
Unveiling the Divine Within

In a world where magic and technology are mixed, Planet Ertus is where all the action occurs. This story involves a lot of action, drama, and yeah so stay tuned for the story that is about to unfold.

ExposedMonkey · Urban
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4 Chs

Let's Get It Started

It was still dark, David just woke up for a morning jog around the neighborhood. He was fully committed to making changes as soon as possible. After yesterday he got back his will to live and take life seriously besides there were a lot of opportunities that his world could provide. He wore his clothes and stood before a mirror, looking at his body.

"I'm very fat, how will I lose all of this in six months!" he said to himself.

It seemed like a big task in hand but he had to do it either way. Either a thousand pounds or four hundred pounds he has to lose the excess fat. He finally got the courage to go outside for a jog. The surrounding houses were quiet and dark but the street lights were on which gave David a clear path to jog on.

At first, it felt like he had the entire world acting upon his legs but he resisted the pain for a good time. After the jog, he planned to go to a nearby martial arts gym. The funny thing is that David could be an experienced fighter at an early age because he had a hero-grade physique. There were seven types of physiques: Novice, Average, Soldier, Experienced Soldier, Hero, Godly and Heaven-Defying physique.

Physiques could be upgraded but if one is not born with a physique they were considered "Disabled" because they could not involve in anything energy hungry even sports.

Anyways, it was already sunrise when David was done with his jog. A small smile appeared on his face indicating that he was happy about what he did. After taking a good shower and breakfast, he proceeded to school which was a considerable distance from his house so he decided to walk there.

Along his way to school, he was walking casually until he encountered the guy who was always bullying him in school. His name was Conner or rather his nickname because he beats up weaklings like David and put them in the corner. Conner and David's eyes meet for a fraction of a second after that David passed him swiftly to avoid the worst-case scenario: being bullied in public.

Before David got a distance away from Conner, his bag got pulled by Conner making him lose his balance and fall down.

"Oh shit, what's up Werin, did you think you will escape my wrath?"Conner asked while looking down at David.

It didn't take a long time for him to release that Conner had held his crush's hips. This triggered him so much. He stood up and started to walk away ignoring Conner's question.

"I swear to Marcus, I will kill you for taking my crush," he said in a low tone.

"What did you say, that's what I thought, "Conner said in a mocking voice but he ignored him again making Conner triggered.

"By the way, Kayla that boy had a crush on you, look at him, he is fat and has no friends," he said to the girl beside him.

Kayla, David's crush, did not reply to him but just kept quiet because she felt pity for David.


Sooner or later, David arrived at school and attended his classes as usual until it was time for leaving. The day went quickly for the little boy and as he was about to leave, a voice called him from behind. To his surprise, it was a female who he knew and dearly crushed on, Kayla.

"David! Wait up I have something to tell you."

He got excited that his crush was talking to him but he did not raise his expectations too high because it might be a dare because pretty girls usually approach fat, ugly, or old guys and just say 'hi' and just leave.

"David, I...I want to apologize for Connor's behavior today in the morning, he was just acting like a dick," she apologized while bowing down to show sincerity as it was a custom in the country of Floa.

"You apologize on his behalf and you have sex with him what a joke," he said in a cold tone which made her feel shocked about the sudden change in his behavior.

From there, David started walking away to his home but Kayla started talking again.

"That's why you get bullied you fat bitch cause you don't treat others well."

David knew from the start her apology was not sincere so he did not think about it that much so he left the place before receiving more insults. Now he had confirmed Marcus' claims that Kayla had sex with Conner. It was really self-explanatory since they were together in the morning.

After reaching home and changing into his gym clothes, he went to the martial art gym nearby. Entering the building only to see a glass view of the interior of the gym behind the receptionist's desk.

"Let's get it started," he muttered under his breath.