

Izuku Midoriya, his dreams broken by the man who he idolised, finds out the true face of the hero based society he lives in. With some support and a new opportunity, he decides to help bring it down, bringing some other like minded people together to help. The original: https://archiveofourown.org/works/28788726/chapters/70598496

KingBakugo · Anime & Comics
Not enough ratings
40 Chs

Chapter 12

The drive to the USJ couldn't have taken more than five minutes yet, to Izuku, it felt like an eternity. The anticipation was building up inside of him. He couldn't wait much longer. It was getting harder to hide his excitement for what was going to happen as the bus pulled up for what was going to happen.

As he got off the bus, however, he noticed something was wrong. Someone was missing. Someone integral to the entire scheme. All Might was missing. Izuku racked his brain. That couldn't be. All Might was supposed to be there. It said so on the lesson plan. That couldn't have changed in less than a week. Then it dawned on him. He'd only half listened to the chatter of the classroom that morning, but someone had said something about All Might taking down a villain that morning. And, with All Might's injury lowering the time he had in his buffer form… Izuku silently cursed. Of all the days.

As Thirteen led the class into the USJ, Izuku kept his head down as he tried to calm his nerves in case any anger he felt was reflected in his expression. Denki walked close by him as they trailed behind the rest of the class. " This wasn't part of the plan." He muttered.

" All Might was always secondary. But the fact he's not here derails a lot of my planning." Izuku whispered back.

" So what now?"

" We'll keep to the schedule. If he isn't already enroute, the news that the USJ is under siege will have to coax him out. Toru should already have control over the security office. We can't stop now." Denki nodded slightly.

The USJ was far larger than Izuku had been expecting. Instead of one large area that shifted props and problems depending on the situation it was comprised of several, like some kind of indoor amusement park. Izuku had to admit, it was impressive. Seeing the various zones spread out from the stairs, he could only imagine what sort of exercises and tricks each of the five areas held.

" Shipwreck. Landslide. Fire. Storm. Mountain Rescue." Thirteen began. " These grounds hold everything you'll need to understand and perfect your responses to natural disasters and scenarios you'll come across in your tenures as Pro Heroes. Welcome to the Unforeseen Simulation Joint Facility."

" All Might was supposed to be here, but it seems he's running late." Aizawa announced. " It sucks, but he's an idiot. It can't be helped."

" Allow me to say a few things before we begin." Thirteen said, seriously. " As you may well know, my quirk, Black Hole, allows me suck in and destroy objects and individuals. It is a quirk that has allowed me to save many people. However, it could easily kill people if I'm not careful. I know some of you are the same. While it is easy to forget in this day and age, Quirks are dangerous. One wrong step and you could hurt or possible do worse things to someone you may try and save. You're young. That's why we're doing the best we can to make sure not just you but your quirks are ready. That is the purpose of the USJ. To make sure you're ready for the all too real situation you'll get where you'll have to regulate your quirks or harm the people who need you the most. That is what I hope you'll learn in my facility the most. That is all." There was cheer of agreement from the students. Izuku remained silent. That was obvious. A quirk could hurt as it could save.

They were about to find that out first hand.

Toru put her feet up as she observed the entire USJ from the security cams. She took out three glasses she borrowed from Kurogiri's bar and poured herself a small glass of Soda. Man she thought. What is with all those stupid outfits? Armour? Space Suits? Some of them are even walking around half naked. Ugh. These people must hate fashion. With a shrug, her eyes fell onto the console. "Let's see. Doors. Doors." Toru smiled as she found it, pressing it down. The doors behind the heroes clicked shut, locking. "And now, the first part of every good movie. The lights."

Before everyone could even calm down, the lights above flickered and were snuffed out. Outwardly, Izuku acted just as surprised as everyone else. Internally, he was laughing. It was starting. His plans put into motion. Let's see how heroes handled the plans of someone they scorned one too many times. "Hey." Kirishima shouted. " What's going in the plaza?" Izuku watched as Aizawa spun around in panic. He took notice down in the plaza below as Kurogiri's portal opened up.

" Thirteen, get ready to protect the students." The space hero gave him a small nod. First out of the portal, dressed in his usual all black outfit now just covered in a number of hands, was Tomura Shigaraki. Seeing them, Izuku never did ask if they were real or just props. All he knew is that Sensei had given them to Tomura after adopting him. Others quickly followed, many of them being villains Giran had contacted for this job. None of them had met him in person, though admittedly, that was the point. They moved to surround the leader of the League. Twenty Villains standing around. He assumed Kurogiri already had the others stationed in the five zones. The last one out was Battalion, the giant, muscular Nomu, before Kurogiri himself, retaining himself as a large black fog

Eraserhead's capture weapon began rapidly flying around him, ready to begin combat as the villains began their advance. Tomura and Izuku's eyes met. He raised an eyebrow, as if to ask where All Might was. Izuku shook his head slightly. He wasn't with them. Tomura's eyes narrowed in anger. " Force All Might out of hiding!" He ordered the army of mooks.

" V-Villains? Real Villains? Here?" Komori gasped.

" How can this be?" Iida asked.

" Thirteen. What of the intruder sensors?"

" Of course we have them. However, it seems we've been cut off from the main campus. They won't know."

" So you're saying no-ones coming?" Izuku asked. Thirteen nodded sadly. " No way…"

" Hmm. But if that's the case then, this plan was probably premeditated. This wasn't just some hideout point before raiding UA properly. They knew we'd be here." Yaoyarozu realised, shocking the others. Aizawa hummed in thought.

" So these Villains have a way to knock out the security system do they?" He clicked his tongue in annoyance. " Thirteen, start evacuating everyone. Get outside and try contacting the school." Before anyone could voice any concern, Eraserhead leapt into action against the villains. Izuku watched as he erased the quirks of three villains and knocked them out in a single move. Thirteen began trying to get the students to the door. However, before they could, the second plan began.

Kurogiri warped in front of the escaping party. " My apologies, but I cannot allow you to leave." The group slid to a halt, looking up and the shadowy mass. " It is nice to meet you. We are the League of Villains. Sorry to drop in unannounced, however, in order to remove All Might from the board, this was a necessity." Kurogiri hummed, his eyes slowly looking over the students who were frozen in shock and fear. " We thought All Might would have been here today. However, it appears someone made a mistake. No matter. I suppose we shall have to entertain ourselves in another way."

Izuku watched as Thirteen moved to stop Kurogiri. However, before she could, Kirishima and Bakugo launched forwards. " H-Hey!" He shouted. " What are you-" Izuku was cut off by a loud explosion, making him flinch on instinct.

" You won't beat us, you bastard!" Bakugo shouted.

" We'll beat you down!" Kirishima backed him up. Izuku fought from sighing and shaking his head in disappointment. He didn't expect any of his classmates to be that reckless. Then again, this was Bakugo he was talking about. As the cloud of dust settled, Kurogiri was revealed to be unharmed.

" My, how dangerous. That won't do."

" Move!" Thirteen shouted at the two bots. Seeing one of her finger caps off, the two nodded before falling back so Thirteen could activate her quirk.

" My apologies, but I can't allow that to happen." Suddenly, a powerful black fog swept through the class as Kurogiri expanded his quirk. Even Izuku was surprised by this. As used to his regular warp gate as Izuku was, he'd never actually seen Kurogiri warp out a group this large. He forgot just how much Kurogiri's body could expand for his quirk. As the gate swept passed him, Izuku found Denki in the crowd and nodded. The two passed through fog, teleporting.

" So, nothings really going to plan, huh?" Izuku heard Toru say as he arrived in the USJ security booth. Denki shook the feeling of disorientation from his head as he arrived next to him. Toru poured the two a glass of soda each. Izuku took up a chair.

" How is everything?"

" Aizawa is handling himself pretty well in the plaza. Kurogiri took care of 14 students, though some got out of range. Everyone else has begun moving on the students that were warped." Toru looked up. " Why did you ask Kurogiri to scatter them randomly? You know their weaknesses."

" Cause if they put two and two together, they'd figure out there's a traitor in UA." Izuku shrugged. " I decided to make it look like we don't know what the quirks of the students are."

" Where the hell is All Might though?" Denki asked, annoyed.

" His god damn injury." Izuku grumbled. " He got into to many fights this morning. He's probably resting up just so he can make a fifteen minute or so appearance near the end of class. He need him here. Now."

" So what?"

" Toru. Who's left?" Toru brought up the entrance cameras. Izuku scanned over the people there.

" Let's see… Well, obviously, Thirteen. But also… glasses kid, six arms, muscle man, tape elbows, ghost girl and that plain looking chick."

" Iida, Shoji, Sato, Sero, Yanagi and Kodai. Alright." He thought for a moment. " In that case, unlock the doors."

" Huh? Why?" Denki asked.

" If Thirteen is as smart as I believe she is, she'll get Iida to make a run for it. As far as they're concerned, some villain is blocking their signals. They haven't thought we just got into the security office and took control." Izuku looked over. " So, we'll keep them guessing. If they can get Iida to the main campus, All Might is bound to charge in, injury be damned, instead of letting the other pro's deal with the situation. He's that type of idiot." Toru smiled before nodding. She released the door locks.

" So. Now we wait?"

" Yeah. We can sneak into the Landslide zone pretty easily from here, so let's kick back and watch the show."

" Sorry, but there's no sound." Toru said, messing with the keyboard.

" Where's everyone?" Denki asked. Toru hummed, moving from camera to camera.

" Ok. Sho and Dabi are in Landslide, Toshi's in Fire and Mina's in Collapse with Himiko. The students are scattered all over the place with 2 in each of the six zones." Toru explained. " Who do you want to check in on first?"

" Hey! Is anyone else out there?"

" Kaminari. Is that-" Hitoshi chuckled as the jet black hero student went slack, switching off this voice changing mask that Giran had procured for him.

" Man, are you all that stupid?" He wondered.

" So. What are we going to do with him?" Hitoshi looked up at the trio of villains behind him. He sighed. How'd he get stuck in charge of one of the raid teams he just didn't know. He hoped the others were having a better time of it. He'd already had to remove his jacket, sending it back to the bar via Kurogiri, just from stepping into the Fire zone.

" There should be one more student here. Some kid with a big tail. Find him and take him down. Don't kill him. I want another puppet for when All Might arrives." The trio grinned, moving on. " How do people have so much energy?" After a few minutes of waiting around for the few villains they brought along to report back and failing to do so, Hitoshi made the jet black hero student follow him before moving out himself. It didn't take too long of walking down the burning main road of the fire zone to encounter the problem student in question. Upon seeing Hitoshi, the tail kid raised his fists.

" Are you another villain?"

" I don't know. Am I?"

" Don't toy with me." The kid growled. Hitoshi chuckled. If he wanted to, perhaps having another doll to use later would be interesting. But that wasn't what Zuku had wanted from him. Instead, he just made a motion with his head. From the shadows, his current thrall leapt, punching at the tail kid. The tail kid looked both confused and betrayed.

" Kuroiro? What are you doing?" The hero student, Kuroiro, didn't answer, just staring ahead blankly. Hitoshi just laughed. " What did you do to him?"

" I'm sure you can figure it out for yourself." Hitoshi said smugly. " Well, Kuroiro was it? Deal with him." At his command, Kuroiro sunk back into the shadows. Hitoshi thought back, thinking about what the boy called Kuroiro could do. Something about the colour black? He didn't remember. However, he watched silently from the background as the two classmates fought. With a smirk, he thought back to the name he was called in middle school. They were right. His quirk really was the perfect quirk for a villain. He was happy to have it.

Mina laughed as she leapt backwards, spreading more of her acid across the zone while avoiding her opponents attacks. " Slow as ever I see." She laughed. Eijiro Kirishima grit his teeth. Echoing around them, explosions from Bakugo's quirk and his angry shouts rang out as he was locked in his own battle with a group of villains led by Himiko. Eijiro had already dealt with Mina's entourage. Mina flicked some acid at a nearby support pillar before flipping out of the way before the place crashed down. A few seconds later, Eijiro emerged from the rubble.

" Mina. What the hell?" He growled. " Why are you with a group of Villains?"

" Well, my quirk always was scary and deadly, right?" Mina said nonchalantly. " Figured I might as well stopped pretending."

" This isn't you!"

" Excuse me, mister most popular guy two years running, but what the hell do you know about me? Last I checked, we only ever interacted during group tasks. Don't act like you're my friend just cause we were in the same class."

" Mina…"

" You know how lonely it is? Watching you all from afar? You boys being all rough and tumble in sports while I was forced to sit out in PE in case my quirk melted the ball? To see everyone having friends, elbowing each other and patting each other on the back while no-one dared even come with in a few feet of me in case I somehow melted their finger off or something?" Mina scowled. " You had everything I ever wanted, Eiji. Awesome friends. Awesome quirk. Awesome prospects. I had none of that."

" You had friends."

" Could you call them friends if they treated me like I had some sort of highly contagious disease?" Mina grinned. " But then I actually made friends who'd actually treat me like a normal person. They weren't scared of me. They didn't do what you did and activate their quirk before giving me a high five." Eijiro looked guilty at the accusation. " I have actual friends now, Eiji. I have a girlfriend. I'm actually happy. And you. You, mister more holy than thou thinking just cause you're a hero, think you have a right to try and trample that happiness. Well screw you, Eiji." Mina spread acid in her hands. " I'm gonna melt you down to size."

" Mina. I'm sorry. I wish I noticed." Eijiro said, getting into a fighting stance. " But you're in the wrong here. And as a hero, it's my job to take you down."

" Then come on, hero. I'm waiting." With a shout, Eijiro charged. Mina smirked. This was turning out to be a very fun day.

Shoto had one job in the USJ attack. Speak with Momo Yaoyarozu and convince her to at least hear him out. He owed her that much. She arrived with some kid with a stupid bandana in the area that Kurogiri dropped him off ten minutes earlier, already separating the two from the drop. As she landed, Shoto created a small ring around the two using his ice quirk, counting on his brother and the mook parade to deal with the other one. As Shoto approached, Momo immediately pulled a metal pole from her body and prepared to attack. " Relax." Shoto said simply, reaching for the mask on his face. When he was asking for a costume, he focused on two thing. Assisting the circulation of the heat and cold to keep his body temperature regulated while not effecting his quirk to much and someway to hide the very telling scar that covered his eye. Having something that so obviously gave away his identity wasn't something he wanted. One day, he and Dabi planned to reveal everything. But the League needed to be bigger first. As his mask folded into the collar it was built into, Momo gasped.

" No way. Shoto?"

" Heya, Momo. Been a while, huh?" Shoto smiled. Momo looked shell shocked, barely keeping the grip around her weapon.

" Shoto. But… I heard…"

" I went missing? Kidnapped? Is that what that bastard started saying about me?" Shoto let out a dry laugh. " Can't just tell everyone I got sick of his bullshit and ran away, could he."

" What are you…"

" Did I ever tell you how I got my scar?" Shoto asked. " My mom poured boiling water on my face because I looked too much like him. That's how far he broke her. He destroyed my brothers body until I came into being to take his place. He's made my life and the life of my siblings a living hell. And you know why he can do that? Cause of your parents." Momo gasped. " I'd show you the numbers, but I'm sure you can find them yourself in your parents logs. You should do your homework, Momo. You won't like what you find, but I think you'd understand my choice better if you do."

" I don't understand. What are you saying?" Shoto sighed, rubbing the back of his neck.

" You promise to hear me out? If you do, I promise I'll let you and your friend outside leave unharmed. I just wanted to talk." He gave her an earnest look. " You were the only person I could trust outside my family before. I wanted to give you a fair chance. So please." Momo looked at him, likely trying to scan his expression or stance for any sign he was trying to trick her. After a while, she lowered her hand. She remained tense, ready to defend. But her will to attack wasn't there.

" Talk."

" Thanks." Shoto smiled. He was happy he could do this. Just a face to face talk with someone who would listen. Whether she accepted what he was about to say or not, that didn't matter. He was just happy to be given the chance to try.

Izuku watched as Kurogiri swiftly took down Thirteen and Iida managed to get out. " Right. I reckon, when All Might arrives, we'll have 5 minutes. 5 minutes until the other pros reach us." Izuku surmised, finishing his drink as he leant back in his seat.

" Man, these hired thugs really aren't anything impressive." Denki sighed as he watched Asui and Koda deal with the thugs in the Shipwreck Zone.

" Not like they were supposed to be." Toru reminded him, watching Komori and Jiro deal with their designated opponents in the mountains.

" Yeah. I suppose." Denki agreed. That was when he noticed it. Izuku's eyes furrowed, looking up at the small screen detailing Eraser's fight.

" Toru. Mid cams." He asked. Toru nodded, flicking the camera's over. The three gasped in shock. Aizawa was on the ground, his arm being mangled brutally by the Nomu.

" Woah. What's going on?" Denki asked. " Aizawa is getting manhandled."

" Look at his other arm." Izuku pointed out the revealed tendons around his elbow. " Looks like Tomura was having fun while we were watching the others." Izuku held his hand out. " Toru. Comms."

" But what about Aizawa?"

" I doubt he can hear us anymore." Izuku pointed out the blood dripping down his face and the half dazed expression he held. Toru giggled before handing it over. Izuku put the earpiece in. " Having fun, Tomura?"

" Hmm. Oh, it's you. I thought you weren't talking to me anymore."

" Hey, it's not like anyone can hear us."

" Heh. I suppose not. Still, I hear a kid got out. So it's game over for us." Tomura grumbled. " Wasn't Hagakure supposed to be on that?"

" Don't worry. I had her unlock the doors." Tomura took a double take at that statement.

" Excuse me?"

" All Might's not here. So, to get him here, we had to give him a message." Izuku shrugged. " Think of this as a 1-Up. A second chance. It's not like All Might is our main goal, but taking the Final Boss out early is always useful."

" Hacking the game I see." Tomura let out a dry laugh. " So, how is everything in the other locations?"

" Mountain, Squall and Shipwreck were always free wins. The hero course is finishing up and heading your way. As for Fire, Collapse and Landslide, our actually party is handling things well. I'll have them head back your way when All Might arrives."

" Good. This was a mess, but at least we're starting to clean up." Tomura sounded happy. Then, suddenly, a loud crash eched from the entrance. Everyone went quiet. Toru zoomed the cameras in on the entrance as All Might stomped on in, throwing the jacket of his suit off and tearing of his tie. Izuku looked at him and was suddenly gripped by fear. Because All Might wasn't smiling. He was always smiling. But not now. He connected his feed to everyone's earpieces.

" Everyone. This is Usagi. All Might has arrived. Return to the Central Plaza for evacuation." He called before removing his earpiece. " Toru, I'll leave the rest to you." The girl nodded. He glanced back to Denki." So? Back to class?"

" You mean with… him here." Izuku watched the screen. He swallowed hard.

" Unfortunately."

Hitoshi watched his thrall and the UA student fighting each other, neither giving each other time to breath. It was entertaining to watch. He was lucky he was able to control someone so easily able to avoid getting hit. Hitoshi had never really relied on his own physical strength. Against bullies, he used trickery to get out of getting ganged up on. In the end, heroes were the same. Bullies. Criminals. Whatever. And watching them fight was quite the spectacle. He was brought out of his thoughts by an explosion from the main plaza and a sudden voice on his ear.

" Everyone. This is Usagi. All Might has arrived. Return to the Central Plaza for evacuation." Hitoshi sighed.

" On my way." He replied before turning to leave.

" Where do you think you're going?" The tail kid shouted. Hitoshi looked over to see him leaping at him.

" Kuroiro. Don't let him catch me." Hitoshi ordered. At the order, Kuroiro burst from the tarmac, intercepting the tail kid's attack and pushing him back.

" You damn coward." Tail kid growled as Kuroiro began laying into him.

" Guilty. But trust me. You don't get far in life by playing fair." Hitoshi waved at the tail kid with the back of his hand as vanished into the city line, heading back to the main entrance. " Catch you around, hero." Hitoshi figured he could make it to the zone's exit before his quirk wore off Kuroiro. It'd have to be enough. Seeing All Might at work. He was curious just how terrifying he could be up close. Hitoshi smirked. He wondered if the heroes would like to see that side of him too. He could certainly make that happen.

" Everyone. This is Usagi. All Might has arrived. Return to the Central Plaza for evacuation." Mina's head perked up at the statement. She sighed. She was having a lot of fun catching up with her old school mate, but all good things had to come to an end at some point. As Eijiro wasted time looking for the source of the echoing explosion from outside, Mina leapt backward, firing large amounts of her acid at nearby structures.

" Well, Eiji. It's been fun but it looks like it's about time for me to bounce."

" Hey!" Eijiro stepped forwards only to immediately jump backwards as two buildings came tumbling down between the two. Mina laughed out loud. She gave him a salute and a sly grin.

" Let's play again later, Eiji. I'll be waiting." She broke off into a sprint. Behind her, all Eijiro could do was shout her name and try and smash through the rubble to chase her down. As she reached the end of the zone, she met up with Himiko being chased by the blasty prick Izu warned them about. Giggling, Himiko grabbed her hand and the two ran. They had bigger fish to fry.

A loud bang echoed around the zone. " Everyone. This is Usagi. All Might has arrived. Return to the Central Plaza for evacuation." Izuku's voice echoed in his ear.

" Well. Looks like times up." Shoto said, putting his mask back up. " Thanks for listening. Means a lot."

" How much… of what you said was true?" Momo asked, warily.

" All of it. If you want, you can find out for yourself. You're parents have records of past cases, right?" Momo didn't answer. " I'd check them out if I were you. You might find out being a hero is nothing to be proud of. If you want to learn more, find Venality. Stay safe Momo." That was his last words to her before he burnt through his own ice structures and made his escape. Dabi met him at the foot of the Landslide zone.

" All good?" He asked

" All good." Shoto nodded. " I just hope she listened."

" That's not up to us. Come on." Dabi smirked. " We have a hero to meet."

The final battle between All Might and Nomu was well underway when everyone met back up at the Central Plaza, with the two titans of physical strength punching away at each other. Asui and Koda had already been given the task of getting the broken body of Aizawa back to the entrance. From Tomura's count, it had been three minutes. " Hmm. This is getting close." He muttered to Kurogiri, scratching at his neck nervously. " Where are the others?"

" All Might. Won't you help me?" A female voice echoed.

" Young Komori. Stay-" All Might froze up. Nomu slammed a fist into his face, sending him crashing into the ground. Shinso walked up next to Tomura.

" Predictable." Shinso complained. " Should I finish this now and just have him transform?"

" No. Let's give him some humility." Tomura grinned. " Tell him to finish off Eraserhead and Thirteen. "The next to join them was Ashido and Toga, explosions echoing behind them.

" Incoming!" Himiko said in a sing song voice. Tomura growled.

" You're enjoying yourself too much." He glanced over to Shinso. " Change of orders. Make him tear this kid apart."

" How cruel." Shinso said, chuckling. " Still, knowing who it is, I'm sure Zuku won't mind" Shinso sneered at the number one. " Where's all that fight gone All Might?"

" Vile Villain. I'll sho-" Again, All Might froze. Shinso laughed.

" Muscleheads like you just don't learn." He said mockingly. " Now then. All Might. Get up and Smash this annoying, explody brat for us." The three watched as All Might slowly rose from the ground. He took one stiff step towards the student chasing Toga and Ashido. Then another.

" Young… Bakugo. R...un…" He gasped out. Bakugo stopped, looking surprised as All Might walked towards him, clearly trying to hold himself back.

" A-All Might?" Bakugo asked in disbelief.

" You're so cool, All Might. Fighting against a quirk like Brainstorm's to save one of your pathetic pupils." Tomura began scratching at his neck furiously. " You're so cool it makes me sick. It's why I hate people like you. You can't just accept you've lost so you fight against it with all you've got. It's pathetic." The five Villains watched as All Might struggled against his own body. He rose his fist, readying a mighty smash and then…

The ground beneath his feet shattered as he brought it down. He panted as the spell came undone. Shinso widened his eyes in shock.

" I lost control of him." He said in disbelief.

" What?!"

" You… How dare you…" All Might growled. " HOW DARE YOU TRY AND MAKE ME HARM ONE OF MY STUDENTS?!" Shinso staggered back at the angry shout, falling on his ass. Mina flinched at the volume. Even Toga stopped smiling, looking genuinely intimidated for once. But Tomura just kept scratching as All Might charged, only to collide head first into a wall of Ice. Dabi and Shoto ran over to them.

" Bad timing?" Dabi asked slyly as All Might shattered through the ice. Explosions echoed behind them as Bakugo went on the attack only to be rebuffed by a plume of blue fire.

" Nomu. Kill him." Tomura ordered. Immediately, the beast was back in actions, slamming into the Number One. As they watched, Dabi and Shoto pushing back Bakugo behind them, a voice filled their ears.

" The heroes are here." Hagakure announced. " You got thirty seconds." Tomura's scratching became faster. He watched as All Might turned his attention back to the Nomu. Around them, the mooks were starting to wake back up. One last push is all they needed. There were multiple loud thuds, like miniature explosions echoing from the Nomu's body now as All Might sped up.

" He's no more weaker than ever. Did he lie to me?" Tomura wondered. " Or is there something more to it?"

" It's his state. He's currently as strong as ever." Shinso reminded him. " In time, he'd be weaker. But he hasn't reached that state yet. I told you to just let me force him out of that form." Tomura clicked his tongue in annoyance. All Might was shouting now. Random gibberish about peace and justice. It made him sick. He drove his fist into his Nomu's stomach and blasted him through the roof of the USJ. Tomura growled.

" Game over then. Kurogiri." A black mist began surrounding the lead members of the League. " I hope Izuku's primary objective worth this feeling of humiliation."