
Vengeance: Unleash the Devil

She was broken. Completely broken. She was killed. She time travels back to the past and gets a chance to change her fate. She was too ugly and fat to look at. Friends? She had many but no more. Love? She hates the word love. Trust? It's like a curse to her. She will make each and every person pay for their deeds. She believes in an eye for an eyes and a tooth for a tooth. All of a sudden she disappears and then returns with a complete new personality. She had come back to rule over the world. She is a Queen whom no one can touch. A look from her is enough to make everyone shiver. She has never smiled after her rebirth. Will she ever smile? He is the King of our story who rules over the world. He's too cold and ruthless yet too handsome to overlook. The first time he saw her, his heart was caught off guard. He wanted her. No, he needed her. He wants to solve this beautiful mystery now. The two are on the way to take their own vengeance. Will they win against their powerful enemies? "Be mine. I'll give you everything you desire for", he said arrogantly. "I desire for blood", she said in a dangerous tone.

Joyshree_Ghosh · Urban
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17 Chs

Chapter 5: Little by little.

Kiara returned home and took a shower. She recieved a call from a known number. She sneered and picked the call to hear a screeching voice on the other line.

"Hey, Kiara. How have you been?", Amy asked. "I'm good, to your surprise", Kiara replied coldly. "You're too funny", Amy laughed which was more than fake. Kiara rolled her eyes.

I wonder if you'll say the same when I send you to your grave. Kiara thought.

"I'm funny and you'll know that soon. I joke a lot", Kiara said indifferently. "Yeah. By the way, I called you to inform that it's my birthday today so I've arranged a party in the club. Do come", Amy said.

Kiara was well aware that her dear bestie had some tricks up her sleeves but she wasn't scared after all she had dealt with so many enemies in these years. Why would she be scared of a small girl?!

"I'll be there on time", Kiara said and hung up without waiting for the response.

Kiara went to her office and called her assistant, Jade. "Jade, did you prepare what I asked you to prepare?", Kiara asked coldly without any emotion. Jade nodded. "Okay", Kiara said and dismissed her.

Time to pay, bestie. Kiara thought and revealed an evil smile.

By evening 6 PM, Kiara reached the club where the party was to be held. She was wearing red thigh length dress showing off her perfect curves with red high heels. Her hairs were let down. She only had red lipstick on.

As she walked inside, everyone stared at her with lust. Her face void of any emotion. Eyes were dead with all coldness. Her aura was majestic and dangerous yet elegant making her the centre of attraction.

"Happy Birthday, Amy", Kiara wished emotionlessly. This is going to be your worst and last birthday, sweetheart. Enjoy as much as you want because after this everyone will come to your funeral. Kiara thought.

Amy was wearing a silver dress that ended just below her butt. It was quite revealing. Her makeup was too extravagant with her black hairs hanging low at the back.

Amy cut the cake while Kiara was busy drinking and entertaining herself. "Hey, Kiara", Chris greeted with a smile. Kiara behaved as if she didn't hear him.

I don't want to kill you tonight and so easily. Just get lost, fucker. Kiara thought to herself.

More people started pestering Kiara that irritated her more. "I know that after your father's death, it had been hard on you...", Kiara cut off the girl.

"No, it wasn't hard on me. Don't show sympathy to me. I don't need all your pity. It's not my party so just go and enjoy with the birthday girl."

Many guys found her sexy while she used her cold tone. "How arrogant! That's the reason she doesn't have a family and no one gets along with her", someone scoffed slowly which Kiara heard clearly but ignored.

"Amy is your best friend, won't you go and enjoy with her?", Chris asked with raised brows. "None of your business", Kiara coldly retorted with sharp eyes.

After the party, everyone left with each other's support as most of them were drunken mess. Kiara was fully awake even after drinking the most. She could drink a lot without getting drunk.

In the past few years, she had been doing business over drinks so her tolerance was high now. She used to gamble over drinks keeping her life on the edge in the underworld.

One thing was clear that she never let her guard down.

Amy was drunk so Chris had to drop her at her apartment. After Chris left, some men took Amy with them. She struggled but the men were too strong for her. They took her to a building that was 80 floors tall.

The men took Amy to the top floor on the terrace. Throwing icy water on Amy to wake her, the men stood aside so Amy couldn't escape even if she wants to.

"Who are you all and why did you take me here?", Amy shouted but the men were silent. "Welcome, bestie", a voice rang in the darkness of the one of the darkest night of the city.

It was like even the heavens and hells wanted Amy dead. The night was surely dark.

"Who are you?", Amy yelled. "You don't recognize your best friend's voice? How bad!", Kiara said in a pitiful tone as she appeared in front of Amy walking from the darkness to the light.

"K-Kiara?", Amy shuttered. "Wow, you recognized me quickly. I thought you forgot", Kiara said with an amused tone which was more of cold.

"Why did you kidnap me?", Amy shrieked. "Nope. I didn't. Don't blame me for something I never did", Kiara said innocently. Amy felt like she was talking to a psycho. She looked at Kiara carefully and found that the naive girl no more existed.

"Then why the f*ck did you brought me here for?", Amy asked arrogantly. "Tch. How arrogant! Anyways, you're here because I want to give you your birthday gift", Kiara said in a serious yet cold playful tone.

This was Kiara's speciality. When she wants to kill someone too desperately or very cruelly she plays with her prey like the Cat does to the rat. She liked to give hopes to the person before killing.

Her end is not going to be too well. All the people around thought looking at Amy. After being with Kiara for more than seven years, they have known her well.

The more time Kiara takes to kill people, the more dreadful their death will be.

"First, I would like to give a short speech", Kiara said looking at Amy. "What gift do you have for me?", Amy asked excitedly. Kiara felt satisfied by her looks. "A very big one, bestie", Kiara said.

"Okay, be fast because I'm sleepy", Amy whined. Kiara nodded.

You'll sleep. A sleep for ever. Kiara said in her mind looking at Amy with cold eyes.

"So, I will start with my speech", Kiara cleared her throat and took a step back before speaking.

"Dear bestie, thank you for everything you gave me. I'm so glad that I'm standing here right before you. First of all, happy birthday. You've given me a lot. So much that I can't even comprehend", Kiara said in a mocking tone which was overlapped by her cold and fake sweet voice.

"Now, I'd like to talk how does it feels after betraying your best friend?", Kiara asked in a dark tone. Amy's smile vanished hearing this. "What do you mean by 'betraying your best friend'?", Amy asked.

"Well, well. Let me remind you. Who locked me the second week of my school in the bathroom and sprayed drugged perfume?", Kiara asked coldly. Amy's face turned a little pale but she refused to agree.

"Aren't you the one who fucked with my ex? Aren't you the one who drugged my juice on my 16th birthday? Want me to point out more for you, bestie?", Kiara asked coldly making Amy shiver.

"Kiara, I'm sorry. I beg of you. I'm really sorry", Amy clasped her hands together and begged. "But your gift is yet to be given", Kiara said innocently and gestured a man.

Soon a man came a laptop in his hand. Kiara sat on the big armchair like a Queen with the laptop on her laps. She looked up at Amy with cold eyes that made Amy shiver down her spines.

Kiara turned the laptop at Amy and showed some news articles. "You like the surprise?", Kiara asked. As Amy looked at the articles, her eyes widened in shock more like her eyes were popped out.

Her n*ked pictures and her getting fucked with one and more men were all over the internet. "You know I celebrated only one birthday in my life but you ruined that too. Logically speaking, that wasn't even a birthday."

"K-Kiara, why... why are you doing this? I'm sorry", Amy was on the verge of tears. "Tch. I thought you'd do some drama and all but it's not fun at all", Kiara pouted in disappointment.

Kiara stood up and handed the laptop to a man then walked towards Amy. "You're fucked up, sweetie", Kiara said holding Amy's chin tightly making her close her eyes tightly.

"Who do you think you are? Chris will save me. You slut will die", Amy shouted like a mad woman. Kiara nodded. "Let's see. He will join you soon, darling. You can f*ck together once in the hell", Kiara said in a pitiful tone.

"You... you're going to kill me?", Amy shuttered. "Nope. I will play with you. I will make you beg me to kill you. I will kill you little by little", Kiara said in a cold and intimidating voice.

Amy gulped in fear but her ego was too much to make her bow down so easily yet.

"You slut. Who do you think you are?", Amy spat. Kiara looked at Amy with way too cold eyes which was too scary that gave goosebumps to everyone around. "Slut, huh? I didn't f*ck with someone else's boyfriend. I'm still pure", Kiara said innocently.

"And not only me but everyone here thinks of me as their Queen. I'm the infamous Mafia Queen. You're honoured to be able to see me", Kiara said with arched brows. Amy's jaws dropped hearing this.

"M-M-Mafia... Queen?", Amy gulped loudly while she almost peed. "Yep. That's me", Kiara said in a matter of fact.

"Now no more talks. I'm bored. Its action time now. I love action and thrills", Kiara said in anticipation and sat back on her armchair. "Tie up my dear bestie", Kiara ordered in an over sweet tone looking at Amy with cold eyes.

The people around got goosebumps hearing her tone but quickly followed the ordered not to anger their Queen or they might end up along with Amy.

"I remember you like thrill too", Kiara said looking at Amy who was not being chained.

"Don't struggle or you'll be more wounded but its upto you because either way it's fun more me", Kiara shrugged looking at Amy who was trying her best to struggle out of the chains that were around both her wrists.