
Urban Knight

In the vibrant streets of Cebu City, Reese Urban leads a double life as the enigmatic Urban Knight. When a wave of strange occurrences threatens the city, Reese must confront these evil beings, uncovering dark secrets that challenge his resolve. With the help of his friends, Reese embarks on a perilous journey to save his city from destruction, facing danger at every turn. Urban Knight is a thrilling tale of action and adventure, where courage and strength are put to the ultimate test in the fight against evil.

SoLaR89 · Urban
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91 Chs

Chapter 41: Reese vs Serpenthia

Reese took the two kids out of harm's way and placed them far away enough to keep them safe for a while. He did not unbind them so that the kids could not see the creature; it might take away their innocence if they saw this hedious creature. Then he faced Serpenthia with confidence.


As Reese swiftly dispatched the three men and took away the two children, the creature's eyes widened in astonishment. "Impressive," she hissed, her voice reverberating with a blend of surprise and admiration. "You possess more skill than I anticipated, mortal."


With a sinuous movement, the creature coiled its scaled body, its fangs gleaming in the dim light of the hall. "But do not mistake my surprise for weakness," she continued, her tone dripping with arrogance. "I am Serpenthia, scion of the Serpentara Race. You may have bested my minions, but you will find that I am a far more formidable opponent."


'Serpenthia? Serpentara Race? How fitting.' Reese thought as he watched Serpenthia about to attack him.


As Reese braced himself for the impending clash, Serpenthia's tail whipped forward with lightning speed, slamming into him with incredible force. Reese was sent hurtling backward, crashing into a stack of crates with a resounding thud. Even with his spiritual sense and speed, he still could not dodge the attack.


Serpenthia's laughter echoed through the chamber, a sinister sound that sent chills down Reese's spine. "Foolish mortal," she sneered, her eyes gleaming with amusement. "Did you truly think you could challenge me?"


As Reese staggered to his feet amidst Serpenthia's mocking laughter, he couldn't help but grumble inwardly. "Great, just great," he said, rubbing his sore backside. "Here I am, about to face off against a giant snake lady, and all I've got are these dinky sticks," Reese said as he took out his Arnis sticks from the Amethyst Orb.


Serpenthia's laughter only grew louder, her scorn evident in every syllable. "Pathetic," she taunted, her voice dripping with disdain. "You think those puny weapons can harm me? You are even weaker than I anticipated."


As Serpenthia continued to taunt him, Reese couldn't resist a sarcastic retort in his mind. "Oh, pardon me, Your Highness," he mused, rolling his eyes. "I didn't realize I was supposed to bring a bazooka to this little shindig." 


Brandishing his Arnis sticks with a dramatic flourish, Reese couldn't help but chuckle at the absurdity of the situation. "Well, here goes nothing," he muttered to himself, bracing for another round of Serpenthia's onslaught.


Despite the odds stacked against him, Reese refused to let fear cloud his determination. With a mischievous glint in his eye, he squared off against Serpenthia, ready to show her that even the most unlikely hero could pack a punch. Then Reese made his move using his Shadow Dash.


Caught off guard by Reese's sudden burst of speed, Serpenthia recoiled as the Arnis sticks connected with her head, but her smirk quickly returned when the sticks shattered upon impact.


"Hmph," she scoffed, her voice dripping with disdain. "Is that the best you can do, mortal? Do you think you can defeat me with mere wooden toys?"


Reese gritted his teeth, frustration bubbling up within him. "Well, it was worth a shot," he retorted, his tone laced with sarcasm. "But hey, at least I made you flinch, right?"


As Serpenthia lunged forward with her tail once more, Reese's instincts kicked in, prompting him to dive out of the way with a well-timed Shadow Dash. As he landed gracefully a few feet away, he couldn't help but shoot Serpenthia a cocky grin.


"Not bad for a puny mortal, huh?" he quipped, his confidence growing despite the odds stacked against him. "Let's see what else you've got, snake lady." 


As Reese and Serpenthia clashed for the third time, their battle reached a stalemate, each one testing the other's limits. 


Reese gritted his teeth as he unleashed his full strength, his fists pounding against Serpenthia's hardened scales with relentless force. "You're tougher than I thought," he grunted, his voice strained with effort. "But I won't give up. Not until those children are safe." 



Serpenthia hissed in response, her eyes narrowing as she deflected Reese's blows with ease. "You may possess strength, mortal," she sneered, "but it will avail you naught against me. I am the embodiment of darkness itself—unyielding, unstoppable." 


Reese's breath came in ragged gasps as he circled his opponent, his mind racing for a strategy. "Maybe so," he admitted, "but even darkness has its weaknesses, and I intend to exploit every one of them." 



With a fierce cry, Reese launched himself at Serpenthia once more.



As Reese and Serpenthia continued their intense battle, Reese's relentless attacks began to wear down Serpenthia's defenses, eliciting a surprised hiss from the creature.


"You... you are stronger than you appear, mortal," Serpenthia growled, her eyes narrowing as she assessed Reese with newfound respect. "Who are you to possess such power?"


Reese smirked, a glint of determination shining in his eyes as he dodged another of Serpenthia's strikes. "I'm just a guy trying to do what's right," he replied, his voice steady despite the chaos of the fight. "And right now, that means taking you down."


Serpenthia snarled in response, her frustration mounting as Reese continued to press the attack. "You may have strength, mortal," she hissed, "but you lack the wisdom to know when you are outmatched. Your efforts are futile." 


With that, Serpenthia attacked Reese with all of her power.


As Serpenthia unleashed her fury upon Reese, her attacks coming with relentless ferocity, Reese's agility proved to be his greatest asset. With lightning reflexes, he dodged each swipe of her razor-sharp claws and evaded the deadly strikes of her tail.


With every dodge and counter, Reese's confidence grew, fueled by the realization that Serpenthia's power alone was not enough to defeat him, despite her formidable strength.


As Serpenthia's frustration mounted, Reese seized the opportunity to press the attack, launching a series of swift strikes aimed at exploiting her vulnerabilities. With each blow, he chipped away at her defenses, his resolve unwavering in the face of her relentless onslaught.


With a final, decisive blow, Reese sent Serpenthia staggering backward, her snarl of rage echoing through the chamber. Though the battle was far from over,.




As the battle between Reese and Serpenthia raged on, the two men watched in stunned silence, their previous pain and fear forgotten in the face of the incredible spectacle unfolding before them. They had never imagined witnessing such a confrontation, let alone between a mere mortal and their powerful mistress.


Their expressions were a mix of disbelief and awe as they witnessed the man in the black mask's remarkable agility and resilience, his every move executed with precision and determination. With each dodge and strike, their astonishment grew, a testament to the unprecedented nature of the encounter.


Suddenly, one of the men stirred, his consciousness returning as he groaned and slowly sat up, his eyes widening in disbelief as he took in the scene before him. He had missed the beginning of the fight, but the sight of the man in black and Serpenthia locked in combat was enough to leave him speechless. "What... what is happening? Am I dreaming?" 


As he watched alongside his companions, his mind raced with a flurry of questions and doubts. "How could this mortal stand against their mistress?".


As they continued to watch, their disbelief turned to awe, and their loyalty to Serpenthia was momentarily forgotten in the face of such a remarkable display of strength and skill. They knew that they were witnessing a battle for the ages, and regardless of the outcome, it was a sight they would never forget. 




Reese pressed his attack against Serpenthia; he found himself frustrated by her impenetrable defenses. No matter how many punches and kicks he unleashed, he couldn't seem to land a fatal blow. With each passing moment, Reese could feel his energy waning and his muscles burning with exertion.


Gasping for air, Reese staggered back, his mind racing as he tried to come up with a plan. He knew he couldn't keep up this relentless assault forever. If he didn't find a way to defeat Serpenthia soon, he would surely exhaust himself and be at her mercy.


Seeing Reese retreat, Serpenthia's laughter echoed through the chamber, her mocking tone fueling Reese's determination. "Is that all you've got, mortal?" she taunted, her eyes gleaming with amusement. "I expected more from someone who dared to hurt me to this extent."


Ignoring Serpenthia's barbs, Reese focused his thoughts, searching for a weakness he could exploit. Then, inspiration struck. With a steely resolve, Reese formulated a plan. He may not be able to defeat Serpenthia head-on, but perhaps he could outsmart her.


Taking a deep breath to steady himself, Reese prepared to put his plan into action. With a determined glint in his eyes, he charged forward once more.


When Reese was just half a meter away from Serpenthia, Reese paused for a second and waited for Serpenthia to make a move. Serpenthia did not disappoint Reese. When she saw Reese pause, she did not hesitate to hug Reese, intending to crush his bones with all of her strength. Serpenthia laughed as she squeezed Reese with her powerful arms. "Foolish human, now that you deliver yourself to me, I will let you experience the pain of offending me." With a sinister grin, Serpenthia tightened her grip, confident that she had finally subdued her elusive opponent. But to her astonishment, no matter how much force she exerted, Reese just grunted and resisted.



Then Serpenthia used her tail to stab Reese in the back, but before it could penetrate Reese's back for just an inch, Reese's form flickered and disappeared from sight, leaving Serpenthia grasping at empty air. Confusion clouded her mind, but the motion of her tail did not slow down as Serpenthia watched her own tail stab at her chest.



Serpenthia's eyes widened in disbelief as pain surged through her body, a sensation she had never experienced before. "Impossible," she gasped, struggling to comprehend how she had fallen victim to her own attack. 



Reese's voice rang out, filled with triumph and determination. "Nothing is impossible," he declared, his words laced with satisfaction as he came out of the Amethyst Orb.


With a final, anguished cry, Serpenthia collapsed to the ground, defeated by the very weapon she had wielded against her opponent. Reese stood victorious; his victory was a testament to his cunning and resilience in the face of danger.