spoke, as if everything could not escape her palm.

  "How should I contract it?"

  Listening to his mother's words, Qin Chen said that he was tempted. Who wouldn't want such a powerful contract beast that even the country was afraid of?

  "Just inject your blood and summoning magic into the rock. However, you don't have enough summoning magic now. It's not enough to wake it up. You have to wait until you reach the intermediate level of summoning."

  Li Yue said with a smile.

  "Well, you can only look but not eat." Qin Chen's excitement suddenly cooled down.

  Half a year passed in a flash. During this half year, he practiced and controlled the stars every day. After becoming familiar with the release of three intermediate magics and upgrading the summoning system and the sound system to the second level of the Novice level, he stopped practicing in seclusion.