
Vengeance: Unleash the Devil

She was broken. Completely broken. She was killed. She time travels back to the past and gets a chance to change her fate. She was too ugly and fat to look at. Friends? She had many but no more. Love? She hates the word love. Trust? It's like a curse to her. She will make each and every person pay for their deeds. She believes in an eye for an eyes and a tooth for a tooth. All of a sudden she disappears and then returns with a complete new personality. She had come back to rule over the world. She is a Queen whom no one can touch. A look from her is enough to make everyone shiver. She has never smiled after her rebirth. Will she ever smile? He is the King of our story who rules over the world. He's too cold and ruthless yet too handsome to overlook. The first time he saw her, his heart was caught off guard. He wanted her. No, he needed her. He wants to solve this beautiful mystery now. The two are on the way to take their own vengeance. Will they win against their powerful enemies? "Be mine. I'll give you everything you desire for", he said arrogantly. "I desire for blood", she said in a dangerous tone.

Joyshree_Ghosh · Urban
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17 Chs

Chapter 6: Second vengeance.

Kiara turned to see the shaking Amy. "I love it when people fear me", Kiara said looking straight into Amy's eyes but Amy moved her away quickly not wanting to see in those cold eyes that were too dangerous. 

"Kiara... let me go", Amy knelt on the floor. "Not so early. There is more to come, darling", Kiara said with a cold look. Kiara stood up and walked forward with an intimidating look.

Kiara took a small knife that was sharp. "You love your face, don't you? Let me give you a new look", she said and traced the tip of knife on Amy's jawline making her wriggle.

"Don't move or your beautiful surgery will get ruined", Kiara glared and grabbed Amy's jaws. "Amy Anderson is beautiful. Too beautiful but now she will lose her beauty", Kiara sang while tracing the tip of knife all over Amy's face.

"Aren't you a wh*re? Let's name you that", Kiara said and wrote Wh*re on Amy's forehead with the knife. Blood dripping from all over Amy's face while she cried and begged Kiara to let go but Kiara paid no attention. Her face could make one puke on the spot.

Did you showed any sympathy while you drugged me, blinded me with drugs or kill me? Kiara asked in her mind while her eyes turned colder with her actions that went on getting more dangerous.

"Time to repay", Kiara said with an intimidating voice. The aura around her was way too dangerous that made one to step away from her immediately.

Looking at Kiara's dark and cold eyes, Amy couldn't help but feel the fear that she never felt in her 25 years of life. Kiara was way too dangerous. Never in her life did she thought that the naive looking Kiara would turn out like this.

"I will never betray you again and won't tell anyone what you did to me but please let me go", Amy cried as she lost the control of her bladder and peed due to all the fear she felt from Kiara.

Kiara glared coldly and said, "I know right because dead don't talk or betray. As for telling anyone, well, do you think anyone will even to rescue you if you tell that I'm the one? You're too naive, my bestie. They would first try to save themselves from me."

Amy felt like everything was shattering. She froze. The girl in front of her didn't have any heart. When she looked at Kiara carefully, she found that her face was all cold without any emotion. It was like Kiara is dead and the girl here is only for revenge.

Kiara looked at the small knife in her hand that had blood dripping off it. "You know I love the color of blood. It's my favourite. I desire blood. Blood of all those people who killed my inner self", Kiara said coldly.

"But your blood is filthy still I love it because you were also the one who killed me", Kiara said with a dangerous look. Amy stared at Kiara's face in fear as shivers continuously ran down her spine.

"What? You think I'm a psychopath? Yes, I am a psychopath and you know who turned me like this? You, my bestie. You! All my friends, Chris and also my dear dead father. You all are are responsible", Kiara said as her voice cold as ice.

"Where did I go wrong, Amy? You were so good to me then why?", Kiara asked coldly looking at Amy's bloody face that could make anyone puke on the spot looking at her.

Kiara looked down feeling angry but quickly composed herself returning to her cold demeanor as she looked up at Amy. "You wanna know who killed Danny Davis? It was me. I killed my father", Kiara said in an icy cold tone.

Amy eyes went wide hearing Kiara. "Surprised? Don't be. He was a monster like you. Well, more than you. I chopped his d*ck first, you know. He used to f*ck around and call me a slut..."

"I hate it when men call women slut when they themselves are a man whore. I hate men who rape innocents. I hate women who are sluts and whores. That's why make them all pay", Kiara said in a matter of fact.

"You yourself is a slut", Amy sneered lowly. Kiara raised a brow but didn't say anything.

"Its time to have something new in your body", Kiara said with a wicked look as she gestured a man beside her. The man walked towards a bag and took out three injections and handed them to Kiara.

Amy's eyes widened looking at the injections. "Wh-What are these?", she shuttered. "Oh, these. These are some drugs which are more powerful than the ones you used on me three times", Kiara said casually.

Amy gave a confused look because in this life she only drugged Kiara two times. Before, she could think anything Kiara spoke, "Unchain her. I want to see her struggling."

A man came forward and unchained Amy. There were about only six men on the terrace including Kiara and Amy while the building was surrounded by Kiara's men all around the building and area.

"Amy... Amy... you gonna get drugged", Kiara sang like a child holding the first injection. "This will damage your lungs and block them from letting you take in air", Kiara said in an intimidating tone.

Amy's eyes widened hearing that. She tried to stand but Kiara held her jaws. "Wanna run away? But this is the least one. I will surely give you the chance to run after this one. Okay", Kiara said and injected the syringe on Amy's neck.

Amy screamed as Kiara literally stabbed the syringe into her neck. Kiara hummed a tune and let go of Amy who was holding her neck while staring at Kiara with tearful eyes.

"Run. Run. Let's play chasing each other", Kiara said and made Amy stand by holding her arms tightly. "If you manage to run away from me, I'll not touch you", Kiara promised.

Amy thought for a while and then started running while Kiara stood on her spot looking at Amy with satisfaction. That's what I want. Run. Run faster. You will eventually end up in my hands. Kiara thought looking at Amy.

Amy reached the door that lead to the stairs but it was locked. She started banging the door and screamed. Kiara slowly walked towards Amy while Amy felt fear rushing inside her as Kiara got closer.

"Oops, I forgot to tell you that I bought this building today especially for you and it's all empty. You should feel honoured that I got this building especially to give you gift", Kiara said as she reached Amy.

"By the way, I'm sorry for today. You wanted to drug me again, right? You wanted to embarrass me in the club but I didn't fall for any of your tricks. You prepared men for me but unfortunately I chopped their dicks", Kiara said in an apologetic manner which she was least.

Amy shivered hearing every word that escaped Kiara's lips. It seemed that Kiara was well aware of everything she planned yet she was silent, all for this moment.

"You are despicable, Kiara Davis. How can you bully a weak?", Amy shouted. Kiara rubbed her ear with her finger giving a bored look as she pouted. "You done? Don't scream, my ear hurts", Kiara said in a cold voice.

"I know I'm despicable. Everyone says that when I kill them but you know what? You all are more than me. I'm less despicable because I don't destroy other's happy life", Kiara said sternly with squinted eyes.

"Come on, time for another dose. By the way, don't scream or your lungs will get more blocked and in a faster rate", Kiara informed as she took another shot of drug.

"This one will slowly damage your blood vessels permanently. You will feel pain in every part of your body", Kiara said as she removed the cap of the syringe.

Amy clutched her chest as she felt loss of air in her lungs. Kiara stabbed the syringe with a little bit more force than earlier making Amy scream in pain as she held Kiara's wrist trying to push it away but Kiara was much stronger.

Amy screamed as every part of her body started aching. The drugs won't kill her quickly but slowly and painfully. "If you want to kill me then do it, why torture me like this", Amy cried.

"I told you that you'll beg me", Kiara gave a look of satisfaction. Kiara dragged Amy towards the edge of the terrace and made her sit there. Amy felt every bone in her body was breaking. Her body was in pain and it was burning.

After a while, Kiara took out the last injection. "This will constrict your pupils and you'll lose your vision; feeling burning sensation", Kiara said remembering how her eyes were aching and burning as if acid was poured into them.

"Don't you like to smuggle drugs? I am giving you some tests, that's all. I killed your dear daddy now it's your time, my bestie. Enjoy with your daddy", Kiara shrugged.

Amy is a drug smuggler and addict. She had done many bad things in her life. Her father was killed by Kiara when she found him raping a twelve year old girl while Kiara was in a mission four years back.

Amy stopped struggling by now as she knew that Kiara would never let her go. This time Kiara stabbed the syringe with all her might that caused Amy to scream with all her force causing her lungs to hurt while she coughed blood.

Amy cried as she closed her eyes tightly. She screamed because of the pain. Kiara made Amy stand at the edge of the terrace. Kiara held Amy by her arm looking at Amy's face that was all bloody.

You threw me from 8th floor, I will throw you from 80th. I will make Chris pay for what he did to me. Everyone will pay for the pain I felt. This is just the beginning. Kiara promised herself.

"Your death is here, Amy Anderson", Kiara shouted that made everyone shiver. Amy peed the second time hearing Kiara's cold voice. Kiara felt satisfied a little seeing Amy feel scared of her and the death that was just on the verge.

She was finally capable to stand on her own feets and take her revenge. This was her second vengeance. She had been living her life only for revenge and to make others pay for their dirty deeds.

Kiara grabbed Amy by her throat and strangled her. "You killed me. I trusted you but you betrayed me. You are a liar. You killed my inner self. You killed Kiara Davis", Kiara screamed at the top of her voice and threw Amy down.

"Amy Anderson is falling down and falling down. The bad person is dying", Kiara sang as the voice kept getting lower and lower. "Goodbye", Kiara said and then turned around.

Wiping off the blood off her hands, she walked out of the building wearing her clean pair of gloves. Her men followed her behind. "Clean the mess before sunrise", Kiara ordered.

Everyone bowed and cleaned everything, disposed the dead body and donated the building for a NGO. Kiara donates billions of dollars on charity as she herself knew how it feels to be alone without anyone in life.

Even though, she had a father but it was more like she was an orphan.