
Vengeance: Unleash the Devil

She was broken. Completely broken. She was killed. She time travels back to the past and gets a chance to change her fate. She was too ugly and fat to look at. Friends? She had many but no more. Love? She hates the word love. Trust? It's like a curse to her. She will make each and every person pay for their deeds. She believes in an eye for an eyes and a tooth for a tooth. All of a sudden she disappears and then returns with a complete new personality. She had come back to rule over the world. She is a Queen whom no one can touch. A look from her is enough to make everyone shiver. She has never smiled after her rebirth. Will she ever smile? He is the King of our story who rules over the world. He's too cold and ruthless yet too handsome to overlook. The first time he saw her, his heart was caught off guard. He wanted her. No, he needed her. He wants to solve this beautiful mystery now. The two are on the way to take their own vengeance. Will they win against their powerful enemies? "Be mine. I'll give you everything you desire for", he said arrogantly. "I desire for blood", she said in a dangerous tone.

Joyshree_Ghosh · Urban
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17 Chs

Chapter 12: I was born an orphan.

The next few days, Kiara was busy giving little surprises to her dear ex lover, Chris Black. He was still unaware of the person who was making his nights sleepless.

Kiara thought her revenge was coming to an end soon but to her unfortunate luck, her life was filled with people who wanted to kill her. When she thought, she ended one enemy, she would find more ten standing to kill her.

First of all, Chris wasn't an easy target to shoot. He was too stubborn and powerful. Even though, she was the Queen of underworld, this Chris was a pain in ass for everyone. He created mess for everyone.

"I want Kiara Davis right here in front of me. Alive", Chris yelled at one of the man standing in front of him with his head lowered. "B-Boss, Ms. Kiara... killed all our men... who... went to kidnap her", the man shuttered that angered Chris more and more.

Chris stood up and growled, "Stop shuttering. How can she kill thirty men? She was alone that day." The man gulped in fear. "She is really strong and fought all the men alone", the man said in low tone.

"She is a woman. A fucking woman! How can she be so strong? I want her. She is fucking mine. Do I feed you for nothing? Find her weakness and get her in front of me. I want her alive", Chris screamed making everyone shiver.

"She doesn't.... seem to have any weakness", the man said almost crying for his life. "No weakness?! Everyone has a weakness. Find her. It must be some friend or relative or something", Chris yelled.

The man nodded. "I want her here as soon as possible or get ready to die", Chris warned the man holding him by the collar. The man immediately nodded and ran out of the Villa.

"Kiara Davis, you will be mine soon", Chris murmured to himself in a cold voice.

On the other side,

Kiara was in the middle of a meeting when Jade came to inform her that some girl was claiming herself as Kiara sister. Kiara frowned hearing this and asked Jade not to let the girl enter the company.

In the evening, Kiara was driving out of the company when a girl suddenly came in front of her car. Kiara got down her car. The girl immediately held Kiara's hands. Kiara frowned.

"Who are you?", Kiara asked coldly. "Kiara, I'm your sister", the girl said. She was in her early twenties. Kiara's frowned deepened. "I don't remember having any sister. The woman who gave birth to me never gave birth to anyone else", Kiara said in a cold tone.

"We have same father. I'm your half sister, Linda", Linda said with a hint of spark in her eyes. "I don't remember having a father. If you want money just be straight", Kiara said in disgust.

Hearing this, Linda immediately turned arrogant. "Yeah. I want money. Since you're so reach, you should give some to your sister", Linda said arrogantly. Kiara glared at her.

"That man had many mistresses. Does that mean that I'd keep donating my money to thrash people? I never had a father nor a mother. I was born orphan", with that Kiara took of her gloves and threw it in the bin.

"My gloves got dirty because a shit like you touched them. Don't ever show up in front of me or the consequences won't be something, you'll ever like", Kiara warned then boarded her car and drove away.

"Kiara Davis, you will regret this for sure", Linda clenched her fist in anger and glared at Kiara's car.

As soon as Kiara reached home, she took a cold shower first. Kiara's eyes were red due to anger. She hated when someone approached her for her money. It reminds her of the betrayal she faced in her last life.

"I make you all pay for every thing. Lea Peterson, it's your turn now", she looked at the mirror and said to herself.

Lea was amongst the group with whom Kiara interacted after Chris and Amy. There weren't many with whom she talked. About only four were Kiara's friends; Chris, Amy, Lea and Arian Collins, who tried to rape her once.


It was a few days before Kiara was killed. Arian invited everyone for his birthday party which was to be celebrated in a high class club as he was a rich freak and the youngest son of his family.

Kiara and Arian were good friends and interacted with each other well but he always had his dirty eyes on her. He was lusted by her body. He wanted her badly.

Even though Chris might have killed her but Arian had done more.

Arian's birthday party was a blast and everyone enjoyed. Kiara never got drunk because she knew her father would kill her. It was already getting late but her father was out of the country so she wasn't much worried for now.

"Kiara, what's up?", Arian threw his arm around her shoulder. She gave an uncomfortable smile and tried to push his arm away which he pulled away on his own.

Arian tried to get her drunk but she was too stubborn and didn't drink even a little. Any how he wanted her tonight. When he noticed Kiara was going to the restroom, he followed her there.

As soon as she came out, he covered her mouth and took her into a private room in the club. He threw Kiara on the couch. "Arian, what are you doing?", Kiara asked looking at him with a frown on her face.

"Kiara, I like you. You're so beautiful", Arian whispered as he pinned her down on the couch under him. She tried to push him but she was too weak that time. He immediately held her hands pinning them above her head.

"Arian, you're drunk. Get up. Let me go. I have a boyfriend", Kiara struggled and tried to put some sense in his senseless filthy mind. "I'm not drunk. Chris is just playing with you. You're so innocent", Arian ran his finger on her face.

"Arian, he is your best friend. How can you say that? We have been in a relationship for more than four years now. I trust him", Kiara argued. Arian furrowed his brows in anger.

"He will fuck you and leave you. Let me be your first. He would never dare to go against me, baby. You are mine", Arian licked his lower lips and glanced at her lips. Kiara felt like crying at her vulnerability.

Arian started forcing himself on her. This wasn't the first time he was molesting her but earlier it wasn't so direct. This time he was ready to rape her but she won't let it happen. She loves Chris, after all.

She kicked on his groin and stood up. "You're a bastard. How can you do this to me?", she cried looking at him who was holding his private in pain. Tears continuously rolled down her eyes as she looked at the guy whom she once thought as her best friend.

"You will pay for this, you slut. I will make you pay", he yelled as he glared at her. Her clothes were almost torn but somehow she adjusted them and ran out without looking back at the room or Arian.

From that day, she didn't go near Arian. After about ten days, Kiara was killed. It was as if everything was planned from start to end.

End of Flashback.

Kiara gritted her teeth as she remembered the day. She got out of the shower and put on blue pajamas.

But was Chris really the main culprit or there is a missing piece of puzzle?

Kiara took her gun that was under her pillow and stared at it for a while. "In what creative way should I kill Lea Peterson?", she wondered to herself.

"She thought I was useless and idiot. Let's show her how useful I am", Kiara said emotionlessly looking at the gun in her hand. "It's time to say goodbye to the world now, Lea", Kiara looked up with red eyes.

"Live your life as much as want. Your end is coming soon, darling."

Next day, as usual Kiara woke up and got ready for office putting on a dark blue sleeveless top and black above knee length pencil skirt with black high heels. Her face was void of any makeup and hairs were let down.

As she reached her company, she was informed that a girl was causing trouble in the office in reception area. Kiara's eyes turned cold hearing this. She headed to the reception area along with Jade.

"Kiara, tell these people I'm your sister", Linda said looking at Kiara. Linda internally smirked thinking now Kiara won't be able to refuse as everyone had their eyes on them but what Kiara did made Linda angry.

Kiara threw a hard slap across Linda's face. "This is for calling me your sister", Kiara growled. Since, Kiara was trained for fights, the slap was really harsh. After all, the slap came from the Queen's bare hands and not with gloved hand.

Linda's eyes shot up in anger as she glared at Kiara. "I was, am and will always be an orphan. I have no father and or mother. The woman who gave birth to me never gave birth to any other kid", Kiara said coldly.

"If she ever comes in and I find anyone is entertaining this kind of nonsense in the office then you will be doomed. Throw her out and never let anyone other than the employees and people with appointment in", Kiara growled looking at everyone.

Kiara took some tissue and wiped her hands as if she touched some dirt. Linda glared at Kiara to which Kiara gave much more intimidating glare.

Linda was immediately thrown out of the company.