
Veil Of Memories

In the heart of Japan Tokyo, a young man named Haruto for his whole life has been cursed to see the true nature of peoples souls. He is tormented by the visions that he can barely keep his stability in the world. His best friend Ian has always been by his side and for some reason he can't have any visions with him. One day, he finally has the energy to go out of his apartment but he is stopped by this vision of a suspicious man, there is an organization dedicated to taking souls for their own devious purposes. Will Haruto and Ian fight this sudden evil?

meiituo · Fantasy
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8 Chs

Wolf In Sheeps Clothing

Haruto was discharged from the hospital shortly after his visit with Fuyuyoshi. 

"I hope to be seeing more of you again Haruto. Your very existence is essential to what our organization strives for." Fuyuyoshi leaves Haruto before stopping at the entrance

"Oh one more thing, It'll be best not to involve the police into our matters from today onwards. We wouldn't want to kill any unnecessary people who dwell into our matters. After all, that's not what we strive for. But so be it."

After Fuyuyoshi left. Haruto was left speechless. He finally got the information about this weird power, he has since he manifested it. But Haruto kept thinking about the horrors if Eden Syndicate really used him this power for the balance they keep talking about. 

Haruto stuck in his own thoughts but he hears a door opening thinking it was the nurse. But it was better than that, it was Akane and Ian. They finally got back home after their trip out of down.

"Haruto! Sorry we came late! We brought food! Is everything okay?" Akane said coming closer to me looking at the damage that was inflicted on my body.

Ian stood there in shock. He didn't say anything. Until.. 

"Haruto, I'm sorry I was not there to protect you. If only, I could've done something. Then you wouldn't be in pain!" Ian was so heroic and had a strong sense of justice. 

Haruto looked at Akane, and his eyes slowly turn to her demon.

"Haruto don't trust everything! This little girl is fucking manipulator, imagine how many lives she took due to her mischief!"

Haruto couldn't believe his ears. Maybe it was a lie like what Fuyuyoshi told him, demons make it dramatic about the nature of that persons soul. Even so we're all human. Humans are allowed to think bad about themselves. Is this what Akane is really thinking?