
Versatile mage:Godly talent

What kind of excitement will a mage who relies on his innate talent to dominate the world of versatile mage ? Plant Talent: Life Absorption Can absorb the vitality of living things for his own use. As the level increases, the talent becomes stronger and stronger. Life absorption, life control, life forbidden realm, can the protagonist use this talent to break through the life limit that has troubled mankind for thousands of years? Space Talent: Spatial Affinity Greatly increases the protagonist's affinity for space and increases the protagonist's control over the space system Sound Talent: Cutting, sound waves into blades, unparalleled cutting Chaos Talent: Triple basic magic amplification, like obtaining three times the seal of praise Summoning Talent: Intermediate, Advance-level, super-level, and forbidden spells all have two contract positions; summoning magic has a great role in promoting the growth of summoned beasts Psychic Talent: Multitasking Can release multiple magics at the same time, and can practice multiple magic systems at the same time, even walking can be distracted to practice Curse Talent: Curse Furnace Turn all curses into furnace fire, and refine your own cursed substances Fire Talent: Suzaku Fire, Nirvana Rebirth, can offset the side effects of the Demon System Demon System:.......... translation of magical talent in versatile mage

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Chapter 15 :Hunting Monster in Pudong New Area (V)

  "Duan Fei, you stay here and grind this black iron crab to death. Lan Lan and I will go to meet Qin Chen. Be careful of the black iron crab's counterattack before death. Don't get too close."

  Captain Ma Lie said to Duan Fei after seeing Qin Chen escape.

  "Don't worry, captain." Duan Fei said.

  "Storm Wave-Expulsion"

  After Qin Chen and the black iron crab pulled away, the blue star skillfully connected a wave star map under Ma Lie's feet. The moment the star map was completed, a roll of eight-meter-high gray waves appeared out of thin air in front of the black iron crab and pounced on the black iron crab. The black iron crab was directly pushed back and sank under the beach by the gray wave.

  "This is the captain's water-type spiritual seed heavy water, which is five times the gravity of ordinary seawater. Even the black iron crab is not comfortable to be hit by such heavy seawater."

  At this time, Lan Lan also came to Qin Chen's side to protect him. Seeing this scene, Qin Chen was relieved. It was too reluctant for him to deal with a Warrior level monster. In the case of teammates, he was still willing to rely on the power of his teammates.

  "Thank you, Sister Lanlan." With such a light-type girl around, his sense of security has increased a lot.

  "It's okay, I'm the defensive role in the team." Lanlan said with a smile, and at the same time, her eyes never left the black iron crab to prevent it from attacking.


  While the black iron crab couldn't get up, Ma Lie quickly connected the lightning star map, wanting to take this opportunity to attack the black iron crab again. However, this black iron crab didn't play by the rules. Before Ma Lie's star map was connected, it suddenly jumped up from under the sand and rushed towards Ma Lie.

  "Guang you."

  Seeing this, Lanlan originally wanted to connect the star map to protect Ma Lie, but she saw that Qin Chen next to her was faster.



  The seven red stars quickly connected into a star track. This time the connection was faster than the previous connection of the star track. The red flame was thrown in front of the black iron crab. The explosion with a diameter of five meters directly blew the black iron crab back to its original position.


  At this time, Ma Lie's star map connection was completed, and the dark clouds above the black iron crab gathered together. The next moment, a thick lightning bolt fell from the sky and struck the black iron crab's head, sending the black iron crab back to the sand again.

  "Qin Chen, well done!"

  Lan Lan next to him praised. If she had taken action just now, she would have to use intermediate magic to resist the attack of the black iron crab. Now Qin Chen can do it with elementary magic, which is very powerful, and this method can save more magic energy.

  Qin Chen smiled and accepted the praise. Although his magic could not cause much damage to the Warrior-level black iron crab, the explosive impact generated by the blessing of the Suzaku Flame of the small spirit seed level could flush the black iron crab away and hinder its movement.

  With the participation of Qin Chen, Ma Lie was responsible for the attack, and Qin Chen was responsible for hindering the black iron crab's movement and preventing it from getting close. Under three intermediate magics, the black iron crab was directly solved!

  "Qin Chen, good job!"   

  After Ma Lie solved a black iron crab, he praised that he rarely killed a Warrior-level demon so easily. He just stood there and released magic without even hiding. It felt very good!

  "Captain, the battle is not over yet." Seeing Ma Lie's look of wanting to hug, Qin Chen immediately reminded him.

  "Hahaha, yes, yes, the battle is not over yet, we fight side by side." Ma Lie laughed.

  It feels good to team up with three intermediate mages and fight side by side. Even facing a Warrior-level black iron crab, he is not afraid. The third-level fire hinders the movement of the black iron crab and prevents it from getting close. Teammates are responsible for output. Telekinesis can not only rescue teammates, but also kill demons. After a quarter of an hour, his fire and space magic energy are almost exhausted, and then he left.

After another ten minutes, those armored crab monsters retreated back to the sea like a tide, and then began to clean up the battlefield and collect useful materials to sell. This is the most valuable part of this mission. However, they don't have to do the work of collecting materials themselves. There are special personnel to collect materials, and then make an estimate and pay on the spot.

  "Hahaha, this mission was completed very well. No one was injured, and the number of monsters killed was 50% more than before. Let's go, let's go have a meal and wait for the money to arrive."

  Ma Lie said with a hearty laugh. The people responsible for collecting materials were all official personnel, with enough credibility and would not cheat them of such small money.

  "Okay, thanks to brother Qin Chen today, otherwise my life would be gone." Meng Xiong said gratefully. He really walked through the gates of hell today.

  "That's right, I originally thought Qin Chen was a novice, but I didn't expect him to be a veteran. Great."

  Lan Lan was also very optimistic about Qin Chen. He was talented, approachable, and able to humbly accept other people's opinions. Such a good boy is rare in this world.

  "It's all thanks to everyone. I'm just playing a supporting role on the side." Qin Chen also began to get familiar with the other people in the team.

  After finding a restaurant and eating and drinking, everyone left. Before leaving, their money had been transferred to each other's accounts. This time, Qin Chen excluding the 20% to be handed over, earned 500,000. As the first time to hunt monsters, he could get such a harvest, which was very good.

  "Money is not the biggest gain. The biggest gain is these three soul essences."

  Looking at the three condensed slave-level soul essences in his magic sword chaos bead, as well as some other residual souls, he showed a satisfied smile. Although the soul essence did not explode directly, the residual soul was enough.

Without saying much, he directly sent the three condensed minion-level soul essences into the fire stardust. As soon as the three soul essences entered the stardust, seven stars rushed over to snatch the three soul essences. Finally, after the star essences that snatched the three soul essences swallowed the soul essences, they became brighter than the other four stars, and the energy contained was also more powerful!

  "According to this trend, it doesn't seem that difficult to strengthen the fire system, space system, and plant system to the initial level four." Qin Chen fantasized.

  In the next two months, he and Ma Lie went to Pudong New Area to hunt monsters every other day. These two months are the two months when the most sea monsters come ashore, and it is also the best time to make money. If you miss it, you have to change places if you want to make money again.

  After two months of continuous fighting, Qin Chen's combat experience with monster increased rapidly, and the speed of connecting to the star track became faster and faster. Even after strengthening the fourth-level magic, his combat power became even stronger. If he was left alone to deal with the Warrior level, he could even kill alone!

  However, he did not show his full combat power. For example, he did not take out the plant system and the magic sword. Even so, after a month, he showed the elementary fourth-level magic, and the income each time was not less than 800,000. It can be said that he made a lot of money!

  This is not only him who made a lot of money, but also the other people in the team. With Qin Chen, their risk factor is much less, the speed of killing monsters is faster, and they also make a lot of money.