
Vengeance: Unleash the Devil

She was broken. Completely broken. She was killed. She time travels back to the past and gets a chance to change her fate. She was too ugly and fat to look at. Friends? She had many but no more. Love? She hates the word love. Trust? It's like a curse to her. She will make each and every person pay for their deeds. She believes in an eye for an eyes and a tooth for a tooth. All of a sudden she disappears and then returns with a complete new personality. She had come back to rule over the world. She is a Queen whom no one can touch. A look from her is enough to make everyone shiver. She has never smiled after her rebirth. Will she ever smile? He is the King of our story who rules over the world. He's too cold and ruthless yet too handsome to overlook. The first time he saw her, his heart was caught off guard. He wanted her. No, he needed her. He wants to solve this beautiful mystery now. The two are on the way to take their own vengeance. Will they win against their powerful enemies? "Be mine. I'll give you everything you desire for", he said arrogantly. "I desire for blood", she said in a dangerous tone.

Joyshree_Ghosh · Urban
Not enough ratings
17 Chs

Chapter 13: Third vengeance.

Kiara stood in a cold room wearing a blue scrub. Her hands had white rubber gloves and she was wearing a mask on her face. Her hairs were covered with a cap. She looked like a doctor ready to do surgery.

Kiara turned to the bed and walked forward. On the bed laid Lea with her eyes covered with a blind fold and lips sealed with duct tape. Her wrists and ankles were tied with rope.

Kiara took off the blindfold so Lea could see where she was. Kiara's eyes were really hard to read as they hold no emotions except coldness and thirst for revenge. Kiara was like a walking corpse without any emotions.

Kiara removed the duct tape roughly that made Lea yelp in pain. "Who are you? Why did you take me here? Let go of me. It's illegal", Lea screamed but Kiara gave no reaction to any of her struggle.

Kiara simply took a scalpel and traced it on the jaws of Lea making her scream. "Let go of me... Help.... Help me. Can someone hear me? Help me", Lea shouted.

"Didn't you say I'm useless? See I'm so useful that I can even make you scream but it's too useless now. This is my territory. Queen's territory", Kiara said in a low dangerous voice.

"W-Who are you? I don't even know you", Lea said a bit scared. Kiara took off her mask showing her face. Lea's eyes widened looking at Kiara's face.

"K-Kia... Kiara... why... why did you kidnap me?", Lea asked in a scared tone as she looked at Kiara's cold and emotionless face. "Oh, sweetie. I didn't kidnap you. I just wanted to give you some gift", Kiara said in a sweet yet terrifying tone.

Lea gulped in fear hearing the tone Kiara was using. It sent shivers all over her body.

"Why? What do you want to do with me?", Lea almost screamed in anger. Kiara pressed her index finger on Lea's lips. "Shh... don't be so loud. I'd love to hear your screams once I

punish you", Kiara said with anticipation.

"What have I done to you?", Lea asked angrily. "I don't like when people disrespect me so lower your voice", Kiara said coldly and glared at Lea. Lea immediately shut her lips.

"Let me tell you a story", Kiara said as she played with the scalpel in her hand then turned to Lea and begin narrating as she remembered the past.


It was when everyone went for a school trip on mountains. Kiara was only 16, it was her first time going out after she started going to school. After getting permission from her father, she was finally allowed to go out which hard for her to convince her father.

Everyone walked forward but Kiara was much slower than the others while doing any physical activity as she always stayed at home and wasn't allowed to do anything. Also, a night before she was beaten by her father.

All of a sudden, it started raining. The teachers immediately made way for the students and took them but Kiara was left behind. No one really cared about her. Not even the teachers or her friends.

Kiara was having fever but because no one wanted to get infected from some dangerous virus, they decided to leave her. Her friends ridiculed her especially Amy and Lea behind her back.

"She is such an useless bitch. Let's just leave her here to die. No one will know that she even died", Lea sneered. Amy laughed and immediately followed the others as it was getting dark.

Kiara heard all the things but decided to turn a deaf ear thinking it might be her hallucination because of her fever as her friends were not someone to leave her. She comforted herself by saying that it was better for them to leave than get infected.

It was too dark now. Kiara was left alone. She tried to find a way but got lost in the forest. Soon, her body gave up and she collapsed on the ground. Her body was all dirty. She thought it was her end but then she saw someone.

A well built man came forward towards her. "Chris", Kiara murmured.

"I'm not Chris", a deep masculine voice answered. Kiara felt her heart shatter but she comforted herself by saying it was good that Chris wasn't here or he might get sick.

"Please, stay away from me. You will get infected and I'm dirty", Kiara said in a weak voice. "The person isn't dirty by their appearance. You're clean from inside because you are thinking about others even when you're the one suffering", the man said and came forward.

As soon as the man held her in his arms, Kiara looked up but it was too dark to see his face. She felt an unknown security she never felt even when she was around Chris. Even though the man's voice was cold, his embrace was warm.

She fainted in his arms. When she woke up, she found herself in the camping area. She asked about the person who saved her but everyone said that she was sent here by some lady who sent her here.

"Does she think some hero will come to save her like movies when the damsel is in distress? She is so ugly that no one will even look at her", some girls talked about Kiara but she didn't give a damn to anyone.

Kiara knew very well that it was voice of man even though she was half unconscious.

After that, during the camp, Lea didn't leave a chance to create trouble for Kiara. She even tried to get Kiara almost raped yet Kiara was somehow saved everytime.

Lea even made Kiara get into the bed of their physical education teacher who was no less than a pervert. Kiara ran out of the tent before anything happened. Amy and Lea were so angry because of everything.

Back to present...

Kiara was stopped once she was done reminding the past to Lea. "I think I reminded too much. You tried to almost sell me off more than four times", Kiara said in a cold tone.

"You know I will sell you in just one go. After all, who would dare to deny me? I'm the Queen. See, I'm not useless. I created my own Empire. You know how Amy died? I killed her", Kiara confessed like a small innocent kid who did some mischief.

"I threw her off the 80th floor", Kiara said in a cold tone. "Its time for you to pay."

Lea's eyes widened hearing all the things that Kiara did to Amy. She started screaming for help but in vain because the room was sound proof and the area was under Kiara so no one except Kiara's men are there.

"Stop shouting yet or the monster will be out too soon", Kiara said in a hushed tone. Lea felt like Kiara was too dangerous. Lea started begging Kiara to let go.

"Its too late. The bullet already left the gun", Kiara said innocently but in a cold tone.

Kiara took the scalpel and traced it on Lea's arm slowly making her shut her eyes tightly because of the sharp pain. "Kiara please let me go", Lea cried but Kiara didn't even glance at her face.

Kiara tore off the clothes that Lea was wearing. Kiara took the scalpel and with the cold tip, she wrote on Lea's stomach: Thrid Vengeance.

"Lea Peterson, involved in human trafficking. You like to sell girls, don't you? Let's see how else can I give you pleasure", Kiara said in cold tone. "No, please let me go. Kiara, forgive me", Lea said in a broken tone.

"Okay, I forgive you. But what about the girls whom you sold off? They would never forgive you, right? So I'm just doing that they wanted to do", Kiara said in a matter of fact.

Kiara took a small knife from the tray. "How would it feel when I'll open you up with this little tool of mine?", Kiara asked showing the knife. Lea started screaming that Kiara was a psychopath.

"You talk too much. I hate it when someone talks in between", Kiara said in an annoyed tone and cut off Lea's tongue in a swift. The blood started oozing out of her mouth and Lea cried bitterly. It was painful for her.

Kiara held the tongue in between her fingers and showed it to Lea. "This thing of yours was too sharp", Kiara said and cut the tongue in two pieces then threw it in the sanitized bin.

"Let's get started now. You won't talk anymore neither will I get too annoyed..."