
Unveiling the Divine Within

In a world where magic and technology are mixed, Planet Ertus is where all the action occurs. This story involves a lot of action, drama, and yeah so stay tuned for the story that is about to unfold.

ExposedMonkey · Urban
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4 Chs

Martial Arts is a nightmare

It was early in the morning, a big figure was jogging on the streets of Mion. It was David and on that day he was earlier than usual, it was already five days he had been doing this. No sign of change was seen but he became patient until that day he proved to everyone that he could do it.

Anyway since it was not a school day, he decided after his usual tiring morning jog he would go to the martial arts dojo. The day before David could not practice because it was too late and the trainers were resting. So he decided to go the following morning. He entered the building and he was still amazed by the way the dojo looked like. But he got back to his senses and went up to the receptionist's desk.

"Uh.... hello, how much is it to train in a day?"He asked in a shy tone because the receptionist was a beautiful female with big curves and cute blue eyes.

"Oh hello there, It is usually 10 silver coins. After paying just take a right turn and give the ticket to a trainer," she said in a cute voice which made David zone out for a good second.

"10 silver coins! That's the cost of my dinner!" he thought about it but still gave out the 10 silver coins and went further into the dojo to find a trainer.

To his expectation, the dojo was full of aspiring teens wanting to be stronger. He finally found a trainer and gave out his ticket and the trainer had a good look at him.

"Welcome to the dojo, kiddo. I see in your eyes you have ambition so just join the other trainees there," the trainer said pointing towards the trainees' direction.

After a good while the trainer got back and started the class.

"Okay, you pathetic losers, there is only one reason you came here, to get stronger. So for you to get stronger you have to follow my every command. Don't worry about the mistakes that I make, just tell me when I have gone wrong. Lastly, from now on I am your trainer call me Trainer Jack," Jack said in a manner that sounded like a commander in the military.

A while later the trainees were always sweating heavily yet the real training did not start. David was one of the trainees who had a hard time.

[Energy: 20%]

[Using energy reserves on user's body]

[Energy:20% + 45% reserved energy]

A small smile appeared on his face, he finally found a way to get rid of his fat however after a few minutes he was finally dizzy.

[User lacks enough energy..... Extracting body reserves full energy]

[Energy: 18% + 90% reserved energy]

After those notifications, he felt a surge of energy flowing through his muscles. Looking at where he was, there was a puddle of sweat which shocked other trainees.

After the warmup, the trainer taught them how to hold and use a sword.

[Learning technique... Complete!]

[Sword Art: Basics]

[It's self-explanatory, the basics of using a sword]

"Did I just learn a technique from just seeing how it is done?"David was shocked because it was a broken feature of the system.

But he just rolled with it and followed the trainer's movement with extreme precision. The other trainees looked at him with jealousy as he did it first try.

"Yeah, follow that boy's movement, the way he swings the sword is perfect. What's your name kiddo?" Jack asked which put more attention on David.

"Uh...my name is David Werin,"

"David show them how it is done," the trainer said

This went on for a while until the entire class got it right, not to perfection but a good form. The class went on for a good hour rendering the trainees very tired. It was already midday so David felt like he deserved a good lunch.

Name: David Werin

Titles: Determined


Strength: 4

Vitality: 7

Intelligence: 9

Stamina: 30{This is because of the hero physique for your info}

Energy:9% + 50% reserved energy

System Level: 1

Physique: Hero(Early Stage)

Skills: Sword Art- Basics

Looking at his stats he felt confused because of the system level. There was nothing to do to level up. Then a notification appeared on his face.

Mission: Get a good body and know how to fight

Duration: 6 months

Rewards: 1* Rare Chest and 1000 experience.

By the way, he thought if others could see the blue system screen.

[Obvious you dummy others cannot see this screen]

"Wow, the system has a personality!"David was wowed by the system's response.

Aside from that, David still remembered the receptionist and her appealing body. But he immediately snapped out of it and slapped his cheeks.

"Focus David! Women will only come later after getting a good body," he said to himself

Then another thought came about what he had been dreaming about in his sleep. He could barely remember what it was about. All he remembered was the word 'awaken' but he held onto the thought longer so as to do his investigation on it later. He has been experiencing the same dream ever since he met Marcus.

"*Gasp* It has to be him!" he said to himself.

Funnily other people looked at him with questions in their minds "Why he is talking to himself?"

He finished his food and went home since he had nothing else to do. As soon he reached his home he always went to the mirror and took off his shirt. This time he saw a gradual decrease in his fat but it was unattractive to the opposite gender.

He proceeded to do some pushups but as soon as he went down he could not come up as a result he fell to the floor.

"Martial arts is a nightmare, I can't even do a single pushup!" he thought.

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