
Vera - The King

Vera, an illegitimate child of a King born with the special traits of the royal family goes into hiding after her parent's murder. Later she encounters her half-sister and joins hands to take revenge on the one who betrayed them and get back the throne. Vera's life as a royal prince, her secret love, tragic life and duties... this story navigates through those...

vasuki_king · Fantasy
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41 Chs

Mazzi of Nek-asrof

<Mazzi/Aaron Volga>

"What do you know about Nek-asrof? Have you ever heard of the name Mazzi? Aaron, we Volgas are not some filthy family without roots. Why our generation never left this land, they call Nek-asrof? We live here because this is our home, our land, the pride that the world forgot. In every history or legend, there are always unsung heroes who sacrificed their lives for us to live in peace," my mother softly stroked my head while I rested in her lap listening to her stories as usual.

"I don't understand, mother. What is Nek-asrof? What is Volga? What is Mazzi? And why is it your pride?" I was young and curious just like every lads. It was before Vera came to our house. My mother used to tell me stories. It was about our family, our land and a Mazzi. He is the ruler and protector of Da-La. The piece of past she told me goes like this;

Nek-asrof, the piece of land that no one wants. No king visits here or tries to help us. How was it formed? Long ago, before Loistava or any other kingdoms were born, the land was under the control of many nomadic and barbaric tribes. Nek-asrof was considered a desert then. But since it was the closest to the fertile land and the Jaf desert, the tribes used this land as their door. It is said that the Jaf desert was under the control of powerful witches, they spit fire, created sand storms and killed anyone who entered the desert. However, they did trade with some tribes and their meeting point was Nek-asrof, then known as Da-La, which meant portal or door. Travellers, merchants, taverns, inns, and various vendors and this land was known as the richest of all. Even the time the tribes fought each other, Da-La was unshakable. Because it had a ruler, powerful like a rumble of thunder and wise like an immortal sage. They called Mazzi, a irreplaceable ruler. Even though it was not a monarchy, the Volga family produced the most leaders. Then later a tribe named Gorhi began to assail Da-La for its fortune. At that time Da-La was under the control of a man named Xero. He not only defeated them but plundered all their precious treasures. Under Mazzi Xero the Da-La existed more fiercely than any other tribes, they were developed and rich. Other tribes including Gorhi, Egur, Utshan, Trova, Vagmur, Jun, Ifnus and Walop were concerned about the growth of Da-La and Mazzi. They feared they might conquer them. Mazzi on the other hand built a land equal to a rich capital. It has been evident from the books of Morrier Leighann that the idea of the centralized rule was an influence of Mazzi. The Leighanns decided to create their own sovereignty at that time. They made an alliance with Da-La, convincing Utshan, Egur, Trova and Vagmur to side with them. They wished to have a peace treaty, however, Gorhi led the opposed tribes and under the support of Jaf desert witches, they struck the tribes one day. Thus s great war erupted, and the queen witch Anatolia of Jaf burned most of the land including Da-La. Many died and the land fell into a civil war for resources. Enraged Mazzi tried to assassin Anatolia, but it ended in his death. He died fighting for his land and people. Despite his death, Mazzi Xero managed to wound Anatolia and this gave time to others. To stop Anatolia and the other tribes, the Leighanns prayed to La. Taking pity at the desperate cries, La, He blessed them with His power, granting one of the Leighann possesses the blessing of La. To stop the witch's dark fire and to purify the condemned land, La granted his most pure eternal fire to Morrier Leighann, the first golden-eyed one, the first sun and the founder of five great nations. And the war came to an end. After the nations came into being, the destroyed Da-La was ignored even by its own people. Many migrated to other plains, and Da-La was abandoned. The five nations also ignored a place where no one dwells. The land once was the richest and centre of everything became a ghost town which none wanted. Centuries later slaves from different nations, plunder, criminals and the poor started living in Da-La and became known as Nek-asrof, which meant forsaken or unwanted land. Do you know even after everyone abandoned Da-La, one still remained here, her name was Pheris Volga, lover of Mazzi Xeros and was carrying his child then. Her descendences lived in this land ever since, trying to protect what remained.

My mother was the first person to call me Mazzi, on the day I protected Vera from Master and decide to live for freeing Nek-asrof. She said it's in our blood and I am the descendent of Mazzi Xero and Pheris Volga. I don't care who are my ancestors and what bravery they did, because it's all in the past now. They say no one can change the past and it's true, if no one knows what happened in the past, of course, they can't change. Mazzi Xero died for this land and his people who later abandoned him. I am not a fool like him, I am not going to die for anyone, and I will never sacrifice my life, however, I will free Nek-asrof. Now I get why these nobles are strolling behind wealth and power, I want that. If standing with Vera can gain me those, I will do it. I want to live in Da-La. I want to be the Mazzi of Da-La.

"Mazzi, did you hear, that old man from Luwick kicked every knight to the ground? No one was able to win him and the knights implored him to train them," Sicil came running, gasping, selling the hot news to us, me, Xena and Welly, who were resting under a tree in the garden of the royal guesthouse.

"Hmm... What? I missed it. I always wanted to see his fight," Xena growled

"Yes, for generations his family served the Leighann throne. It is said that water mages are powerful enough to challenge the sun," Welly said. Oh! I heard the stories of Watermages, especially Sir Roman. I want to fight with him. I want to see how great is mage knights. I want to see how much I can be a help to Vera.


"Sir Roman Del Luwick, I am Aaron Volga, the Mazzi of Nek-asrof and I would like to par with you," Mazzi said loudly. Others were taken aback. Roman smiled glimpsing Mazzi; "You are the Mazzi? I heard your father raised Vera, I am grateful, but kid you are not even powerful as the knights of Utshani or Egur, I don't think I can fight such a weak person," he replied.

"Weak! you won't know until you fight. Other than these knights, I learned to fight from the streets to survive, so I may have some tricks under my sleeve that you didn't learn as a knight," Mazzi grinned, taking off his shirt, and showing his bare muscular and upper body with old scars.

"Hoo... I guess I will give it a try since you begged this much," Roman came forward to the middle of the ground as others moved back around the earth. Mazzi and Roman stood silent against each other, ready to fight at any time. Roman didn't take a weapon, he just raised his arms in the air, mockingly.

"Why is he doing this? He is not even stronger than us," Erwin said.

"No, I fought with him once, he does have some techniques, that might work," commented Ceasar.

"Are you telling me that you lost to a mere bandit?"

"He is not a mere bandit Erwin, he is the Mazzi of Nek-asrof, and I didn't lose, it was cut short without a winner," Ceasar smiled, both Erwin and Jugo were shocked by his words. The fight was been watched by Helga, Katalina and Vera from the balcony of the guesthouse. Katalina and Helga were helping Vera study.

"Is he out of his mind to challenge Sir Roman?" Katalina said, pouting.

"I have seen Mazzi fight with Ceasar, they were kind of equal, but since Ceasar lost to Sir Roman, Mazzi will also fall. Sir Roman is a demon," commented Helga

"Yes, true, Mazzi may fall and it is foolish to challenge someone like Sir Roman in a duel. However, don't forget he is the Mazzi of Nek-asrof and a Volga," Vera smirked

"Is the position Mazzi that important? and Volga, it's only his family name right?" Katalina said as Helga also nodded in perplexity.

"I see, so they don't teach you the history of Nek-asrof in your nations, huh! Then how about we enjoy the fight," Vera replied with a grin, confused both Helga and Katalina observed the fight.

The duel began, and Mazzi moved at Roman without showing his weapons, when he was about to touch him, Roman tried to punch Mazzi's face, but he jumped high, taking his daggers with the grin of a red-eyed demon. Impressed Roman thought; "he was able to dodge my fist and skydive, interesting but arrogant." Before Mazzi could land on Roman's shoulders and sink his daggers as he planned, Roman disappeared in seconds. Everyone was shocked, "What? Where did he go? So fast?" pondered Mazzi and felt the shadow of something above him. It was Roman, levitating on air, with his beaming face, looking down on his opponent.