
Veil Of Memories

In the heart of Japan Tokyo, a young man named Haruto for his whole life has been cursed to see the true nature of peoples souls. He is tormented by the visions that he can barely keep his stability in the world. His best friend Ian has always been by his side and for some reason he can't have any visions with him. One day, he finally has the energy to go out of his apartment but he is stopped by this vision of a suspicious man, there is an organization dedicated to taking souls for their own devious purposes. Will Haruto and Ian fight this sudden evil?

meiituo · Fantasy
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8 Chs

Abyssal Sight

"Is there anyone you'd like to call?"

"My best friend Ian, please."

Haruto was in the hospital to get his leg healed. The officers who questioned Haruto said that they'd do a thorough investigation and that, rest assured, they'd find his attacker and bring justice.

As soon as Haruto was about to relax, he heard whispers and secrets he didn't want to know. So he lay on his side and put a pillow to his ear.

"I can't deal with this right.."

The next day, Haruto was waiting to be discharged from the hospital and see Ian. He needed to tell Ian everything because there was no way that he could keep this to himself. But Haruto should enjoy this sense of isolation before meeting other people and the nonstop chattering from demons. 

But, his solitude soon ended when a mysterious man dressed in all black wore a mask concealing his face. He grabs a chair, places it near Haruto, and then puts his arm out to shake hands.

The demon attached to him seems so angelic, like the one I met at the supermarket. They look exactly alike. It was him I bumped into. 

"Finally, it's nice to see you, Haruto. I'm Fuyuhoshi, the man who contacted you about meeting you."

Fuyuhoshi... Where has Haruto heard that name before?

Fuyuhoshi...Fuyuhoshi... Oh, wait! His attacker mentioned him before, and he's his partner.

"I'm sorry that Touki, my partner, has attacked you. He's not been like this recently. Our boss has him trying out something. It should wear off soon, in about two weeks. We have him confined until then." Fuyuhoshi looks stern, as if he's here to talk about work.

"The organization has done deep research about you since your powers manifested. Your power has been classified in our organization "Abyssal Sight." Right now, you see my demons. I predict they have nothing to say about me because I believe I have done nothing wrong and never will. 

Fuyuyoshi is right. His demon isn't saying anything about him. His demon looks more angelic, like an angel. 

Haruto finally said his first sentence in this conversation and asked, " You're right. But why isn't it?"

Fuyuyoshi replied immediately, "Demons are a part of us, right? Our subconscious will immediately tell us if we did something bad, no matter how much we deny it. Then, whatever we want to hide or keep secret will reflect on the demons we see. It's a good thing, though. After all, I have nothing to hide from you, Haruto."

"I don't understand."

Fuyuyoshi replied, "Let's say a boy and a girl are in a relationship, right? If that girl fully heartily thinks she cheated because she hugged a boy and thinks it's cheating, then her demons will say that she cheated. Not everything you hear is true. Because she really didn't cheat."

"Then do you believe that the organization is wrong?"

"No. But there has been a time. But I fully embraced everything our new god will provide us."

But this makes sense. To Haruto, all the demons or spirits he sees usually tell him a person's true nature. But since Touki was hysterical at the time, he couldn't think straight, so his demons just naturally reacted to it. But why did his demons say that he was obsessed with Haruto? What exactly is the Eden Syndicate doing to its members?