
Vera - The King

Vera, an illegitimate child of a King born with the special traits of the royal family goes into hiding after her parent's murder. Later she encounters her half-sister and joins hands to take revenge on the one who betrayed them and get back the throne. Vera's life as a royal prince, her secret love, tragic life and duties... this story navigates through those...

vasuki_king · Fantasy
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41 Chs

Marcus - The Wise

Momentarily Marcus reached the palace of Leighann, he went with his two men. Logan was in his chamber, rampaging in the news of Vera. It was Nayogi who first got the news about Marcus's return, he urged the soldiers to bring Marcus to Logan's chamber. "You dare to show up after this long, I am sure you've joined hands with that little sun," he murmured with a devilish smirk.

"My lord, please hear me, Marcus Trova has returned from Egur," Nyogi said loudly with a grin on his face. Every bone in their bodies trembled in terror as the door to the chamber was suddenly opened to reveal the spectacle they witnessed. Like a creature swimming in a crimson ocean, Logan was standing covered in glowing red blood. His eyes were excessively black, like an absence, as if he were no longer human; they appeared wicked and lifeless. The dark space behind him resembled a canvas that a little youngster had painted bright red. The dismembered bodies, blood, stench, and his presence all gave the interior of the chamber the appearance of a war. The bodies inside were entirely smashed into bits. While everyone was terrorised to approach Logan, Nayogi spoke; "My lord, please have mercy on us, we implore you," he knelt on the ground, and glanced at others to follow him. The startled and terrified soldiers did what Nayogi instructed.

"Nayogi, what did you say earlier? Who came?" asked Logan, his voice as rough and deep as a demon from the underworld.

"Your Highness, Marcus Yakoob Trova returned from Egur," he answered

"Hmm... bring him here," he commanded

"He is coming, your highness. I beg you to let us take care of you," Nayogi again implored as some maids, trembling like chicks, held water and fresh clothes, for Logan, came forward. He washed his face and hands, wiped them with a towel, and then removed his clothes while walking bare to another chamber opposite his. Maids brought a new silk rob to him, he sat wearing them on a fancy sofa chair, relaxed, as he finished something noble. Servants brought him drinks, while Marcus and his men came in after getting treated for his wounds. They knelt in front of Logan, Marcus was trembling in his heart, and the scent of blood surrounded them. He knew Logan has found out about Vera, yet he showed no weakness.

"Marcus... tell me something good," Logan's voice was apathetic and perilous. Without raising his head Marcus replied; "I found Vera Willard Leighann, Your Majesty." Enraged Logan threw his glass of wine at Marcus, it hit his head and splattered everywhere. Despite the pain and blood, Marcus didn't shift from his position. He could hear Logan's teeth grinding, and his murderous aura engulfing him. "Your majesty, my men were arrested and hanged publically, we three escaped there nearly losing our heads. Both Utshani and Egur are supporting that boy with golden eyes. They believe that the boy is the one from Morrier Leighann's prophecy. He can control fire with his plan, I saw it myself as well as your shadows. I also hear some intriguing things they talked about," Marcus continued while being disturbed by Logan's intense scowl.

"Speak... What is it you found so intriguing?"


"He said that he is more interested in taking your head than the throne of Loistava. He still recalls that night, he lost his mother and father, and he wishes to dissolve you in the air. They are planning to reassemble the Nui-Penta and start a war on Loistava and its allies. I also heard from Catherine that Vera will challenge you for the throne in that battle," Logan was sitting as if he is listening to an amusing tale. I can't face him, it is like, if I look into his eyes, I might end up dead. Abruptly, Logan began laughing, hysterically, like a madman, then; "Dissolve me into thin air, that's new... Hahaha," he laughed again.

"Your Highness, this is not a simple matter. He killed one of our shadows in a single strike, we must kill him before he does anything else," Nayogi proposed

"Huh!, Marcus, you saw him with your own eyes, tell me who is stronger, me or him?" asked Logan with a sneer

"Of course you, My Lord. He lived his entire life as a woodcutter, hiding in the mountains. He is just a mere who is controlled by the new power and anger. He is not even tall up to my shoulder. He is a naive child. It is you who has the upper hand, if you do something right now, we will win," I replied.

"So, you want me to win, huh? Tell me, Marcus, don't you feel like joining his team and obliterating me? Isn't it much better for your revenge? Now he has spectacular powers that can par with mine, he does have a chance of defeating me, so why don't you join his side? Don't you want to avenge your parent's death, like him? I killed them just like I killed his. Letting go of a golden chance like this and returning to me, and being this loyal to me, I find this quite intriguing, Marcus, don't you too?" his scornful words are circling in mind. I know he will say these words, I came prepared yet I can't help but quiver in dread in front of him. I cannot blow up my cover, I have to respond, there is no other way but to use my ability: (his winter grey eyes shone, and he summoned his blessing to forth, to his tongue) "Your majesty, I will be lying if I say that my heart didn't quaver for a second towards them. I did think to join them, but I will never do that. I am a knight of Ostrova, who has sworn his allegiance to the throne of both Loistava and Ostrova. I will never betray those words. My father has taught me that man only has one word and one loyalty, for me I have laid that under your feet, Your Highness. Moreover, I consider my sister's life higher than mine and I have learned through time, to think reasonably, rationally and practically. My only goal is to protect my sister, my last family, therefore, I shall never betray you," I don't know if he will believe me or not, it's worth a try. I must show my face according to my words.

"Your majesty, he himself said he thought of being a traitor to you, so we should kill him or imprison him for our sake," Nayogi yelled.

"Marcus, let me ask you once again, Don't you wish to kill me?" he squatted in front of me, his shrewd eyes were sharp enough to drill my inner soul. I can't get scared, I must answer wisely, however, I will never be able to lie to his face, he will kill me.

"Yes... Your Highness, I have thought, dreamed, anticipated, planned and even trained myself to kill you and my brother. However, every time, my father's face comes before me, his words remind me that I must not become someone like you. I have killed you a thousand times in my mind. However, I abandoned it for the future of my sister and her children. If I was the only one, this would have been different. More than that, I am not strong and I am aware of my limitations. I will not kill you but be loyal to you instead, that's the punishment I would like to give you. I wish to survive, Your Majesty," I answered, I know he must be in fury and I also know Logan is not an absurd man like Nayogi. He began laughing again, after hearing my words. What is thinking? Did he believe me?

"Marcus Yakoob Trova, I believe you. You have captured my heart today. You will live as my dog for the rest of your life for your sister. Of course, she sacrificed her life to save you. I like it. You are not like your proud father or your dumb brother. I, Logan Fermi Leighann, the king of Loistava will give you the position of the royal advisor of the throne, you must keep your word and obey me till death. If you do it wisely like your words, your sister and her children will be rewarded. However, these words were mere words, you will regret knowing me, I will shred your sister into pieces along with you," he spoke high and mighty, with a face that said it was a warning soaked in terror. I can't flinch, I must act accordingly. I bowed my head like a loyal dog.

"I Marcus Yakoob Trova, Duke of Ostrova, pledge my allegiance to his highness, sun of Loistava, Logan Fermi Leighann until my death," Marcus replied with a smile. Nayogi who was hearing all this got upset and left for Queen Kaira's chamber, sweating and panting in anger.