
Vera - The King

Vera, an illegitimate child of a King born with the special traits of the royal family goes into hiding after her parent's murder. Later she encounters her half-sister and joins hands to take revenge on the one who betrayed them and get back the throne. Vera's life as a royal prince, her secret love, tragic life and duties... this story navigates through those...

vasuki_king · Fantasy
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41 Chs


"Mother, how is he doing in classes?" Helga inquired as she enjoyed tea with Catherine, Laisa, and her maid Kaisy.

"He already had a core education from your father when he was a little child, and he still recalls things. He learns effortlessly since he is extremely determined. He obviously understands what he's doing; all we need to do is enhance his demeanour, etiquette, and language. He continues to speak in the Nek-asrof dialect. I must educate him on how to speak Wequish properly, well it's not important for now," she answered.

"Sir Roman makes me nervous because I've heard he's brutal on the training field. Wasn't Father his student?"

"Certainly, Sir Roman has his own distinct methods of instructing his students. With both magic and swordsmanship, he excels. He hails from the Luwick household, which is supposed to have inherited magic prior to Leighann. Their social standing and family history are frequently seen as deeper and more significant than Leighann's. As the first war broke forth, they vowed to unite and preserve the sun. They consider defending and fighting for a Leighann with golden eyes as a blessing or a heavenly duty they must carry out," Catherine stated.

"Then again, why did he flee when my father was murdered? He wasn't even in the kingdom."

"It was a trap, as per Logan, who informed that the Ostrova, led by their new king Lucus Yakoob Trova, were advancing on Loistava's southern frontier with the help of strong foreign magicians. Willard was forced to dispatch Sir Roman's mage knights to the frontier. It was, however, false news, and Logan deceived them. Logan had murdered many people by the time he returned to the capital, including your father, siblings, and Vera's mother. That night, he went to battle against Logan's troops, but Inci's mages were more potent than ours. I was informed that he was significantly wounded and had to escape. He once visited me, quite dejected. I sent him to the harbour city of Utshani and gave him orders to stay alive until Leighann's successor returned. He first refused, but he is unable to defy my command. The only reason I wanted him to survive was so he could defend the successor to the kingdom this time." Catherine sighed and said, "Helga, he will need you, both mentally and physically; you are his only sister, therefore be at his side,"

"I will, Mother," she said with a smile as she made her way to Vera's chamber. Vera was reading The History of Loistava, a book given to her by Catherine.

"Brother, may I enter?"

"Helga, yes, come."

"I apologise if I interrupted your studies,"

"No, it's alright, I'm not comfortable reading all day while I stay quiet. I was beginning to get a little bored, but you arrived right in time.

She hesitated before saying, "Brother, I want to ask you something."

"Don't be cagey, Helga. You are my sister, and although we were born to two mothers and lived separately, we both have Leighann's blood in our veins. You have my consent to ask me anything, criticise me, advise me, and even shout at me." Helga felt more comfortable next to him as Vera beamed. She opened her heart.

"You know, brother, during my whole life, I have only witnessed my mother searching diligently for you. She searches the country each day, sending mages and spies to locate you. I was an egotist child who felt my mother loved you more than she loved me. I even believed that I was born a failure. I've wished countless nights that I was the son with golden eyes, that I was powerful. Then, as I got older, I once overheard my mother's remarks. She expressed gratitude to La for sparing me the fate of being born with golden eyes; she believed I was fortunate. At that moment, I realised what it meant to be the true Leighann successor. All the people who support you, including my mother, need and expect something from you, and that makes me scared, brother. They want you to accomplish their hopes and desires, and I worry that if you do, you will also become our father. He lived for others, our nation and people, and he died for them as well; I don't want you to follow in his footsteps. I am aware of how much of a hardship this is for you, and I am also aware that both of us want Logan to be slain. I intended to imply that you are not alone and that you should never do anything solely since I am right here and will always be there to assist you. There is one thing I want to ask you, will you truly accept me as your sister? I want to protect you, I will become stronger, please let me fight," Her bright, expectant eyes swept across Vera's. Her heart felt as fresh as a blooming rose in a hazy dawn, her eyes widened in delight, and she embraced Helga.

"I—I do not really understand how to interact with a sister, but I will give my everything to be your sibling. Thank you, Helga, please lent me a hand. I will trust my life to you," her tears felt warm on Helga's shoulders, and she smiled pleasantly. Catherine remained outside and smiled as she went away.

"When will you begin your training?"

"Sir Roman stated that from tomorrow, he must prepare the training ground to his taste,"

"Does it bother you if I sit beside you? I can assist you with reading the book."

"Surely, thank you; I would appreciate little comradery right now."

"Do you know where our knights are?"

"Sir Roman took them; he needs them for something,"

"Oh... I hope they're alright," Vera and Helga resumed their first talk as siblings.

Meanwhile, "Oh my Good lord!" At the training area, Jugo was sent soaring into the air by Sir Roman's one punch. On the ground, Cesar, Erwin, and other knights were resting while drenched in sweat and battered all over.

"This is what he meant when he said he was just stretching his muscles lightly; it's more like shifting the entire world. How can an elderly man like him be so formidable, both of our troops surrendered within two minutes?" Wailing at Caesar, Erwin stated.

"I've just heard of his colossal prowess; he's on a god-like level when compared to us. I'm sure we're merely insignificant mortals for him to limber up to," Ceasar answered.

"Like hell, I am the commander of the royal knights of Egur; I cannot merely lose to some old hero. Mage or no mage, knight or no knight, I am not going to tolerate that. Our inability to overcome him is due to our subconscious mind, Caesar, which is aware of his tales and hence dreads him. Please keep your eyes on me; I'll win," Erwin drew his sword and went towards Sir Roman with a dazzling grin.

"Hahaha... such an admirable heart, come at me commander... Hahaha..." Roman threw his hands in the air and sprinted towards Erwin's direction. His attempts on Roman were fruitless, and he battled Erwin with his bare hands. Erwin was exhausted, yet Roman appeared to have no problem. He figured he was facing a daunting mountain.

"Foolishness! He is neither brandishing a sword nor using any magic," Ceasar commented as he saw Roman defeat Erwin. Everyone on the ground—aside from Roman—was laying down in a flash.

"Huh! What is this? Don't tell me you didn't learn anything from anybody; I fought many bloody battles with your forefathers. Are you intending to summon demons with this? (because of the certain shape they all lay on the ground) or defeat them?" He questioned.

"You are correct, Sir Roman; as you can see, we have several flaws. We won't be of any use to anybody against the demons you referenced, therefore we beseech you to teach us. Please accept us as pupils and show us how to vanquish the evil." Ceasar knelt in front of Sir Roman, his sword resting on his feet. All of the other knights there, including Erwin, and Jugo, followed him.

They screamed in unison, "WE BESEECH YOU TO KINDLY TEACH US, SIR ROMAN," and Roman broke into laughter. "HAHAHA... This is it; you will train with Prince Vera beginning tomorrow. Prepare yourself, as they say, I am not a good teacher," he laughed once more as he walked away. Others slumped to the ground in relief; "Hey Erwin, fetch me the tastiest gruit in town, I won't reveal to anyone what you said earlier." Erwin rolled over next to him and blushed in shame; he murmured, "OK, then just shut up."

At the same moment, a man entered Vera's chamber and said, "I am here, your Highness," taking off his headwear. It was Jaser.

"Jaser, have a seat," Vera urged, sitting across from him on a sofa. Jaser's eyes fixed on Vera's calm grin; "He does have an aura similar to Marcus that makes me kneel, however, it's stronger to my lord," he thought.