
Vengeance: Unleash the Devil

She was broken. Completely broken. She was killed. She time travels back to the past and gets a chance to change her fate. She was too ugly and fat to look at. Friends? She had many but no more. Love? She hates the word love. Trust? It's like a curse to her. She will make each and every person pay for their deeds. She believes in an eye for an eyes and a tooth for a tooth. All of a sudden she disappears and then returns with a complete new personality. She had come back to rule over the world. She is a Queen whom no one can touch. A look from her is enough to make everyone shiver. She has never smiled after her rebirth. Will she ever smile? He is the King of our story who rules over the world. He's too cold and ruthless yet too handsome to overlook. The first time he saw her, his heart was caught off guard. He wanted her. No, he needed her. He wants to solve this beautiful mystery now. The two are on the way to take their own vengeance. Will they win against their powerful enemies? "Be mine. I'll give you everything you desire for", he said arrogantly. "I desire for blood", she said in a dangerous tone.

Joyshree_Ghosh · Urban
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17 Chs

Chapter 10: Friends.

Kiara sat on the same spot for hours with her legs crossed. Suddenly, her mind wandered around the word called friends.


Kiara was 15 when she first went to school. She somehow managed to convince her father after getting beaten up a lot. The school was one of the top school in the country. St. Louis International Academy.

She was nervous as she walked to her classroom. It was a huge school that made her wonder how much she missed all these years by not attending any school. She barely even left her Villa.

Her father never allowed her to go away except for the small park near their Villa.

She was excited to meet some new people but then her father's words rang in her mind. 'You are a slut. Everyone you like or they like you will have to die.'

These were the words her father always made sure she remembers. It was like a warning to her and Kiara would never dared take her father's warnings lightly.

As she walked inside, all the kids stared at her but none of them came forward to talk to her as they most of them came from rich families and knew her father personally and the relation between her father and her.

But a girl came forward to talk to her. It was Amy. She was the first person in the whole school who came forward to talk to her. Amy had shiny brown orbs and blonde hairs.

"I'm Amy. What's your name?", Amy asked with a smile. It was a genuine smile not some fake one. Kiara didn't say anything and stared at her for a while without saying a word out of fear.

"You can't speak?", Amy asked innocently. "I... I'm Kiara", Kiara shuttered and said in a very low almost inaudible voice. She didn't wanted another person to die because of her greed to make friends.

"Nice name", Amy said with a smirk. Amy was an outgoing and cheerful girl.

Kiara tried to stay away from Amy but Amy would stick to her like glue. Amy introduced her group to Kiara. Kiara was way too nervous. She made sure she doesn't gets along with anyone well but the luck wasn't by her side.

After some days, a boy named Chris came to the class. He was probably on a vacation as he was also the part of the group but wasn't present when Kiara came to the school.

Chris got along with Kiara too well but that made Amy jealous because she liked Chris. He was Amy's obsession. Chris was handsome with jet black eyes and dark brown hairs with tan skin. He was good looking and almost every girl had crush on him.

But Chris was known for his playboy nature. He changed girlfriends in every three or four days.

Kiara made sure she keeps her distance from Chris but ended up liking him. Chris proposed her and she agreed to date him after a long thought. Since then Amy started going against Kiara.

Amy was known for her envious nature but she got close Kiara only because Kiara's father personally knew the trusty of the school and the principal so it would help her in the future.

Amy made sure to break Kiara and Chris's relationship but never accomplished. She even schemed against Kiara many times but failed every time that angered her.

"You're a thrash. A slut. You should die", those words were of Amy when Kiara was dying in her last life. Any said every bad and cursed words to Kiara that she ever kept in her mind.

Kiara embraced every curse and died but then she made a comeback to finally get her revenge on the second person responsible for her death.

End of Flashback.

Kiara took a deep breath in and sighed deeply remembering her past. "Did I go wrong in judging you all?", she asked looking at the stars. All of a sudden, her mobile rang.

Kiara stood up and walked inside to pick the call. As soon as she heard the news, her eyes turned way too cold. "I'll be there", she said and hung up the call.

Kiara put on a pair of black ripped jeans, crop top, jacket and a black coat on top. She put on black gloves and black military boots. Her hairs tied in neat ponytail. The aura around her got dark and dangerous. Her hazel orbs looked terrifying.

She kept two small knifes inside both her boots. Two daggers inside her jacket. Two silenced guns at the back, small blades hidden inside her gloves and ponytail.

She walked into her garage and took her customized sports bike. She drove to a tall building. She parked her bike and met with her gang men. They all bowed to her respect.

The black coat had a cap that covered her head. Her face was covered with a black mask. Only her eyes were shown while everything else was covered. Her hazel eyes were cold like a dead person without any emotion.

The aura around her was cold and murderous. Kiara was the most dangerous assassin in the underworld with skills of great shooting, martial arts fights, sword fight, sniper shooting and much more.

"Let's go", Kiara ordered and walked inside. As soon as the people saw her with her men, they tried to attack her but Kiara and her men were faster. She threw small blade towards a man coming towards her piercing it into his left eye.

She eyes every single person in the building as she walked towards the elevator with some of her men. "Kill them", Kiara ordered to which all her men bowed and followed the orders.

A man came towards her but ended up getting stabbed in the heart by her. She eyed him with her terrifying cold hazel eyes that made him shiver and pee in the pants. "Useless thrash", she murmured in disgust.

As she got into the elevator with two of her men, a man came running to stop the elevator. Kiara pulled out a small sharp blade from her glove and threw it towards him just before the elevator door was about to close.

The blade pierced into the man's forehead deeply and he fell on the floor.

Kiara went to the 30th floor of the building which was the top most floor. She walked out with two of her men. Her men fought with the guards on the way while she walked inside like a Queen with her dangerous aura.

There was a door in front of Kiara who stared at her as she entered with her face covered. "Welcome, Assassin Queen", a man in his early thirties smirked. Kiara walked to him not in a mood to joke around.

"May I know why you're here?", the man asked. "To kill you", she spoke in an icy cold tone that made the man subconsciously gulp in fear. Kiara didn't seem to be in a mood to play around with her prey.

She took shot the man on his forehead without a warning and cut off his thumb with her dagger. She scanned the thumb on the door's biometric screen and walked inside.

She threw a knife towards a guard standing inside the room and shot the other one. She walked inside to the office and saw a man in his late twenties sitting comfortably on the couch.

"Time to say good bye to the world", she said looking at man. He stood up and called out for help but no one came in. Kiara's men already cleaned the whole building. She pointed her gun at him.

"Where are the girls?", she asked ignoring his scary self. "If you kill me you won't ever know where they are", the guy said trying to stop her. She withdrew her gun and walked towards him while he stepped back.

"Let's say that you are meant to die tonight", she said staring into his eyes that made him fear her more and more. With every second his heart was beating faster than the last second. It was as if she was giving him a panic attack without doing anything.

"You want a simple death or want me to make you beg me? Hope you know how I deal with rapist like you", she said looking at him. He shivered. "T-They are inside the third room from right", he said shuttering like anything. She patted his cheek and appreciated, "That's like an obedient boy."

"Need your hand to scan?", she asked to which he nodded. She gave a small nod and cut off his wrist making him scream. Kiara turned to both her men and gestured them to hold the man and they gladly did.

Kiara walked towards the room and scanned the hand. The door opened revealing girls from the age of 10 to 25. They looked at Kiara whose face was covered revealing only her beautiful yet terrific eyes.

"Don't be scared", she said in a normal voice which came out as cold as ever. She doesn't really knows how to talk normally. In this life, she has never smiled or talked in a normal voice.

Yes, she has never smiled in this life until now. She was like a emotionless monster just like she calls herself: Vengeance Monster that desires blood. She would never use the word like because the blood of a*sholes were her desire.

Kiara ordered her men to take the girls out of the place. After that, she went to the office to see the man from earlier still begging to let go. Kiara came and sat on the couch with her leg over the other like a Queen.

"Time to chop", Kiara said and stood up. She ordered her men to strip the man naked. Kiara walked towards the man and looked into his eyes. She didn't remove her disguise yet. She didn't wanted this filfty creature to look her.

"You like to f*ck?", she asked making everyone shiver with her tone. The man felt the aura of danger that was emitting off her body which made him almost pee. He was standing n*ked in front of a girl who was the Queen.

Every men desired for her but the man here right now was hella scared of her. He just wanted to run away as far as possible from her. He wanted her to stay away. He forgot all the dreams he once used to have about her.

Kiara held his p*nis and cut it off his body swiftly. She took out her gun and shot on his balls making him scream. He didn't dare look down neither anyone from the gang. It was awfully terrible scene.

"You used f*ck girls with that d*ck but now it is all chopped off", she said innocently but in a cold voice giving everyone goosebumps.

Kiara took out small blades and stabbed them in different places of his body making him feel every pain that the girls might have felt. She stabbed a small sharp knife into his right eye ripping it off the socket.

"You used to eye rape girls with this filfty eye but now I ripped it off", Kiara said showing the eyeball that was attached to the tip of the small knife. Many felt like puking looking at the scene in front.

"This is my favorite thing, blood", she whispered looking at the blood that was dripping off his body. He was almost half dead but she didn't let him die so easily.

She tortured him slowly and painfully.