
Veil Of Memories

In the heart of Japan Tokyo, a young man named Haruto for his whole life has been cursed to see the true nature of peoples souls. He is tormented by the visions that he can barely keep his stability in the world. His best friend Ian has always been by his side and for some reason he can't have any visions with him. One day, he finally has the energy to go out of his apartment but he is stopped by this vision of a suspicious man, there is an organization dedicated to taking souls for their own devious purposes. Will Haruto and Ian fight this sudden evil?

meiituo · Fantasy
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8 Chs


Yuma started putting on his gloves and checking my wound. As he observed it, he looked so calm and collected. He knew what he was doing. He started sighing and looked into my eyes with a hint of reassurance.

"Don't move your leg for a while. I'll have to go back to the organization to heal you better. Rest assured, Touki will be punished for his actions."

Haruto felt a sharp pain as Yuma kept analyzing the wound. Yuma's hand touched it while reassuring Haruto that the wound wasn't severe but needed immediate attention.

"Thank you for saving me! I don't know what could've happened to me if you weren't there."

Haruto showed his gratitude to Yuma as he finished healing his wound. Yuma looked up to his face and replied to his gratitude. 

"No need to thank me; it's my job to ensure your safety."

As Yuma was taking off his gloves, Haruto started asking questions.

"Excuse me, but what exactly does your organization want with me?"

A moment of silence was there, but Yuma eventually spoke.

"We are the Eden Syndicate, and our goal is to restore the basic order in the world."

Soon, Haruto's face started to harden. "By doing what? Controlling lives through souls?"

Then Yuma's face changed to a one of shock.

"How do you know about that?"

"It doesn't matter how I know! How is this resorting order?" Haruto protested to Yuma, saying this isn't the right way to bring "basic order" to the world."

Yuma had a deep sigh and then grabbed Haruto's chin, pulling him closer to his face.

"I was going to wait until the higher-ups told you about this, but you'll know anyway sooner or later, so let me explain it. You see, we're fixing God's greatest mistake. By giving ultimate freedom to his creations, all that happened was disaster and chaos. As the New God's Advocates, we're not seeking trouble but restoring tranquillity."

Yuma's hands on Haruto's chin were getting slightly tighter and tighter. 

"You're wrong; god gave freedom to his subjects so he could build a relationship with them!"

"Oh? Then, if God loves his creations, then why does evil exist? Don't you understand? God created Satan; by allowing him to exist, he only caused trouble to the world! By controlling souls, we could give a heaven without any. any.."

Yuma was having trouble putting the right words into his mouth. It seemed like he was thinking of something, but he didn't want to say it. 

"I'll let the higher-ups deal with you. The police are here anyways; I have a feeling we're going to meet again, Haruto."