
Vengeance: Unleash the Devil

She was broken. Completely broken. She was killed. She time travels back to the past and gets a chance to change her fate. She was too ugly and fat to look at. Friends? She had many but no more. Love? She hates the word love. Trust? It's like a curse to her. She will make each and every person pay for their deeds. She believes in an eye for an eyes and a tooth for a tooth. All of a sudden she disappears and then returns with a complete new personality. She had come back to rule over the world. She is a Queen whom no one can touch. A look from her is enough to make everyone shiver. She has never smiled after her rebirth. Will she ever smile? He is the King of our story who rules over the world. He's too cold and ruthless yet too handsome to overlook. The first time he saw her, his heart was caught off guard. He wanted her. No, he needed her. He wants to solve this beautiful mystery now. The two are on the way to take their own vengeance. Will they win against their powerful enemies? "Be mine. I'll give you everything you desire for", he said arrogantly. "I desire for blood", she said in a dangerous tone.

Joyshree_Ghosh · Urban
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17 Chs

Chapter 9: Lucky Pendant.

Adrian was just eleven. He walked towards a park alone. He sat on a bench looking at all the kids in the park playing happily while he was silent. It felt like the world is not where he belonged to.

Pulling out of his thoughts, he heard a someone sob silently behind the tree. He stood up and walked towards the sound of sob. A small five year old girl was crying there alone.

"What happened? Did someone bully you?", he asked squatting down to her level. She shrunk back avoiding him. "Don't worry I won't hurt you", he said with a small smile.

She slowly looked up at him with her tearful eyes. He smiled and wiped her tears with his thumb cupping her face. "Princess shouldn't cry", he said and she sniffled.

"Can I sit here?", he asked not wanting to scare the little creature. She slowly gave a hesitant nod. He sat beside her on the grass. "Why were you crying?", he asked slowly looking down at her small self.

"No one loves me", she sniffled. "Oh, so that's the only problem. You know you might believe that no one loves you but somewhere there will be your prince who will love you a lot", he said with a smile.

"Really?", she asked with anticipation. He nodded. She smiled and hugged him.

"Why are you here?", she asked slowly after a while. "No one loves me as well. My family wants to kill me", he said with a sigh. She gave him a sad look.

"But you are so good. Why would anyone not love you?", she asked looking curiously with her cute big eyes. "You are also cute then why do you say that no one loves you?", he questioned back to which she kept quiet.

"I will give you my luck", she said and removed her star pendant necklace placing it in his hand. "Its your luck then why are you giving it to me?", he asked with arched brows.

"Because you made me smile and no one has ever did that to me. Thank you", she said with a cute smile. He patted her head gently. "Instead of that, will you marry me if I find you after growing up?", he asked.

"Marry?", she questioned not knowing what it actually meant. "Will you live with me for the rest of your life if I find you once you grow up?", he asked explaining it in simpler language. She nodded vigorously.

"Then be ready to marry me soon, my little princess", he said and pecked on her forehead. "Pinky promise?", she asked showing her little finger. He smiled and locked the promise by hooking his big little finger with her small one.

"I will wait for you to take me away, my prince", she said with a smile. He chuckled and ruffled her long honey colored hairs. "You are a cry baby", he said with a smile.

"What is a cry baby?", she asked curiously. "A little baby like you who cries", he said pinching her nose making her giggle. He smiled warmly looking at the little girl.

That day was the last day he genuinely smiled before meeting Kiara.

Adrian pulled back from his memories and a smile appeared on his face remembering the day. "I'm sorry, my little princess but seems like your prince but got interested in a Queen after turning into a King", he said looking at the pendant.

"Hope you don't cry anymore and are happy. Thanks for your lucky pendant, it helps a lot."

He kept the pendant back into the drawer and sighed. "I'm sorry, princess", he whispered.

"Philip, ask our men to stay away from my babe's business or she might definitely kill me the day she comes to know", Adrian said the last part to himself and hung the call.

On the other side,

Kiara was standing in front of the floor to ceiling looking down at the city from her office. "Ma'am, these are the reports you asked for", Jade informed entering the office. Kiara nodded.

Jade kept the reports on the table then glanced at Kiara one last time before leaving.

Ma'am, why do you never get close to anyone? I wish I could save you from your loneliness like you saved me. I know you're not what you show. You are a great boss. Jade sighed thinking about Kiara's cold demeanor.

Since, the company got a great profit everyone decided to go and party. Gathering all the courage, the department head came to Kiara's office to invite her but she just gave a cold Hmm.

In the evening, everyone headed to the club to party. It was held in a private VIP room. To everyone's surprise, Kiara also came to attend the party. Everyone gulped looking at her calm and unapproachable air.

Everyone kept their mouth shut as soon as she entered. Kiara went and sat in the corner all alone.

"I thought President wasn't coming", a woman whispered. "I know right. She never attends any party", another woman whispered.

"Damn, it was better if she didn't come. Everyone is so scared now", a man said to his friend. "I thought it would be fun but she is so cold and distant", another man said.

Although it was meant to be whisper but it reached Kiara's ears. She stood up from the couch and walked out without uttering a single word.

Everyone were in shock. "Did she hear what we said?", someone asked. "Who cares!? At least she left. I felt chills with her around. Even though she pays us great, she is so arrogant because she is rich", a woman sneered.

Everyone started talking about Kiara. Kiara was standing by the door and was about to enter as she forgot her mobile inside but then she heard everyone talk so she go inside and asked one of her bodyguard to get it for her.

Kiara went to her mansion and took a cold shower then put on her pj. She went to the balcony and sat on the floor leaning against the glass railing. She looked at the stars in the sky and sighed deeply.

"He was right. No one will ever like me", she said to herself and shook her head.

Kiara was walking around a small park near her father's Villa. She was only eight year old back then. She found a small girl around her age crying holding her knee while she sat on the ground.

Kiara went towards the girl to help her. "Are you okay?", Kiara asked in a concerned tone. "Who are you? Go away", the girl pushed Kiara on the ground making her fall on the ground.

"I want to help you. Come", Kiara said and helped the girl stand. They went to the fountain in the middle of the park. Kiara helped the girl clean the wound somehow without hurting more.

"Who are you? Why are you helping her?", a boy around the age of ten asked arrogantly. "Hey, she is a freak. A slut. Her own father hates her", another boy around the age of eleven said pointing at Kiara.

Kiara didn't say anything and just looked down. "No, she is my friend", the girl whom Kiara helped stood up for her. "Olivia, don't be stupid. Her father himself hates her", the eleven year old boy disgustingly looking at Kiara.

"No, she helped me when you all ran away", Olivia said sternly and held Kiara's hand then walked away with her. Since then, the two started playing together and became best friends.

But if they were best friends then where was Olivia, everyone must think right?

Well, one day like usual Kiara came to play with Olivia but today Olivia denied to play with her. "You are a monster. I don't want to play with you. My mom and dad died because I did friendship with you. You are a bad luck", Olivia yelled.

Hearing this, Kiara froze as fear rushed in her veins. She could probably guess what would have happened but she denied to believe what she was thinking. She doesn't wants to believe anything but then...

A dagger came from out of nowhere and stabbed into Olivia's neck from the side. Kiara shivered and froze on the spot. Soon, a familiar figure appeared in front of her. It was her father.

"My dear daughter, didn't I say that I would kill anyone you like. See, her whole family had to pay", Danny, Kiara's father said with an evil smile. Kiara shivered and stepped back in fear as her father approached her.

"You don't understand at once, do you? Everyone and everything will die that stands up for you or like you. You will be alone. All alone in this world. I won't let you die neither will you live happily. That's a curse", Danny said.

Kiara's hands shivered as she felt that everything was just getting blurred out.

Kiara opened her eyes and looked at the stars. "Indeed a curse. I'm fated to die alone but it's better than being betrayed again and again", she said to herself.

She had such a fate that she didn't even have anyone she could talk to. There was no one to comfort her when she is down. No one who would care about her.

No love, no affection, no care, no emotions....

The worst feeling in the world is not being alone, it's worst when you are surrounded by people who make you feel alone.