
Vengeance: Unleash the Devil

She was broken. Completely broken. She was killed. She time travels back to the past and gets a chance to change her fate. She was too ugly and fat to look at. Friends? She had many but no more. Love? She hates the word love. Trust? It's like a curse to her. She will make each and every person pay for their deeds. She believes in an eye for an eyes and a tooth for a tooth. All of a sudden she disappears and then returns with a complete new personality. She had come back to rule over the world. She is a Queen whom no one can touch. A look from her is enough to make everyone shiver. She has never smiled after her rebirth. Will she ever smile? He is the King of our story who rules over the world. He's too cold and ruthless yet too handsome to overlook. The first time he saw her, his heart was caught off guard. He wanted her. No, he needed her. He wants to solve this beautiful mystery now. The two are on the way to take their own vengeance. Will they win against their powerful enemies? "Be mine. I'll give you everything you desire for", he said arrogantly. "I desire for blood", she said in a dangerous tone.

Joyshree_Ghosh · Urban
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17 Chs

Chapter 4: His Queen?!

Adrian and Kiara kept staring at him each other before he finally spoke. "Please", he said sincerely. She furrowed her brows at him without saying a word.

"Get lost. I don't believe in relationships", she said in a cold and stern voice then got back to her chair. Her mind was filled with all the dreadful past life memories.

If one was to say that they love her, there's no way she would believe them. Trust was something she thought as a curse.

She had no one. No friends, no lover, no family. All alone.

Adrian didn't say anything and left her office in disappointment but he wasn't someone to give up so easily. Since he got intrigued in her, he would get her at any cost. He knew that she was the one for him.

Kiara's mind was blank while her heart was in panic remembering the past. She somehow calmed herself and continued her work.

By the evening, she went back to her mansion which was empty. She didn't keep any maid or servant as she didn't like people around her as it makes her feel insecure and she is not someone who talks a lot. Only some cleaners are allowed during the weekends. She couldn't be blamed for this but it was a natural instinct.

A big mansion which was cold and quiet with just her. There were bodyguards outside but inside it was all quiet and cold. Kiara went to her room and took a cold shower then put on comfy shorts and shirt.

The mansion had no pictures of her father or mother or anyone else. Not even her pictures. Since both her parents never acknowledged her, why should she even care to keep their picture?

She went to the kitchen and took out some salad from the refrigerator then ate it.

She took her bike and went out. She went to the park where she went after she killed her father. It was 11 at night and it was all quiet. The park was empty just like her.

She walked and sat on the swing.

"She had many problems,

And small fragile yet tough heart,

She wanted cheaper thrills

So she picked up smoking

True love til'

She heard that smoking kills

She wanted safer thrills

So she picked up drinking

Now everything hurts a little less now

A little less now

Oh everything hurts a little less

Once she met a boy at the school 

He was handsome and gentle.

She gave him all,

She loved him by her all.

They got along too well,

He loved her but...

He killed her.

Maybe never loved her.

Now everything hurts a little less now

A little less now

Oh everything hurts a little less now

A little less now

Oh everything hurts

She lost the love of her life,

Her only best relief,

'Cause she picked up smoking

Shoulda heard the way she used to sing

And ohhh




And now I see what sets me free,

He was what I have never needed,

It's only me, my memories, and I,

It's only me, my memories, and I.

Now everything hurts a little more now

A little more now

Oh everything hurts a little more now

A little more now

Oh everything hurts a little less."

As she ended the song, her voice was cold and no tear came out. Her tears already dried years back.

Dried tears speak about the unspoken pain~

She never smiled in this life. She was the Queen for the world but deep down she was alone. All alone. She had no one she could share her pain with.

She sighed deeply and stood up but suddenly an applause resounded in the park. "Wow, I didn't know you could sing so well", the person said with a smile. Kiara's eyes turned cold looking at him.

"You never know what the person is capable of doing, Mr. Chris Black", Kiara said in an icy cold voice. I swear I'll make you pay every bit of pain I felt and your and those people's retribution starts from today on. Kiara made a promise.

"You've gotten rich now", he grinned. "World's richest", she corrected arrogantly. "Let's get back together", he said that made Kiara laugh coldly. After a while, she stared at him with cold eyes, extremely cold.

"I can give you immense pleasure, sweetie", he whispered. "I will give you as much money as you want if you can die", she said looking straight into his eyes. "Mind me because I can cut off your dick right here."

He gave her a flirtatious smirk. "You better be careful, Chris Black. Protect your dick well", she said and walked away. Putting on her helmet she sped off in her bike.

Chris clenched his fist in anger. "I will make you mine. You belong to me, Kiara Davis."

Kiara went back to her mansion and laid on the bed with her eyes wide open. Ever since her rebirth, she barely slept or let her guard down. It was the sense of insecurity that would never disappear in her life.

"Kiara Davis, you've to begin your revenge very soon. Don't be weak", she reminded herself. It was a reminder she always gave herself afraid she might forget the purpose of her life.

Yes, vengeance, this was the sole purpose of her life.

But what after her revenge is over? She never thought about that. Her only purpose of life was revenge and nothing else. She was like a emotionless vengeance monster who was thirsty for the blood of her murderers.

Yes, that's what she calls herself; A Vengeance Monster.

The one who murdered her inner self, the innocent part, the trust, the love, the emotions, everything about her.

She barely sleeps for even three hours every night.

In the morning, she stood up from the bed and walked to her bathroom to take shower and get ready for office.

Wearing a burgundy above knee length bodycon dress and black heels, she came downstairs. Her hairs hung low at the back with her beautiful face which had no makeup except for lipstick.

"Boss, we have done as you ordered us", a man came in and bowed to her. She nodded. "Make sure he knows who he dealt with", Kiara said coldly. The man nodded.

"Boss, here is the file about Adrian Collins", the man gave her a file. She took the file and started reading.

Adrian Collins, 30 year old. Damn, he's 6 years older than me. She thought while reading then continued reading.

"Is that all you got?", Kiara asked looking at man who nodded. "Boss, why did you ask to investigate him?", the man asked very slowly aware of Kiara's temper. She shot him a death glare making him shiver.

Boss, have mercy. Please don't kill me. I swear I will make my mouth control itself next time. The man thought to himself nervously but didn't dare speak a word in front of her or even look at her.

"Get lost before I kill you", she said coldly and the man literally ran out of the mansion.

Kiara took out her mobile and made a phone call. "Drake, I want to know about the King. Find his whereabouts for me within an hour or don't you dare show up ever in front of me", she said on the call and hung up.

Within forty minutes, she got the whereabouts of the King. Perhaps it was time for her to finally meet the mysterious man whom she paid no attention until now.

By 7 in the evening, she reached the HQ of Awoken by the Vengeance. It was a huge building. She scanned her eyes and hand before entering the office which was all dark.

After spending about an hour in the office, she left the HQ. She asked the driver to drive her to a particular restaurant. As she walked inside, the manager came out to personally greet her which she didn't paid a heed to.

She walked inside a private room to find a huge figure sitting with his back facing her. From the air around him, one could tell he had a majestic King presence that could intimidate one in a glance.

Kiara walked to the table and sat down on the chair opposite to the man. She took off her black leather gloves and looked at the man without showing any emotion while he gave a smirk to her.

"I'm not surprised to see you", she said indifferently. "I know right. You expected me to be the King because I gave you the clue that night", Adrian said with a smirk.

"I'm here to warn you not to meddle in my work", she said which was clear cut threat. "Interesting. No one has ever threatened me", he said with an arched brow and smirked devilishly.

"I'm not a no one though. I'm the Queen", she said with authority then put on her gloves back. "That's all I wanted to say. If you want you can keep meddling then just wait for your grave to be dug by me", she said then stood up and left.

A man in his late twenties entered once Kiara walked out. He was Adrian's assistant and right hand in gang, Philip. "She sure is scary like everyone says", Philip muttered entering the private room but Adrian heard it.

Adrian glared at Philip to which Philip gave a confused look. He isn't much better either. They sure make a perfect pair. Philip thought looking at Adrian while his forehead was covered in cold sweat.

I wonder if they get together, how their child would be? It will surely be the incarnation of the Devil. Dark King and Vengeance Queen. Philip thought looking at Adrian then outside the window at Kiara who was getting into her car.

"I like it. You sure will be with me, my wifey", Adrian murmured looking at Kiara's car that disappeared into distant. As he looked back at the table, he found a note.

The note said: Don't you dare dig up about me or I will kill you.

Adrian chuckled knowing how well they understand each other only by meeting a few times. Philip was shocked seeing Adrian smile. This was the first time, he ever saw Adrian smile which was kind of really new to him and everyone around.

The man sitting here never smiled in his life but here he chuckled that too wasn't an evil one but a genuine one. A fucking genuine smile was seen on the face of Dark King!

"Philip, make sure my Queen gets her way cleared up to whatever she wants", Adiran ordered. Philip's eyes popped out hearing My Queen. Did he really say his Queen?

"Y-Yes, Boss", Philip bowed.

"Kill whoever dares to even think of hurting my babe. She should not know about us at all", Adrian said to which Philip nodded. Adrian put on his gloves then got up and walked out with Philip following behind.

Am I dreaming? It's too much for my little heart. When did Boss started getting interested in relationship? He called her Babe!! Fuckin' babe and his Queen. I wonder how she will react when she knows about it. Philip thought.