
Vengeance: Unleash the Devil

She was broken. Completely broken. She was killed. She time travels back to the past and gets a chance to change her fate. She was too ugly and fat to look at. Friends? She had many but no more. Love? She hates the word love. Trust? It's like a curse to her. She will make each and every person pay for their deeds. She believes in an eye for an eyes and a tooth for a tooth. All of a sudden she disappears and then returns with a complete new personality. She had come back to rule over the world. She is a Queen whom no one can touch. A look from her is enough to make everyone shiver. She has never smiled after her rebirth. Will she ever smile? He is the King of our story who rules over the world. He's too cold and ruthless yet too handsome to overlook. The first time he saw her, his heart was caught off guard. He wanted her. No, he needed her. He wants to solve this beautiful mystery now. The two are on the way to take their own vengeance. Will they win against their powerful enemies? "Be mine. I'll give you everything you desire for", he said arrogantly. "I desire for blood", she said in a dangerous tone.

Joyshree_Ghosh · Urban
Not enough ratings
17 Chs

Chapter 8: Stolen Kiss.

Kiara and Adrian stood inside the cubicle while they heard three women talking outside. They have been talking for continuous fifteen mintues while the two were stuck inside.

Kiara was annoyed while Adrian was grinning as he stood in front of her that annoyed her more. "Do you also talk so much when you meet some woman?", he whispered in a little irritated tone.

It wasn't that he was irritated by staying inside. He was gladly ready to spent the rest of his life inside the cubicle if she was there with him but it was those women who irritated him the most.

She simply glared at him. "I don't think so", he murmured and then sat on the toilet seat. "Come, seat", he patted his laps. She gave him a hard look but then her eyes wandered on his wound.

I talk less but this woman talks too less than even me. She is so mysterious. Adrian thought to himself. But you are interested in this mystery. He said to himself.

He gestured her to come down and she did. "If you're feeling bad then you can treat my wound once we go out", he whispered in her ears and smiled. She rolled her eyes and ignored him.

After a while, he stood up because she was standing. He stared at her face the whole time while she ignored him to the level best. He rested both his palms on either side of her body caging her between his arms.

All of a sudden, he said, "I wanna kiss you." Her eyes shot up. "Huh?"😳

He didn't say any further and cupping her face with one hand with an arm around her waist he pulled her into a deep and passionate kiss. His cold soft lips felt perfect against her slightly cold soft cherry lips.

She placed her palm on his chest attempting to push him but he held both her wrist with one hand and pinned them above her head increasing the intensity of the kiss. He sucked on her lips like they were the most delicious thing on the earth.

His arm around her waist pulled her closer to him. He left go of her only when he felt she was struggling to breath which was after a really long time as she had a good control on her breathing and he was well aware.

He pulled back and looked at her face touching their foreheads. He let go of her hands which now rested on his shoulders. "You sure are sweet. I loved your taste", he complimented with a smirk.

Her cheeks burnt red due to mortification but her face held no emotion like it was nothing. He smiled looking at her cute red face. Suddenly, she realised what had happened and her eyes shot up glaring hard at him.

"How dare you kiss me?", she asked with gritted teeth. He leaned down and pecked on her lips again. "Like this", he said with an innocent smile. She pointed her index finger at him in anger.

Her eyes moved to his lips. "Your lips... are stained", she said sternly looking anywhere but him. "Help me wipe it", he said leaning towards her making her move her head back a little.

"Why should I?", she asked arrogantly. "You stabbed me, remember?", he reminded. She turned her eyes at his bleeding arm and reluctantly she took his handkerchief wiping off the lipstick like she was wiping some dust.

"Umm... I think they left long ago", she said hearing no sound from outside. He nodded and opened the door. As soon as she got out, she immediately walked out of the restroom clutching her chest.

Adrian chuckled looking at her cute self. A while later, a man came towards him with a box. It was a first aid kit. "Who sent you?", Adrian asked coldly even though he knew who it was.

The man hesitated before telling him it was Kiara. Couldn't she herself come? Adrian thought in disappointment and sighed.

It's not her fault though, she doesn't really know how to comfort people. That was something she couldn't do. She couldn't comfort anyone because she has never done or experienced that thing.

Kiara walked out of the venue only to be pulled by a certain pain or arm. She frowned and turned to attack but stopped once she saw it was Adrian. He caged her between his arms against the wall.

"You're the King not some kidnapper. Don't tell me you kidnap girls. I will kill you right here", she shot him a glare. "I don't kidnap but I will kidnap you", he said with a smirk. She pushed him away.

He held her wrist and pulled her towards him then pecked on her lips. "Good night, babe", he winked at her and left with a smirk. She was dumbfounded for a while before she shot him a glare to which he chuckled without looking back.

She got into her limo and held the left side of her chest as her heart was pounding inside like crazy. As soon as she reached home, she took a cold shower to calm herself then put on her pj which was shorts and shirt.

She stood in the balcony looking at the starry sky as the cold breeze blew across her face. Why do I feel safe around him? She thought to herself and couldn't help but blush thinking about the kiss yet her face was cold.

Suddenly, she started remembering things from her past.

Eight year old Kiara was playing with a small puppy in the garden of her father's Villa. It was small white puppy. She rubbed the head of the puppy and smiled. Pure innocence could be seen on her small face.

"I will call you Milky", Kiara said with a bright smile and caressed the puppy with her small hands. She gave him some milk to drink which it was drinking slowly.

"You seem to like it", a deep voice came from behind. Kiara shivered and immediately stood up then turned to see her father. She gulped in fear and took a step back.

Suddenly, a gun shot was heard. Kiara closed her eyes and covered her ears with her palms. When she opened her eyes, she saw the white puppy in the pull of its blood. She started shivering as tears rolled down her eyes.

"Everything you like will die like this. I will destroy everything you like or the thing that likes you. You are a bad luck for everyone. Your mother was killed after your birth. You are nothing but a bad luck, slut", Danny said in disgust.

"Not only me but the whole world will make sure that anything or anyone who likes you or you like them, will be destroyed", he said and walked away leaving the crying Kiara.

Kiara turned and looked at the puppy who was shutting its eyes slowly. She cried for days and nights and never after that did she dared to like anything or anyone until Chris came to her life.

But that time, he killed her making her never believe in love.

Kiara pulled out of her thoughts when she felt something pricking her on the hands. She looked down and realised she had been holding the dagger. Now, her hand was bleeding. She sighed.

Kiara Davis, you better keep your mind to yourself. You have only one purpose that is revenge and nothing else. Only revenge. REVENGE. Love is all fake. You can never like anything. She reminded herself.

She went inside her room and dressed her wound. Suddenly her mobile rang. She picked up the call without looking at the id which she truly regretted.

"Hey, babe. What are you doing?", came an annoying tone. "Hitting my head for not checking the caller id first", she coldly said and rolled her eyes. He chuckled on the other line but soon it died.

"I miss you", he said slowly after a while. "What?", she asked as she didn't hear him properly.

"You looked hot tonight", he changed his tone. She rolled her eyes. "I swear I'm gonna kill you", she yelled and hung up the call. She laid on the bed and thought if he really said that.

She unlocked her mobile opened the call recordings and listened to the call recording. "Why did he say he misses me?", she wondered but slide the thought quickly.

On the other side,

Adrian stood in the balcony of his room. He lived in his mansion alone. His family was no less than Kiara's but a little better than that. Adrian has a younger brother, Arian who's now 25.

His mother left his father for some other man when he was only 10 taking away Arian. After that when the man, his mother's lover went bankrupt she came back to his father which was when Adrian was 16.

Adrian's father loved his wife a lot so he accepted her but Adrian moved out of the house. After only a year, his father died. His mother said that his dad had a heart stroke but Adrian didn't believe.

The assets were divided into three parts for both the sons and mother. This showed how much Adrian's father doted on his wife but Adrian's grandfather gave his shares to Adrian and didn't give anything to Arian.

This caused fight between the two brothers because Adrian took over the family business instead of his brother. His mother isn't a great person either as she keeps scheming against her own son in every possible way.

Adrian looked at the moon and smiled thinking about Kiara. "My cute babe, you have turned me into a despot", he spoke to no one in specific. A warm smile appeared on his handsome face thinking about her cute red face.

He walked inside and went to his walk in closet. Opening a drawer, he took out a small pendant chain and smiled warmly. He took the old pendant in his hand and caressed it.

It was a platinum chain with big star shaped diamond pendant.