
Vengeance: Unleash the Devil

She was broken. Completely broken. She was killed. She time travels back to the past and gets a chance to change her fate. She was too ugly and fat to look at. Friends? She had many but no more. Love? She hates the word love. Trust? It's like a curse to her. She will make each and every person pay for their deeds. She believes in an eye for an eyes and a tooth for a tooth. All of a sudden she disappears and then returns with a complete new personality. She had come back to rule over the world. She is a Queen whom no one can touch. A look from her is enough to make everyone shiver. She has never smiled after her rebirth. Will she ever smile? He is the King of our story who rules over the world. He's too cold and ruthless yet too handsome to overlook. The first time he saw her, his heart was caught off guard. He wanted her. No, he needed her. He wants to solve this beautiful mystery now. The two are on the way to take their own vengeance. Will they win against their powerful enemies? "Be mine. I'll give you everything you desire for", he said arrogantly. "I desire for blood", she said in a dangerous tone.

Joyshree_Ghosh · Urban
Not enough ratings
17 Chs

Chapter 11: Filthy woman.

Kiara walked out of the building with her face still covered. Her eyes were red shot and were cold as ice. The people around her took a step back from her in fear as she was emitting a very dangerous air.

She simply took her bike and sped off with her men following behind in their cars and bikes.

It was 1 AM at night. All the cars and bikes stopped outside a high class club. Kiara got down from the bike and walked inside. She went to the VIP area and found some men and women drugging.

Kiara simply went inside and sat in the corner without anyone knowing like she was some shadow. After a while a woman in her late thirties entered. She had straight short blonde hairs and was wearing a really sexy silver dress.

Kiara eyed the woman from top to bottom without making a sound. "Starts now", Kiara whispered to a man while picking up a glass of whiskey from the table. The man was one of her gang member. He gave a small nod.

Kiara followed the blonde woman into the private room along with other girls and guys. "Who are you?", Nancy, the blonde woman asked looking at Kiara suspiciously.

"You don't need to know", Kiara said in a cold tone. Nancy threw a kick towards Kiara which she easily dodged. Nancy tried to attack Kiara but Kiara was too faster than her.

Nancy took out a dagger and stabbed Kiara's right shoulder. Kiara glared at her and kicked her leg making her fall on the ground. Kiara took out the dagger and threw it aside. Blood was oozing out of her shoulder.

Nancy stood up and tried to attack Kiara again but before that Kiara took a bottle from the counter and smacked it against Nancy's head really hard making her fall unconscious on the floor.

Kiara gestured her men to take the woman. One of a man came forward and picked the unconscious Nancy on his shoulder then walked out. Kiara didn't leave just immediately as she waited.

After a while, one of her man came inside the room and gave her a sniper rifle. She adjusted the rifle near the window and shot two men that were keeping eye for Nancy. Unfortunately, they messed up big this time.

Kiara headed to the dungeons where the people she captures are kept. It was all dark.

Everyone bowed to her as she walked inside with her majestic aura. She was born to rule. She walked to a particular cell where Nancy was kept with her wrists and ankles chained.

Kiara sat on a armchair kept for her with her men around the cell. No one dared to look into Kiara's eyes directly. They were scared of her. Everyone treated her like she was their Goddess and could kill her anytime.

"Wake her", Kiara ordered in a monotone. A man bowed and threw a bucket full of icy cold water on Nancy. Nancy jolted and opened her eyes. As soon as she saw many people she started struggling to get out of the chains but in vain.

Kiara silently watched all her struggles and smirked. She liked it when her prey struggled.

"Let go of me", Nancy screamed. Kiara stood up and walked towards Nancy. "Shhh... Don't scream yet. The pleasure is yet to come. You love manipulating men and women, right? Let's see what you will do now", Kiara said in a dangerous tone.

Kiara took a syringe and injected into Nancy's neck. It was a drug that will arouse her sexual desires. After a few seconds, Nancy started moaning while she struggled to free herself from the chains.

"Are you enjoying?", Kiara asked grabbing Nancy's jaws. "Filfty woman like you should not be killed so easily. I will make sure you pay for every person who was trapped by you", Kiara said looking at Nancy's face.

"Let me go", Nancy moaned loudly but Kiara turned a deaf ear.

"Keep drugging her for two days. She will die on her own. After two days drug her with the one I got last month from Mexico", Kiara ordered his men and then walked out without sparing a glance at the filfty woman.

As soon as Kiara reached her mansion, she went to her bathroom and stripped n*ked. She stood under the cold shower. It's been a few days but that man didn't contact me. All of sudden she thought about Adrian.

What the fuck!? Why the fuck am I thinking about that man? Ugh. She yelled at herself in her mind and turned the water closer to calm herself. She heard her mobile rang.

Kiara came out wearing a bathrobe and picked the call. "Missed me?", Adrian asked on the other line. Kiara groaned and was about to cut off that call but then she heard him speak something that made her stop.

"Chris Black had been searching about you for a few days", he said. "How do you know?", she questioned. "I should know about my love's pursuers, right love?", he asked really sweetly.

"How many new numbers are you going to get?", she asked realizing it was some other number. "Until you keep blocking my every number", he answered in a matter of fact. She shook her head.

"Why are you still awake?", he questioned. "Aren't you the same?", she questioned back.

"I was doing some work", he answered. "So was I", she said. He chuckled.

"Was I so funny?", she asked in a voice void of any emotion. "You are cute. I like you", he said as he smiled on the other side. Kiara was quiet for a while hearing his response. He was kidding, right? Yeah, he must be because no one likes her. She is a monster.

"That wasn't funny", she said coldly. "I know it wasn't. I wasn't kidding. I'm interested in you", he said sincerely. This was the first time he has ever confessed truthfully.

Every women wants to be with him and wants him to spare even a glance at them while this woman thought he is joking around when he sincerely confessed her. He couldn't help but shook his head at her naivety.

She sure was ruthless and cold but very deep down she was naive. He loved how her innocent side would only come out when she talks to him. He also loved how she never thought about any man.

All these facts made him happy that he would be first. He was first kiss and he will be her first in everything. The thought itself made him feel happy and excited. He was like a man who was going crazy for his love.

Love? Did he really love her? Or it was just attraction? He wasn't sure about it but one thing he knew was that he wanted to protect this little love of his at any cost. He won't let anyone hurt her in any way.

He will make sure to rip every men apart who will dare to touch his woman, his love. He will protect his little baby at any cost. He will not anyone look at his possession. She was his and only his.

But was she so easy to get? No way. If that was the case, every man would have got her but here we are talking about the Queen. She is not an easy woman. She will not let anyone ruin her purity for their filfty desires.

Yet, somehow she felt safe around him which cannot be denied. She felt as if he could see through her soul. It was the first time she felt that she didn't have to keep her guards up around this one person.

It was like he was the cure to every wound of hers but she can't accept this. It's all fake.

She can never like anyone, right? She was a bad luck. She didn't wanted anyone to die because of her greed for love and security. She can't like him. It's a curse for her. She can never trust anyone.

"You will end up badly if you keep taking interest in me", she said in a very cold tone. "I'm ready to end up in the worst way if the one ending me is you", he said in a very low tone. The words came out naturally.

"I have no desire for all these things. I hate them. Stay away as much as possible from me. This is the last warning I'm...", she was cut off by his words that made her quiet.

"You're scared to love me, aren't you?", he asked. "Deep down you know you have feelings for me yet you keep denying it for some reason which I'm not aware of. I'm not playing around. I like you."

That word like makes her feel uncomfortable. She will never let anyone like her neither will she ever like anything or anyone. It was a trauma she will never be able to come out of, at least not in this life.

"Please don't like me", she said in a low tone. Adrian was quiet on the other line. "I will wait for you, love", he said after a long silence. Kiara sighed and hung up.

Kiara walked out of her room and looked at the big mansion. It was quiet. No one except her. She sat on the staircase and looked at the whole mansion.

It was huge mansion with a large backyard and front garden. The mansion had everything one needs. There was a huge swimming pool outside as well as inside in the underground.

The mansion had 20 bedrooms, two living rooms, a large ballroom, theater with 60 seats, luxury indoor spa, a huge study room for Kiara to work, everything you need is there inside the mansion except warmth.

No one will know even if she was to die. She will die without anyone around her. She wasn't scared of death. There was nothing she feared except liking something or someone.

She made sure she never likes anything. Whenever she thinks she will like something, she destroys it before someone else does. Unknowingly, she turned out to be the one to destroy the things she liked.

The thought itself of liking someone or something scared her as she remembers how her father killed her best friend and puppy. She imagines her friend and puppy in the pool of their own blood.

There was no one she could rely on. No mom who would care about her. No father to spoil her. No friends to hang out with. No love to spend the rest of her life with.

She never really experienced all these in her entire two lives until now.

The first life of hers was full of lies and betrayals. The second life was only because of her revenge. She had no other motive in her life except revenge. No goal to achieve except Vengeance.

The only desire that was left now was for blood of the man named Chris Black and the people who hurt her!

But what will happen after her revenge? She has nothing else in her mind.

As for her heart, she is heartless. Isn't that why she has no emotions?!