
Uzumaki Touma

The story about a survivor from the main lineage of the Uzumaki Clan. Watch how his story unfolds and how his decisions changed some of the plot and journey of his first cousin Uzumaki Naruto. Uzumaki Medical and Sealing Nin, Taijutsu expert, Body Revival Technique, and 8 Gates. I don't own the art on the cover and I only took it from google.

Daoist_Exp_Gain · Others
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24 Chs

To Konoha

Somewhere along Konoha's borders, a month after the start of the Third Great War.

Minato Namikaze is at his tent fixing the seals embedded in his special kunais after his fight with the kumo ninjas. When suddenly a masked man enters.

"Minato, Lord Third is calling you back to konoha, he wants to talk to you about the recent developments and the clash with the Kumo ninjas.

Minato looked back at him and nods in agreement. "Alright I'll teleport there Imm-"

Before he finished his sentence an explosion went off in the distance. Minato went outside to check and put his palm in the ground to sense what was happening.

"What happened?" The anbu asked.

"There seems to be someone getting chased by Iwa ninjas. Judging from their chakra signatures there are four who are in the upper tier jounin level and the other two are chunin level." Minato said.

The anbu was puzzled by what he heard. "That's kind of a strong line up. Why are they here? We are near kumo's boarders we are miles away from Iwa"

Minato shrugs and says "The man is injured and he is carrying a young boy with enormous chakra signatures. Wait they have similar chakra signatures with an Uzumaki. They might be a part of the Uzumaki remnants, I have to help them, they might be related to kushina"

Minato stood up and called for the other ninjas and left right away. The anbu sent by the third followed them as well.


A few kilometers from konoha's camp, a red haired man is being chased by Iwa shinobi.

"Dad why are we running away?" The kid asked curiously.

"Seriously boy, they were throwing rocks at us for a whole day and you're still asking why?" The man replied slightly out of breath.

"Damn, if I knew we would be found by these guys today I wouldn't have "experimented" on myself last night. Now I only have access of an eight of my chakra and my control is messed up. At this rate I'll run out of chakra before we reach konoha and these guys will kill the both of us. Like seriously why are these guys so persistent I only destroyed a couple of houses from their village. " the man grinned while carrying the young boy.

"Dad why did you decline them anyway? They said they were gonna take care of us and they will give us anything we need. We should have accepted that old man's offer and stayed at their village. Why did you have to throw a fit and fight them? You even destroyed that cool looking rock house near the hokage's office"

The boy curiously asked his father.

The man stops and hides near a tree while looking at his son seriously. "Remember that technique I thought you about hiding chakra? Use it hurry."

"Okay dad." The kid concentrates and proceeds to hide his chakra.


The Iwa shinobi were running at full speed to catch their prey when the sensor suddenly stopped and says: "Captain they suddenly disappeared, I can't track them."

"What?! You fool! how can you lose an injured man and a child?" The man stopped and replied angrily.

One of the other members spoke "I heard that uzumaki guy was once a clan elder. He must have some weird chakra suppression technique and used it to hide from us."

"Damn, The tsuchikage will kill us if we lose them. Go spread out and find them." The man ordered.

They hurriedly spread out to search for the other party.


"Now listen son, you should never trust an Iwa shinobi. NEVER. You have to remember this."

The boy was confused by the seriousness of his father. "Why dad? Are they evil? They looked alright to me."

The man looked at his son dead in the eyes and said. "Because they love rocks son."

"Why are you so angry at rocks dad? You always punched them when we come a cross a super big one"

"Kid, rocks are the bane of our family, when you become a shinobi and formulate a plan you should always make sure there are no big rocks in the area or you'll regret it" The father explained with all seriousness.

"Okay dad, but where are we going?"

The man smiled wryly at how fast his son believed his makeshift excuse.

" I heard your cousin, kushina lives in konoha I'll be taking you there so you can become a shinobi"

"Oh wow, I'm finally going to meet my cousin" yelled the boy excitedly.

"Yeah she's kinda weird but you'll get used to her" the man smiled at his son's remark.

"But dad you're weird too" replied the boy while grinning.

The man bumped his son's head and berated him loudly "how am I weird huh?! You're calling your own father weird?!"

"You're an idiot who hates rocks!" Yelled the boy.

"So you were hiding right here huh?"

An Iwa shinobi suddenly came out of the bushes.

"What how did you find us? We used my technique to completely hide our chakra." The red haired man exclaimed.

"You fools have been yelling loudly in an otherwise silent forest and you're asking me how I found you?" The man was confused by how stupid the red haired man is acting."

"Damn, we got in trouble because of you son, you were too noisy." The man scolded the boy.

"What?! You were yelling-" but before the boy finished his sentence the iwa shinobi threw several kunai at him but his father hurriedly blocked it with his body.

"Dad!! No!! You're bleeding" boy cried while holding his father.

"How touching, trying to sacrifice your life for your son? Don't worry after you bleed out and die, I'll make sure to have your son follow you." The man grinned evilly at the father son duo while sending a signal to his captain about his location.