
Versatile: Alternate World

"In the unforgiving corridors of time, I was brought to the brink, my life teetering on the precipice of destruction. But fate has granted me a remarkable opportunity – a return to the past, a chance to rewrite my destiny. Brace yourself, for when our paths cross once more, the world will bear witness to an unrecognizable future!" Enter the realm of Alternate World, a virtual playground where mere mortals are elevated to the status of gods. The moment this game touched the lives of players, our world, our very existence, was irrevocably altered. People discovered newfound abilities, and playing the game became a way of life, a livelihood. Among those players was Manato Tsukasa, an unwitting protagonist whose life was thrust into turmoil on the eve of his wedding. In the shadowy depths of night, enemies emerged, determined to snuff out his existence. He stood on the precipice of death, only to be granted an unexpected lifeline, a return ticket to the past. With the past before him like an unwritten book, Manato seized this extraordinary chance with relentless determination. Armed with the knowledge of his past mistakes, he embarked on a journey to exact revenge upon the architect of his misery. The game that had once been his escape from reality now served as his crucible, transforming not only the gaming industry but also the very fabric of our world. Yet, little did Manato suspect that Alternate World held secrets far more profound than any player had ever imagined. The game's mysteries ran deep, and the truth, obscured beneath layers of illusion, remained tantalizingly elusive. As he delved deeper into the game's enigmatic depths, Manato would soon discover that the lines between reality and virtuality were destined to blur, forever changing the course of his life and the world itself.

Kyosei · Games
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1042 Chs

Green Spider Queen (II)

The boss harbored a fervent desire to end my life, relentlessly unleashing venomous strikes at lightning speed in my direction. My stamina remained intact, allowing me to maintain my pace, but as time passed, I knew the boss would summon its lackeys. Dealing with them would be a necessary detour before I could confront the Green Spider Queen herself.

Normally, I wouldn't struggle against the Green Spider Queen in the past. The lair was open to the public, and players could engage and defeat this monstrous creature at will. Typically, I'd join the fray alongside fellow players, focusing solely on the boss, free from the distraction of its attacks since there was always a designated tank drawing its aggression and kiting it around. This gave attackers like me a clean shot at defeating the boss with minimal trouble. However, this time, I was alone. Moreover, if I were to kill the queen with the aid of another player or companion, I'd forfeit the quest's completion.

Thankfully, the boss ceased its relentless assault momentarily, but I knew that it was just a brief respite. I had to seize this opportunity and whittle down the boss's health as quickly as possible.

"Please stay put, my queen. I can't take precise measurements of your body if you keep shifting around like this, you know?" I quipped, hoping to provoke the boss. As expected, the boss didn't appreciate my comment, responding by angrily stomping its long, hairy spider legs.

With a mighty slash, I made contact with the boss, causing it to howl in agony.


As the Berserk State waned, my devastating blows were reduced to a mere 4,000 to 5,000 damage per strike. However, that was still more than enough for my liking. I didn't mind the challenge of chipping away at the monster's health, but I knew better than to expect the boss to stand idly by. With a resounding howl, it signaled its next devastating move - a ground-shaking spike skill that had nearly taken me out in one hit!

"Not this time! [Earth Fissure]!"

With the boss gearing up to launch its assault from the earth itself, I countered with my own ground-based move. [Earth Fissure] was not just an equalizer; it was a force to be reckoned with. The boss staggered and its attack was thwarted. Had I stunned the boss? It didn't matter; I had to seize this moment.

"[Shocking Lightning]! [Basic Fireball]!"

My attacks found their mark with precision. I also noticed that my trusty skill, [Heal], had come off cooldown.


As my HP soared back to safer levels, I knew I was ready for whatever debuffs and damage-over-time attacks the boss might throw my way. Those were the challenges I loathed the most, and I was determined not to let them get the best of me.

The Green Spider Queen surged back to life with a thunderous roar. I swiftly transformed my weapon into a Hook and Chain, a versatile choice that allowed me to reel myself toward the menacing arachnid. Think of it as a reverse Pudge maneuver from our previous encounters. With a swift throw, I latched onto the boss, closing the distance in an instant. The bewildered boss had no time to react, and I found myself mere centimeters away from my target. It was time to confront this monstrosity, employing a strategy I had successfully used against the Gate Guardian, knowing it was my best shot at taking down this formidable foe.

I reverted to my trusty Magic Sword and gracefully slid beneath the Green Spider Queen's menacing abdomen. According to the advice I had gleaned from forums, the softest part of this creature resided beneath its belly, making it a prime target for a devastating blow. If I wanted to achieve an instant kill, striking this vulnerable spot while utilizing my most potent skill was the key.

With a resounding battle cry, I plunged my sword into the vulnerable underbelly of the Green Spider Queen, causing a gush of viscous green fluid to erupt from the wound. I had no intention of becoming drenched in this grotesque monster's innards; I was not that reckless. My attack left a sizable, gaping wound in its abdomen, and I gripped my sword tightly, preparing for the next move.

However, I opted not to employ the [Earth Fissure] skill this time. I had devised an alternate plan to deal with this formidable boss, especially after a close brush with death from its previous attack. It was time to assert my dominance and showcase my unique style to this creature.

"It's a pleasure to make your acquaintance, my queen, but I have urgent business to attend to. Allow me to gift you an Eternal Winter! [Ice Prison]!"

I channeled the spell's energy through my sword, and as I bellowed the incantation, an icy aura enveloped the entire body of the Green Spider Queen. It writhed in agony, its expression contorted with pain before becoming completely immobilized. It didn't take long for the inevitable announcement to echo through the battlefield.


-Green Spider Queen successfully killed.

- Poison Sac(Quest Item) obtained.

-Spider Eyes x8 obtained

-Poison Jaws x1 obtained.

-Spear of Acid obtained

-Got 2000 EXP(Additional 1000 EXP for Instant Kill)(Lower EXP gain due to the player having high level)(Title Effects activated, 3000 EXP acquired)

-Got 100 Magic Knight SP, 100 Magician SP, 100 Cleric SP, 100 Berserker SP, 100 Ninja SP, 100 Alchemist SP.

-Got 10 AP for killing an Area Boss


Another announcement flashed on my interface.

"[Congratulations, you've successfully vanquished an Area Boss! This marks the very first defeat of an Area Boss worldwide. Would you like to broadcast your remarkable achievement to the entire realm? Your name will be etched in our rankings! Opting out will forgo the announcement but secure your rewards.]


I had no inclination to bask in the limelight; after all, I had grander schemes in mind. Drawing attention to myself while accumulating wealth was not part of the plan. I was well aware of the pitfalls that come with fame, and I had learned from past mistakes. I wasn't about to make the same blunder twice. I decisively pressed "Decline."

"[You've chosen to decline the public announcement. As a result, you've been awarded a Unique Title: 'Secret Hero'! Your fame rises by +100, and the residents of Resurgia's Capital will hold you in even higher regard with a +1000 boost to your reputation!]

Yet another secret title, unfamiliar to my ears. Perhaps because I had never declined an announcement of this nature before? Perhaps. What did bring a spark of elation was the +1000 reputation boost for Resurgia's Capital. This enhancement would enable me to make more cost-effective purchases, particularly a few potions to safeguard against unforeseen battle outcomes. After all, I couldn't predict every twist and turn in the battles I encountered. If I were to encounter another perilous situation like the one earlier, a lack of restorative items might spell my undoing.

As I busied myself to organize my bag, my interface once again came to life.

"[Your egg is on the verge of hatching. Please retrieve the egg and prepare to welcome the newborn into the world.]"