
Urban Knight

In the vibrant streets of Cebu City, Reese Urban leads a double life as the enigmatic Urban Knight. When a wave of strange occurrences threatens the city, Reese must confront these evil beings, uncovering dark secrets that challenge his resolve. With the help of his friends, Reese embarks on a perilous journey to save his city from destruction, facing danger at every turn. Urban Knight is a thrilling tale of action and adventure, where courage and strength are put to the ultimate test in the fight against evil.

SoLaR89 · Urban
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91 Chs

Chapter 40: Unbridled Fury

Reese's breath caught in his throat when one of the guards unlocked the door, revealing a sliver of darkness beyond. Then the two figures disappeared into the darkness. Reese waited for only a moment before following after them, his movements silent and deliberate.


Inside, the hall stretched out before him, illuminated only by dim overhead lights. Reese crept deeper into the darkness, his heart pounding in his chest. To his surprise, he could use his spiritual sense inside, but before he could celebrate, he suddenly froze in his tracks as his spiritual sense picked up on something ominous lurking nearby. With a sinking feeling in the pit of his stomach, he looked at the large figure in the dark, but he could still not determine the complete appearance of the large figure until the two individuals approached it and it came into the light. 


His eyes widened in terror as he took in the sight before him—a monstrous being that defied all logic and reason. It stood before the two individuals. "Holy... what in the world is that?" Reese breathed, his voice barely above a whisper as he struggled to comprehend the sight before him. 


a twisted amalgamation of human and serpent, its form both grotesque and mesmerizing. Its upper body resembled that of a woman, but its features were warped by scales that glistened in the dim light, giving it an otherworldly appearance. Its cold and calculating eyes gleamed with predatory intelligence, while its mouth stretched wide to reveal rows of razor-sharp fangs that dripped with venomous saliva.


From its waist down, the creature transformed into a sinuous, serpentine tail that coiled and writhed with a hypnotic grace. Scales covered every inch of its elongated body, shimmering in shades of green and black, blending seamlessly with the darkness of the hall. At the tip of its tail, a wickedly sharp appendage protruded, resembling a lethal spear poised to strike at a moment's notice.


As it moved, the creature's movements were fluid and sinuous, betraying a deadly grace that belied its monstrous appearance, while its claws, each measuring two inches in length, clicked ominously against the cold, hard floor. 


Despite its outwardly fearsome visage, there was an undeniable allure to the creature, a primal magnetism that drew Reese's gaze even as he recoiled in horror. It was a being caught between worlds, neither fully human nor entirely beast; its existence was a twisted echo of nature's darkest mysteries. 


Reese's heart pounded in his chest, each beat echoing loudly in the silence of the hall as he watched the monstrous creature loom over the two individuals. Fear gripped him like a vice, paralyzing his muscles and constricting his throat, making it difficult to even draw a breath. Even though he was stronger than before, he was still human.


Then Reese remembered a rumor that spread like wildfire here in Cebu before regarding a half-snake, half-human that attacked the people inside the Robinson Mall. 'It's actually true.' Reese thought in horror.


"I have to get out of here," Reese whispered to himself, his voice barely audible over the pounding of his own heartbeat. But despite his overwhelming terror, he couldn't tear his gaze away from the scene unfolding before him.


The creature's voice, when it spoke, sent shivers down Reese's spine—a guttural hiss that seemed to reverberate through the very air around them. "Have you brought me what I requested?" it demanded, its tone dripping with menace.


The two individuals, their faces pale with fear, nodded frantically, their voices trembling as they spoke. "Ye..yes, Mistress," one of them stammered as he made a call. "Bring them."


The creature's eyes narrowed, its forked tongue flicking out to taste the air as it considered the gift. "Very well," it hissed, its voice sending a chill down Reese's spine. "You have served me adequately for now. But remember, failure will not be tolerated." 


Seconds later, the door of the hall was pushed open, and another man came inside with two children by his side.


Reese's blood ran cold as he watched the newcomer usher in the two young children, a boy and a girl about 8 and 7 years of age; their bound, blindfolded, and helpless faces formed a stark contrast to the darkness of the hall. His heart hammered in his chest, a surge of adrenaline coursing through his veins as he struggled to comprehend the horrifying scene unfolding before him. His fear was no longer visible in his face but fury, unbridled fury.


"Very good," the snake-like creature said with a glee in its voice.


The creature noticed the reaction of the two individuals in front of it and said it with a chilling indifference. "They are merely... offerings," it's tone devoid of any hint of remorse. "Their sacrifice will ensure our continued prosperity." 


Reese's mind reeled at the callousness of the statement, his stomach churning with revulsion. He felt a surge of anger and despair rise within him, the injustice of the situation threatening to overwhelm his senses. But even as his emotions threatened to consume him, Reese knew that he had to act. He couldn't stand idly by and allow these innocent children to suffer at the hands of such monstrous individuals. 


With a steely resolve, Reese crouched low in his hiding spot, his mind racing as he formulated a plan. He had to find a way to free the children and put an end to whatever sinister ritual was about to take place. Thinking about his soul power, Reese realized he could not use it here; he never tried to use it on multiple people. If he tried it now, it might accidentally harm the two children. He could only use his movement technique and his raw strength. But as he prepared to make his move, Reese knew that he was facing a formidable enemy—that snake-like creature. Reese doesn't care about the three individuals; he knew he could knock them out with just one move each. 


With a silent prayer for strength, Reese steeled himself for the confrontation to come. He may be just one person, but he refused to let fear dictate his actions. For the sake of the children and all those who had fallen victim to this evil, Reese would fight to the very end. 


With that, Reese came out of his hiding spot at the back of the hall as he faced the four individuals. His presence seemed to command the attention of everyone in the room. His eyes blazed with determination, and his stance was resolute as he faced the four individuals before him.


"Release them!" Reese's voice echoed through the hall, firm and unwavering. "Whatever dark plans you have with these children, I will stop at nothing to stop them."


The men and the creature turned to face Reese, their expressions a mix of surprise and defiance. But Reese stood his ground, his resolve unshakable.


"I won't let you harm the children," Reese continued, his words ringing with conviction. "You may think you hold power here, but I promise you, justice will prevail." 


'Damn it! That was so cringy; I really stink at this.' Reese thought in disgust.


The creature hissed, its eyes narrowing as it sized up Reese with a calculating gaze. "You dare to challenge me?" it spat, its voice dripping with malice. "You are but a mere mortal, while I am a force beyond your comprehension."


Reese met the creature's gaze head-on, his own eyes flashing with defiance. "Hmm, you'll be surprised," he replied as he smirked. 'Perfect.' 


As the creature's sinister gaze bore down on Reese, it seemed to weigh its defiance with a mix of amusement and disdain. With a flick of its scaled tail, it turned its attention to the three men standing beside it, their faces contorted with fear and obedience.


"Dispose of him," the creature commanded, its voice carrying an air of authority that brooked no disobedience. "He is but a nuisance, unworthy of my attention."


The three men hesitated for a moment, exchanging uncertain glances, but the fear in their eyes outweighed any hesitation. With a collective nod, they moved forward, their movements tense and calculated as they prepared to carry out their mistress orders.


As the three men advanced towards Reese, he remained calm, his mind sharp, and focused on the task at hand. With lightning speed, he sprang into action, his movements fluid and precise as he executed a series of swift strikes. 


Reese sidestepped the first man's lunge, his senses honed as he anticipated the attack. With a quick pivot, he delivered a powerful elbow strike to the man's temple, sending him crashing to the ground, unconscious.


Before the second man could react, Reese ducked under his wild swing, his movements graceful as he evaded the clumsy attack. With a swift kick to the man's knee, he incapacitated him, leaving him writhing in pain on the ground. 


As the third man moved in, Reese anticipated his every move, his reflexes lightning-fast as he dodged a flurry of punches. With a swift counterattack, he delivered a precise blow to the man's solar plexus, knocking the wind out of him and sending him sprawling to the floor. 


With the three men incapacitated, Reese wasted no time in rushing to the children's aid. Scooping them up in his arms, he moved swiftly, keeping them close as he ushered them away from the looming threat of the creature.