

Izuku Midoriya, his dreams broken by the man who he idolised, finds out the true face of the hero based society he lives in. With some support and a new opportunity, he decides to help bring it down, bringing some other like minded people together to help. The original: https://archiveofourown.org/works/28788726/chapters/70598496

KingBakugo · Anime & Comics
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40 Chs

Chapter 11

All For One sat back, watching the surveillance footage of his Kamino base, home of Tomura's League. He watched Izuku and his friends talk at their usual corner table, Tomura sitting at the bar with Touya Todoroki and Himiko Toga, Kurogiri serving him a drink. He grinned. " You know, Kyudai. With his knowledge, skill and charisma, Izuku Midoriya could have made a great hero, with or without a quirk. He could have easily reached the heights of popularity and reformed this corrupt world in any way he wished. He could have completely cut down openings men like me use to recruit innocent people into villainy. He could have made Quirkless people seen as more equal in society. He could have even torn down the Hero Commission and reformed it should he have wished." Beside him, the doctor raised a sceptical eyebrow

" You believe so, sir?"

" Look what he did with a new found purpose and a laptop." All For One grinned. "He brought together 6 people, betrayed and broken by the system and, knowingly or not, turned them down a path they can never return from. He's the perfect strategist for my successor." All For One chuckled. " And I have All Might to thank for it. Now isn't that ironic?"

" An attack on UA? Ain't it a little early for that, Mizuku?" Denki asked. Izuku shrugged.

" Maybe. But we're not trying to win. Just trying to shake things up a little." Izuku leaned in. " We're looking for one thing. A time when All Might is in the lesson is the major point. Preferably in one of the larger facilities, like Ground Epsilon. Somewhere far away from the campus so it takes a bit for other teachers to reach us."

" So when?" Shoto asked

" No idea."

" Huh?" Toru's eyes widened in surprise. " What do you mean you have no idea. You're in the hero course."

" Yeah, that's true." Denki shrugged. " But all we know is lessons. We don't know lesson plans till the day."

" That's the problem. Without lesson plans, we can't plan an attack accurately."

" So. How do we get it?" Mina asked. Izuku smirked.

" Toru." Everyone turned to look at the girl. Toru looked nervous.

" H-Huh? Me?!"

" Yep. You're perfect for this mission." Izuku nodded. " If you can get into the staff room, you can download the lesson plans for the whole semester from Eraserhead's computer."

" Yeah, but don't they have scanners?" Toru asked, timidly.

" At the front gate." Ochako nodded. " We have to keep our ID on us at all times or the intruder alarms go off. If someone enters late without one."

" Oh, I have a plan for that too." Izuku looked over to Mina. The girl grinned.

" So. Are we on?"

" Yep. I'll leave the next stage of the plan to you and Toga, Mina." Mina giggled excitedly. The others looked at each other in confusion. Seems like he was up to no good again. Denki smiled. Then again, when were they ever up to any good in the first place. He could get used to this.

Dressed up like an unassuming intern, complete with red cap covering her horns and oversized dungarees, Mina walked through the lobby of Juko News. In front of her, dressed in a nice suit and disguised as a freelance journalist she swiped some blood from earlier in the week, was Himiko, marching towards the chief editors room like she owned the place. No-one dared stop her as she burst in the room. " Tell me where the Editor-in-Chief of Juko news is." She declared. The two people in the room stood up in shock.

" What the.." One of them, a large boned man with dark haired tied back in a bun cried in surprise." Mister Tokuda?"

" Same place as always, Taneo." A red haired woman in a striped shirt grumbled.

" Ah. You're here. Perfect." Himiko gave a coy smile.

" You didn't call ahead."

" Yeah, well. This is really recent news. Figured I'd share it with you before others caught wind of it."

" I see." The Editor-in-chief glanced up at Mina. " New intern? What happened to the other one?"

" Eh. You know how it is." Himiko shrugged. " Some people don't have what it takes."

" Ha. I get that. Never took you as the type to drop people that fast though. Ah well." The Editor sat up. " What's your news?"

" So, you know how All Might's in town. Has been for a few months now."

" Yeah. Almost a year. Figured he just moved out here. Why?"

" I know why he's here." This caught her attention. Himiko grinned. " He's teaching."

" What? Seriously?"

" Yeah. Here. From an informant in the school." Himiko fished some pictures from the jacket she was wearing and tossed them on the table. Three photos secretly taken by Izuku just for this moment. Mina suppressed a smirk as the Editor-in-Chief gasped, grabbing a photo and looking at it intensely. Hook, Line and Sinker.

" Are these real?"

" Real as ever. As you can see, he's a heroics course teacher at UA high." HImiko placed her hands in her pockets. " So, how much will this get me?"

" For this scoop, 20,000 Yen. For following up on it-"

" As much as I'd love to, my sis' getting married, so I'll be heading down to Kyushu for a few weeks."

" You have a sister?"

" Hey. I don't share all my private details with you."

" Eh. Fair." The woman stood up, beaming. She held out her hand for a handshake. Himiko accepted. " Well, we'll follow up on this. It'll be a real scoop."

" Careful. The news won't be a secret for long. If I know, others will too."

" Right. We'll get a team ready and head- ouch!" The woman pulled back her hand sharply.

" You alright?"

" Ugh. Electric shock I guess. Felt like I got stabbed."

" Hey, don't be so hasty." Himiko laughed. " Anyway, I gotta go prepare. I'm the photographer after all. Can't be late to the festivities."

" Give your sister my best."

" Will do. Good luck on your scoop." Himiko gave the Editor-In-Chief and her employee a lazy wave. " C'mon, Li. We're leaving."

" Yes sir." Mina muttered, following close behind. They were barely round the corner from the agency before Himiko transformed back and the two broke down laughing. " I can't believe how easy that was."

" I know right? Zuku was right. These journalists will eat up anything to do with heroes." Himiko grinned. " So, how did stuff go on your end?"

" Recorded and sent already. By tomorrow, I imagine every news agency in Musutafa and beyond will know where All Might's hiding. This is gonna be such a fun shit show to watch."

" Hee hee. I know, right?" Himiko stretched. " So, since we have the time, wanna do something?"

" Business or Pleasure?" Mina asked slyly.

" Heh. Can't we do both." Himiko smiled darkly. Mina nodded excitedly. The day wasn't out yet. They still had some personal errands to run before returning to the bar. It's not like Mina was going to share all the fun she and her girlfriend had after all.

Toru watched from afar at the crowd of reporters gathered in front of the UA campus at lunch the next day. It was amazing. Every major and minor news agency was there. Apparently a recording between the Editor-in-Chief of Jaku news and a private informant had gotten around, saying why All Might was in town. And everyone was excited to see if this was the truth. Toru was impressed with how meticulous these vultures were to tear into fresh meat.

She unseen through the crowd towards the gate. The outfit Giran had gotten tailor made for her was ingenious. It incorporated parts of her DNA into the fibre of the suit. When she activated her quirk, the suit turned invisible with her. The suit itself wasn't much. A skin tight body suit and flat shoes she wouldn't be caught dead wearing if it didn't turn invisible. She had asked Giran to make a better design that she felt comfortable wearing visible as well as invisible for the real event, which the man agreed to do what he could for her.

Passing through the gate, she heard the alarm go off. But, to the reporters, this was just a signal. Some of them came in with her, sending the entire campus into lockdown. Toru didn't care though. It was just the distraction she needed. When she got there, because of the security alarm, every teacher was gone. It let her work without interruption.

Thanks to Giran again, Toru was given a hacking tool to bypass the password on Aizawa's computer. Then she put in Izuku's USB stick and downloaded all of the pro heroes files into it, removing it safely and logging back out. Easy. However, as she tried to leave, two teachers entered the room.

" Geez. Can you believe these reporters?" Midnight sighed, collapsing to the staff room sofa and putting her feet up. " Breaking in like that. I knew having Toshinori here was gonna be trouble."

" I'm more concerned they know he's here." The other hero, Thirteen, said, sitting opposite to her. " Nedzu and the Commission went to great lengths to stop the media learning that. It just makes UA more of a target."

" Hmm. I wonder about that. Probably some of those damn vultures used a tracking quirks or just stalked him to the gates. I'm honestly surprised it took this long."

" I suppose you're right."

" So, you're taking 1-A to the USJ at the end of the week right?" This caught Toru's attention.

" Yes. They finished refurbishing it a little later than intended, but it's up and running again. We have a lot to catch the students up on. Unfortunately, Aizawa argued against a joint exercise between 1-A and 1-B. Said the students weren't ready."

" Psh. I bet he's just worry Kan's class will out shine his." Midnight laughed. Silently, Toru opened the door and stepped outside. " Huh? Did you not close the door properly?"

" Huh. I thought I did. My bad."

" Eh. It's fine. Just letting a draft in is all." Toru grinned as she quickly headed through the halls and back out of the school building. She slipped inside a car Dabi had hired, threw on her big, winter coat to hide her embarrassing attire and deactivated her quirk.

" It done?" Dabi asked.

" Yeah. I did it." Toru nodded. She was grinning from ear to ear, her cheeks flushed.

" Looking at you, I'm assuming it's your first time doing something like this."

" Huh? Uh. I mean. Maybe?"

" Ha. It feels good, don't it?"

" Yeah." Toru admitted. She felt so alive. She wondered if this is how Mina and Toga felt when they killed people. Not that Toru could ever do something like that. Still, breaking into a secure place like UA and stealing secrets? Plotting the down fall of a national icon like All Might? It was exhilarating. " I could get addicted to this."

Shoto watched as Izuku scribbled down notes on his classmates. He'd spent three weeks learning about them, studying meticulously every tiny detail about their quirks and fighting style in their base, unrefined form. His page on his own bully was more than three times that of anyone else. From what Shoto had read, Izuku let his emotions run wild on all the ways to crush Bakugo. But Izuku also made everyone promise not to touch him. Bakugo was his prey. It was personal.

Shoto's mind was drawn to the existence of a certain name on Izuku's list. A name he knew all too well. Momo Yaoyarozu. The Yaoyarozu's were a law firm that dealt with hero related crimes, usually defending them against quote-unquote unsubstantiated claims. In other words, they were on the Hero Commission's pay role. Shoto had to wonder if Momo knew any of the sleazy dealings her parents were up to. He assumed not. She always spoke of them so highly. Then again, he had been forced to do the same. The question came naturally.

" I want to talk to her."

" Huh? You mean Yaoyarozu?" Shoto nodded. Izuku hummed. " I don't know. She's incredibly intelligent and resourceful, sure. But you'd be revealing yourself if she's already in on it."

" I don't think she is."

" How can you be so sure?"

" She was the only person I could call close to a friend I've had in my life." Shoto explained. " We were in the same class. The Bastard dragged me to some of the Yaoyarozu's stupid parties. The way she seems to idolize heroes and her parents. I don't think someone that smart would if she really knew what they were up to."

" Hmm. You make a fair argument. He does seem way to smart for that." Izuku agreed. " But she also seems way to smart to be that naïve."

" You'd be surprised. She's smart, true. But that just means she underthinks things a lot."

" Ah. Can't see the forest for the trees." Izuku nodded, understanding. " I can see that actually."

" So?" Izuku tapped his finger on the bar counter before nodding.

" I suppose you could if you want. There's always the risk she tells other people though."

" That's fine. I'm happy with being here. I'll take the fall if this decision falls through."

" Then I'll trust you, Shoto. You know Yaoyarozu better than I do." Izuku gave Shoto an earnest look. " I'll convince Tomura to let you and Dabi deal with Yaoyarozu. Do what you want. Just don't compromise us too much."

" Don't worry. I know where I stand." Shoto nodded. " Thanks, Izuku. Trust in me. I'll get results."

Giran let out a heavy sigh as he leant back in his seat. Ochako looked up from the paper work they were sorting. " Problems?"

" I know I'm getting a lot of work from Tomura and his League, but this is getting exhausting." Giran complained. " Wanna take a break?" Ochako shrugged.

" Sure. You're the boss." Giran took this moment to get out of his chair and stretch. The two headed up to the open roof of the Warehouse. Giran pulled out a cigarette from his jacket and offered Ochako one, but she held a hand out, refusing. Maybe one day she'd get wrapped up in some kind of moment and accept his offer, but not now. She just leant against the roof's railing. " So. How've you acclimated?"

" You mean to being a Villain?" Ochako chuckled. " Not the career path I envisioned for myself. But it's fine. Working with you has been fun. And I think meeting Izuku at the Entrance Exam may have been one of the better accidents in my life."

" Heh. So this is all a happy accident?"

" Heh. I suppose so. But, honestly, I don't mind it." Ochako looked up at the night sky. " My parents are making good progress in that mall job. They always did pride themselves over being quick and efficient. A rise in Villain activity tends to mean more damage to property. If they do a good job, I suppose they'll be called more often for that."

" So you'll break the world just so your folks can fix it right back up for a profit?"

" As bad as it sounds…"

" Ha. What? Think the guy who deals shit to Villains is going to judge you for being selfish?"

" Yeah. I guess you're right." Ochako smiled. She was nervous before, back when everything was first explained to her. But that feeling had long since vanished. Ochako felt free when she was working with Giran, Izuku and the League. Free to do whatever it took to help her parents. Nothing came before then. Not the world. Not the people living in it. Definitely not any sort of hero that would try and stop her. Breaking the world didn't sound to bad if it meant her parents coming out better. Maybe she should change her goals.

Hitoshi joined the others in the bar. After a week of planning, Izuku and Tomura were finally ready to share their ploy with everyone. Despite staying only three doors down from him, he felt miles away when it came to what he actually knew. Shoto knew a little bit but it was nothing substantial. Hitoshi snorted. Trust Izuku to keep everyone in suspense. "I'm glad everyone made it." Izuku said, smiling. " I understand it's a school night. Not every school is as untethered as UA."

" It's fine." Mina shrugged. " I've skipped morning classes before. I can just lie in a little later and head in around third lesson."

" Huh. I never thought to do that before." Toru admitted.

" It's surprisingly easy." Mina grinned. " Teachers never bat an eye of you say you were working late or you had a doctors appointment or something."

" Wow. I never knew."

" Thank you for your golden information. Can we get back on topic?" Shoto asked, glaring at Mina. Mina pouted.

" Just because you don't go to High School…" Mina looked over to Izuku and nodded.

" Alright." Izuku glanced over to Tomura. He sighed.

" Kurogiri. Send him in." The group looked surprised as Kurogiri bowed, opening a warp gate behind him. Out of the gate emerged a beast none of them had seen before. It's skin was dark purple, it's chest bare and just a pair of shorts and skull like shin pads covering its bottom. It's faced was a bird like beak around sharp teeth pulled into a permanent grin, matching perfectly with it's crazed eyes. Most disturbingly of all, it's brain was visible, bare and unprotected.

" What the fuck is that?!" Denki shouted, alarmed.

" That's an ugly motherfucker." Dabi mused.

" This is Nomu Unit 0185. Codename: Battalion." A voice echoed from the tv in the corner of the room. " It is the culmination of combining physical enhancements and numerous quirks into a single being. Think of it as a weapon. A weapon with power and durability equal to that of All Might."

" Equal to All Might? That thing?" Ochako gasped.

" But of course. I'm not one to make things that are cheap in quality." The voice chuckled darkly. " I believe this is the first time some of you are hearing my voice, even if we have talked before. You may call me Sensei."

" You're that guy who erased any memory of you as a person after I met with you." Denki said.

" Same with us all." Hitoshi spoke up.

" Indeed. I must apologize for that. As I am sure you're aware, being the man who funds this organization and with a quirk as notorious as mine, I decided I'd rather be safe than sorry. So, since I was unaware if you were serious about joining Tomura's… you've taken to calling it the League, have you not?"

" I mean, we are a League of Villains. Might as well accept that fact." Tomura shrug.

" The League of Villains. I see." Sensei laughed. " As I was saying, since I was unaware how you would react following our meetings, I decided it would be safe to simply erase myself from memory as such that no-one makes heroes or the police aware of my presence. However, your being here now and your actions thus far give me cause to trust in you all. Now then, Izuku. If you could."

" Yes Sensei." Izuku nodded enthusiastically before looking back towards the group." The plan is simple. Thanks to the files we obtained from Giran, we now have 50 villains to use as foot soldiers for an invasion of the USJ facility in UA High School. According to the lesson plans set out by Eraserhead, he, Thirteen and All Might will be leading a lesson there in three days time. We'll be dropping in on them."

" And by we, he means us." Tomura folded his arms. " We'll use Kurogiri to warp in from Giran's Warehouse dead centre of the USJ. Izuku and Kaminari will already be there, after all."

" I'll be sitting this one out." Ochako said suddenly.

" Are you sure, Chako?" Toga asked, sadly.

" Yeah, it's for the best. Fun as it would be, I do still go to UA. If I took a day off only for a Villain with my exact quirk and features to appear in the USJ, it would be really obvious." Ochako laughed. " But have fun for me?"

" I'll make sure to save you a finger."

" Sorry Toga, but no killing." Izuku said.

" Aww. Why not?"

" We're not trying to kill the students. I might be able to get more on our side yet after all. Years still young, after all." Then he smirked. " The heroes are fair game. But maybe leave All Might for our super weapon, would you?"

" We'll have Hagakure drop in an hour earlier to get the systems in the USJ taken care of." Tomura stated. " Then, once the students are in position, we'll have Kurogiri split 'em apart."

" The USJ is split into multiple disaster zones. As long as we keep the students pinned down, dealing with the Eraser, Thirteen and All Might should be a simple affair." Izuku shrugged.

" You have other plans?" Hitoshi asked.

" A few. Dabi and Shoto already know their role. Denki and I will join Hagakure after the class splits up. We can monitor the hero activity in UA from there. Everyone else, go wild. Just make sure the students stay pinned down. The rest will fall into place naturally, so long as their isn't any unforeseen issues."

" So, are we really going through with this?" Toru asked nervously. " Are we really killing All Might?"

" Nervous?" Mina asked.

" It's not everyone's hobby." Ochako reminded her.

" What about Eraser's quirk though?" Hitoshi reminded Izuku.

" Oh, I wouldn't worry about that." Izuku smirked. " I have plans for that." Hitoshi hummed. In truth, he had once been a huge fan of Eraserhead. In a few ways, he still was. Knowing what he could do, it made him worry. He also felt slightly sick on the idea of killing him. Hitoshi closed his eyes and breathed, calming his nerves. Eraserhead was a hero. Just like Mount Lady. If he was in his way to get to her, then that's all there was too it. He looked around the room. Despite the mutated monster in the corner of the room, the room was a buzz with nervousness but mostly excitement. It was a strange thing being excited to kill a hero. And yet, Hitoshi was beginning to feel it as well. Their first outing as a team. Making their mark. Revealing themselves to the world. Perhaps the act was heinous, but Hitoshi was past the point of caring. He was going to avenge his father. That was all that mattered. Anyone who got in the way of that was just collateral damage.

Izuku laid back in the seat of the bus as it travelled to the USJ. The plans were set. Nothing could stop it now. By the end of the day, something would happen. Either a hero would leave the building in a body bag or their first plan would end in failure. Either way, it didn't really matter in the long run. Winning or losing was secondary at best. They needed to draw some attention for the future. And besides, Izuku thought watching Yaoyarozu talking with Jiro at the front of the bus. Maybe there was a prize to get out this ordeal at the end of the day. He'd just have to wait and see.